
Onion-Anzur: useful properties, cultivation, care and recipes

Onion-ansur is a plant of early maturation, characterized by attractive appearance and medicinal properties, appreciated by ancient doctors. In the wild, such a beautiful culture is found in the mountainous areas of Central Asia, where it is actively used for food. Perhaps this is why people living in this area are distinguished by strong health and enviable longevity.

Varieties of mountain bow

Luk-anzur, whose useful properties are appreciated by more than one generation, unites in itself 3 types:

  • Stem. It is characterized by round, somewhat flat bulbs, covered with thin scales of gray or white color and constituting in diameter from 4 to 8 cm. Wide leaves well pubescent, flat, assembled into a rosette; In height are about half a meter. The stem is thin and flexible enough. Inflorescences are globular umbrellas of lilac color with a diameter of about 10-15 cm.
  • Giant. Has a bulb of round or ovate shape, flat broad leaves and a powerful, about 150-160 cm tall, dark green stem. Inflorescence large enough, spherical, with beautiful violet flowers.
  • Suvorov. Bulb is round, 6-8 cm in diameter. Often, from the sides, daughter bulbs are formed, covered with white-silver scales. The leaves are bluish and pubescent at the edges. The height of the stem is 80-140 cm. The diameter of the inflorescences (globular and hemispherical) is from 10 to 12 cm. Flowers are pink-violet in color, dark veins are clearly visible on the petals.

Onions: an application in folk medicine

Healing properties of onion-ansur have been tried by the army of Suvorov. The soldiers were able to recover from scurvy and maintain their fighting efficiency precisely because of this plant with a high flower stalk and globular violet inflorescences. In the composition of bulbs there are such biologically active substances as phytoncides, mineral salts, carotenoids, saponins, ascorbic acid, vitamin E, D, C (the content of the latter is several times greater than in onions). It is believed that such a plant is able to slow the aging process and helps to get rid of older people from the "bouquet of diseases" that has fallen on them. Onion-ansur is a healing plant that helps in improving hearing and eyesight, it can relieve dizziness. In a liver form, in combination with honey and milk, solves the problems of colds and stomach diseases. Squeezed juice is used in the treatment of rheumatism; It is effective at hair loss (it is required to rub into the scalp). Healing plant has a positive effect not only pointwise, but also on the whole organism as a whole, increasing its immunity and clearing of harmful substances.

Characteristics of rock culture

Luk-anzur is a native of the mountainous regions, characterized by a short period of life, which can be accommodated in the spring season, and a long period of rest. Young plant feathers appear in early spring, almost from under the snow. This is the very first vitamin greens, and therefore it is important not to miss the moment of its consumption. After all, the leaves are suitable for food only during the first weeks, then they become yellow and coarsen. The taste is similar to garlic; They are used in the preparation of salads, snacks, first and second courses. In the early spring, in the absence of a full complex of vitamins, a sandwich consisting of a piece of bread and a green onion bow laid on it is very useful and beautiful.

Anzur on the dining table

In pickled form, onions (garlic) anzur are often served in kebabs and pilafs in Shakhrisabz, Samarkand and other cities of the Samarkand region. We can say that in the rating of snacks for alcohol, such a culture stands in front of salted cucumbers. To taste, pickled onion-ansur, the recipes of which are well known to the inhabitants of mountainous regions, resembles the sour-salted cabbage cobs of yellow and milky white. And this divine aroma: garlic, tender, unforgettable.

Anzur in the household

Such a culture, characterized by rounded bulbs of small size and pubescent on the edges with bluish leaves, can be easily, without much effort, grown on its own plot as a decorative and medicinal culture, the smart purple balls of which will be a worthy ornament of any, even the most modest flower bed. In cut form they are able to stand for about 2 weeks. The blossoming arrows of the anzur, which are about 1.5 meters high, are fine honey-nuts; On a single purple ball you can sometimes count up to 20 bees.

The plant is highly resistant to pests and diseases and very hardy; Planted for the winter, it preserves the quality of vitality even after the soil freezes and perfectly germinates with the advent of spring. Do not land bulbs in places with stagnant water; Onion-anzur is sensitive to increased soil moisture and may die.

Seed method of reproduction

The onion-ansur breeds with seeds and teeth. The seed method is quite long, the period of development of the bulb to the consumer stage is from 4 to 5 years. Sowing seeds, which are much larger in size than the onion seeds, are produced in October-November to a shallow depth: 1.5-2 cm. The appearance of green shoots can be observed in early spring: late March - early April. In the first year of growth anzur forms cotyledonous leaves and bulbs, but they are very small, up to 2 cm in diameter. During the rest period (end of May) they are to be digged, dried and preserved until the autumn planting. Bulbs can not be excavated and left until the next season, but then, for the best development of the plant, be sure to seed less often. With the advent of autumn, anzur must be planted in the ground, with a distance between the plants not less than 5 cm, between the rows of 25-30 cm. The depth of embedding is 5-7 cm. The next year there is a growth of real leaves and an increase in bulbs by almost 3 times. Cultivation from seeds is a very long process: a large bulb can be obtained only for the 4th year.

Reproduction by teeth

Onions can be propagated by denticles - a method that is more common and takes less time. They are excavated when the leaves of the plant dry completely. The depth of planting depends on the size of the lobules: for large specimens it is 15-20 cm, for medium-sized specimens it is 10-12 cm, for small ones 5-7 cm. Unlike garlic, which immediately forms lobes, the anzur bulb adds gradually, every year .

It should be borne in mind that in the early planting the bulbs have the property of dividing into 4-6 lobules, in later periods (October-November) the division is minimal and the yield of whole bulbs is much larger. In May there is lightning, the formation of lilac balls of flowers; Seed ripening is in June-July. To grow a large bulb, the arrows must be broken off. After the end of the growing season, the onion turns into a rest period.

Features of care

In the care of onion-anzur, the cultivation of which is able even to beginner in agricultural business, the plant is absolutely not capricious. For normal development, it is sufficient for it to be + 15-25 ° C. The watering is recommended moderate; To any stagnation of water the plant is negatively affected. Such a garden crop is recommended to carry out periodic fertilizing: nitrogen fertilizers after emergence (1-2 times), twice ash and sulfate potassium during the growing season.

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