
Apple Kerr Kabir: photo, description, reviews

Apple Kerr Kabir, described, the properties and cultivation of which is devoted to this article, was imported from Canada to the territory of Russia only a few decades ago. She was brought out by crossing two varietal kitaeks - Long and Haralson. Thanks to this combination, this apple tree is resistant not only to a variety of diseases, but also tolerates drought and frost, and also profusely fructifies already for the fourth year after disembarkation. This variety is considered to be autumn-winter. It is regional, as in the West Siberian, and in the Urals regions, but it can be successfully grown in the suburbs.

Description Kitai Kerr

The tree itself is low, with a weak thickening of the crown. Its smooth leaves are in the shape of an ellipse with a slight serration along the edges and pointed upward are painted a light green color. The flowers on the apple tree are rather large, bright pink and very fragrant, which attracts a large number of insect pollinators. During the flowering period, the Chinese Kerr is a beautiful ornament for the garden.

Fruits on this apple ripen late - only by the middle of September, and then the terms depend on the region of planting. They have a slightly elongated shape and a skin of a rich burgundy color. The weight of apples is about 35-40 g. They taste sweet with sourness and unique unique tartness. Fruits are rich in vitamins C and a fairly rare P, which helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Apples of Kerr variety can be used for making compotes and preserves. In addition, they can even be frozen.

Choose a place

Usually for planting apple trees, Kitai Kerr prefers elevated plots, since the growth of this fruit crop in vegetable gardens with an extremely high level of groundwater greatly slows its growth. Sometimes it happens that a suitable place for planting such trees is simply not found. If the groundwater is too close to the surface, then additional drainage will be necessary. To do this, arrange drainage channels near the apple trees.

It is believed that Kitaira Kerr is a wood unpretentious with respect to the quality of the soil, but it is best to plant it on light sandy soil. When selecting a site, you should also pay attention to the fact that apple trees of this class have in comparison with others an insufficiently strong root system. That's why trees should be protected from the wind.


Start the work with the fact that for each tree a hole is pulled out with a depth of at least 80 cm and a width of about 1 m. A special soil consisting of two parts of sand (preferably river), three humus and one deciduous soil is covered in the resulting pit. In addition, it is necessary to add mineral fertilizers: 100 g of potassium sulfate and 250 g of wood ash and superphosphate.

Planting of trees can be made, as in the spring, before bud blossoming, and from the middle of autumn. The distance between the holes must be at least 6 m. With the correct planting in autumn young seedlings begin to grow rapidly and by the spring they give the first shoots. At this time, pruning the ends of each branch and thereby forming the crown of Kitai Kerr.

Caring for apple trees in the first year of their planting

Do not forget that the roots of these trees are not deep, so the first time the seedlings need to be tied to wooden pegs. In this period it is very important to know that you can not let a young apple-tree form fruit. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to cut off all the flowers available on the tree. Such actions will promote a good growth of the seedling and an abundant harvest in the future.

The tree in the first spring will be useful to treat it with copper sulfate twice: once during the swelling period of deciduous (vegetative), and the second - during the ripening of flower (generative) buds. In the summer months, the young apple trees of Kitai Kerr (pictured above) also need care. From time to time it is necessary to check them for the presence of pests such as weevils, caterpillars and aphids, to cut off already diseased or damaged foliage. In addition, a whiplash circle with a diameter of 1 m should be completely freed from weeds, as they take away all the useful substances contained in the soil. At the same time, herbicides are strictly forbidden to use - they cause irreparable damage to seedlings.

Seasonal care

To every year to receive abundant harvests, you need to know how to properly care for apple trees Kitaika Kerr (photos of tree planting can be seen in the article). In March, when the melting of snow begins, it is necessary to carefully inspect each barrel. If any damage has appeared on it, they should be immediately treated with a garden saver. Sometimes in spring it is found that the trunk is heavily bitten. In this case, it is necessary to inoculate with a few twigs.

Despite the fact that, judging by the reviews, Kitaira Kerr - frost-resistant apple-tree, low temperature and it can cause significant harm. With severe frostbite, its bark becomes covered with brown spots and begins to separate from the trunk. If this happens, it must be removed, and the damaged area should be covered with garden varnish.

With the onset of spring it is necessary to mulch with straw and humus the near-trunk circles. In this case, do not put them too close to the trunk to avoid the appearance of pests, which include various types of insects and rodents. In the autumn, they can be protected by tying trees with spruce branches.

Soil loosening

Apple Kerr Kabel, photo and description of which is presented in this article, will not require any special knowledge from amateur gardeners. It will only be necessary to monitor the near-trunk circle: regularly loosen the soil and harvest the weeds.

Since the root system of these apple trees is not deep, the earth around them is treated with extreme caution. This procedure greatly facilitates the free access of oxygen to the roots, and this positively affects the overall condition and development of trees.

Top dressing

After a few years after planting the apple trees, it is necessary to fertilize the soil with special complex fertilizers. In the event that young trees were planted not in fertile soil, but in ordinary soil, then fertilizing should be done as early as the second year.

