Food and drinkRecipes

Porridge millet on the water: prepare a useful dish

No one will dispute the fact that such a dish, as millet porridge, cooked on the water, is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. And consequently, it is the pledge of the normal vital activity of a person. Cooked millet porridge on the water is one of the most favorite dishes of traditional Slavic cuisine. The composition of such cereals is very diverse and rich. Having eaten such porridge, you will fill your body with minerals such as phosphorus, zinc, silver, iron and zirconium, as well as vitamins B1, B2, PP and beta-carotene. Agree, a good list. And if you want to be toned all day, then after breakfast such a yummy you will charge yourself with the necessary energy, because millet porridge, cooked on the water, has such a large protein content that you are simply amazed how much useful this food contains. It must be included in your diet! We will gladly teach you how to make a delicious dish from a useful product.

Milk porridge on the water: recipe

Time for cooking will be spent a little, and the dish you will get useful and tasty. You will only have to add it with a salad or a variety of meat and mushroom sauce. Just do not forget: if someone from the household has a food allergy to protein, then it is better not to use such a treat in order to avoid unforeseen consequences. Porridge millet on the water is tastier, if it is cooked in a cast-iron pot. Then it will not burn and will remain warm the maximum amount of time. So, for the preparation we need:

  1. Millet grains - one glass.
  2. Water - two glasses.
  3. Onions are two or three pieces.
  4. Carrots - two pieces.
  5. Vegetable oil.
  6. Salt, pepper - to taste.

How to cook millet porridge on water

Before you start cooking, you need to rinse the rump in water and rinse the remains of flour so that at the end of the work we do not get just a paste. If you like more viscous and sticky porridges, then you can bypass this procedure.

  1. In boiling and salted water, pour the rinsed rump and pour one tablespoon of vegetable oil. Periodically stir. Cook millet porridge on the water you need about twenty minutes. You determine its willingness to thicken. When cooking, some foam and small elements appear on the surface of the water. All this must be cleaned periodically.
  2. After cooking porridge cover the container with a lid and put it for about half an hour in a preheated oven. Such a process is necessary for rebuking porridge. After it, it will become more friable and dry.
  3. While the porridge is warm, we take onions and carrots, cut into small pieces and three on a grater. Fry in a frying pan until cooked. Just do not forget to add vegetable oil.
  4. We take the porridge from the oven and water it with the already prepared aromatic roast. We mix everything thoroughly. If you want to give the dish a delicate aroma, you can add one tablespoon of butter. But you can do without such a procedure. That's all! Loose millet porridge on the water is cooked. You can use it as an independent dish, but you can season it with various delicacies, for example, meat sauce. Bon Appetit!

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