

Pistachio is an ancient species of plants, whose representatives lived on our planet in the Tertiary period. In our time, wild thickets of this relic family Sumakhov can be found in Crimea, America, Greece and Turkey, Italy and Spain, Africa and in the central and south-western regions of Asia.

Pistachio is photophilous and resistant to drought. The adult plant reaches a height of three to seven meters and has a dense beautiful crown. According to its longevity pistachio is second only to the oak tree. Individual specimens that can be found in the Crimea have crossed the threshold of a thousand years. Long-livers have a powerful root system. It can penetrate fifteen meters into the ground and grow twenty-five meters along the circumference from the trunk. The system of tree roots has a two-tiered view.

In winter and spring the plant feeds on the upper part. In autumn and summer, a deeper part of the root system works in the ground.

Pistachio can be male or female. In ripened seeds, the shell is torn, producing a specific click. One male tree is enough for the fertilization of twelve women. The family of pistachios now has about twenty varieties of plants. The most famous of them are the following:

- mastic wood;

- the pistachio is real;

- a turpentine tree;

- pistachio is wild;

- Chinese pistachio;

- American and Mexican pistachios.

Many of the species of this plant are used not only for the purpose of erosion protection of steep slopes, but also as ornamental plants. In the autumn the pistachio tree pleases the eye with beautiful red-orange leaves and fruits, the color of which depends on the degree of their maturity. They can be red or pink, blue or greenish blue.

The pistachio wood is very heavy and dense. In its strength, it surpasses the oak tree and is slightly inferior to the bone. In olden times, this tree was used in shipbuilding. From it, parts were produced that required special strength (gears, blocks and bearings). They also used roots extracted from the earth. They were an excellent material for the production of smoking pipes and various crafts. All these products were a commodity in the markets.

Garden pistachio trees begin to bear fruit seven to ten years after planting the seedlings. The plant produces the richest harvest of nuts at the age of twenty. Pistachio, not reached maturity, looks like a leaf. The bones of the fetus are covered with resinous flesh and packed like skin. After maturing, the outer shell dries. The bones themselves split in half. We only grow a tree once every two to three years. One plant yields up to two hundred and fifty kilograms of nuts.

Useful properties of pistachios were known to ancient healers. The plant was considered an effective remedy, saving from animal poisons. The properties of pistachios are due to their chemical composition. Plant seeds are rich in fatty oil containing glycerides of saturated, oleic, and linolenic acids. Contain nuts are also mineral salts and protein substances.

The use of pistachios contributes to the activation of the body with intense mental and physical exertion. A small green nut reduces the heart beat frequency and has a restorative and tonic effect on all organs and systems of the human body. Its reception strengthens the immune system and normalizes the work of muscles.

The use of pistachios is useful in anemia, arrhythmia and thrombophlebitis, as well as tuberculosis. They are recommended as a means to reduce the likelihood of heart and vascular disease, as well as oncology. Nuts improve the blood and promote its purification, have a beneficial effect on liver function, and also increase the potency in men. Pistachios eliminate nausea in toxicosis. They are called nuts of good mood. However, do not exceed the rate of their use. Within a day, it should be ten to fifteen cores.

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