When applying organic fertilizers simultaneously with them should be used and various nitrogen compounds. For this purpose, ammonium nitrate is best suited, it is necessary to apply it at the rate of 30 g per 1 m 2 of the near-barrel circle.

Experts advise to feed trees in the spring, when the apple tree Kitaika Kerr maximally actively grows and develops. With the onset of autumn, as fertilizers, gardeners use superphosphate - 30 g per 1 m 2, as well as wood ash - 2 glasses per 1 m 2. Usually they are digged right along the perimeter of the stump circle.


As already mentioned, the distinctive feature of these trees is their resistance to drought, and as a consequence, they do not tolerate excess moisture. Given this feature, they are watered only as needed. For example, if there was a heavy rain the day before, then the soil will not need to be moistened for about 10 more days.

However, in the summer, especially during the hot season, the Kerr type needs good moisture. In the beginning of summer, the trees are watered with a solution of boric acid and copper sulfate (0.5 and 2 g respectively), diluted in 10 liters of water. A young apple will need 15 liters, and Kitayke, which is more than 15 years old - about 30 liters.

Pruning trees

This process is extremely important for the apple tree of Kitaira Kerr. Reviews about it, as an extremely beautiful ornamental tree, are not exaggerated at all. The main thing is to give it the necessary form. In addition, pruning also increases yields. First of all, you need to leave skeletal branches and remove all the others. 2 years after the first pruning, remove the lower shoots that extend inside the crown, as well as the dried, thin and frozen branches.

It is worth noting that this procedure requires great care. Severe frosts can cause significant harm to apple trees. Pruning should not be done until the extent of the defeat is clear. Most often in damaged areas, an intensive growth of thick vertical shoots, the so-called tops, begins.

For cutting, use only a clean and sharp tool. The wounds on the trees, caused by a blunt garden knife, will heal slowly and very painfully. The same requirement applies to the pruner with a hacksaw. Places of slices must be immediately greased with garden varnish. For this purpose, oil paint, made on the basis of drying oil, is also suitable.

Protection against pests and diseases

The first spraying of Kitai Kerr is performed in the spring, when the air stably warmed up above + 5⁰C. The purpose of this procedure is the prevention of various diseases, as well as the destruction of pests living in the cortex and not yet awake. It is very important that the spraying occurs before the kidneys begin to swell on the apple tree, otherwise they may burn.

Before starting this procedure, the tree needs to be freed from lichens, withered branches and dead cortex. For spraying very suitable special complex preparations that simultaneously destroy pests and protect the apple tree from various diseases. If these are not available, then insecticides and fungicides are used alternately. At this stage, experts recommend the use of the following drugs:

  • "Nitrofen" is a complex remedy that destroys various fungi, as well as larvae and pest eggs.
  • A 1% solution of copper sulfate - prevents fungal diseases, putrefaction and heals wounds. For apple not older than 10 years will be enough and 2 liters. Gradually the amount of the drug will need to be increased to 5 liters.
  • Urea - perfectly copes with powdery mildew, scab, spotted, aphids and weevil. To do this, 500 g of substance is diluted in 10 liters of water. At least 2.5 liters of solution per tree.

The second treatment is performed during bud blossoming in late March or early April. Its purpose is to destroy pests such as mites, aphids and scabies. For this purpose, a solution of copper sulphate, colloidal sulfur or a three percent Bordeaux liquid is suitable.

The third stage protects trees from weevils, moths, aphids, moths and mites. Spraying is carried out when three weeks pass from the beginning of flowering. For this purpose, solutions of carbofos and benzophosphate are suitable. It is worth remembering that any spraying is carried out in the evening in an exceptionally dry and windless weather. Spray the fluid evenly, while capturing the soil around the trunk.

Preparing for winter

In the cold season, apple trees need protection from rodent invasion and impending frost. As a binding material for trunks, roofing material, spruce branches and even old stockings are well suited. However, the best option is simple newspapers. The fact is that the smell of printing ink is extremely unpleasant for various kinds of pests and rodents. Newspapers, like a bandage, need to wrap not only the trunk, but also the skeletal branches, fixing them with scotch tape. This strapping will reliably keep the heat.

With the advent of spring, the scotch is removed and the strapping is removed. This should be done only in cloudy weather, otherwise trees can get sunburn. In addition to wraps, a preventive whitening is also carried out. For this purpose, can come as slaked lime, and white water-dispersed paint, light colors which reflect sunlight well.


Description Kitai Kerr (photo can be seen in our article), cultivated by even beginners amateur gardeners, can be reduced to a simple listing of the advantages and disadvantages of this apple tree. Almost all those who have these trees growing on the plot are happy with the level of their frost resistance, resistance to diseases, low precipitation of fruits and abundant yields.

Many people note the interesting taste of apples of this variety. Depending on the region, the fruits of Kitai Kerr (their photo is higher) ripen from the end of August in the Moscow region and to the beginning of October - in the northern regions of Russia. Given the fact that apples have a sturdy peduncle, they can stay on the branches for a long time, even in a mature state and not fall, while maintaining their freshness.

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