
Is there a remedy for weeds?

All gardeners, gardeners, agricultural workers and flower growers have one common enemy - weeds. These plants grow everywhere, and in particular where they are not needed. In the fields, in the gardens and orchards, the weeds dull crops, drain and impoverish the soil, take away moisture and food from cultivated plants and make it difficult to harvest. In addition, various pathogens and insects live on them, from which plants planted by humans often fall ill. In short, weeds hamper and annoy everyone, and their vitality can only be envied.

But science is not slumbering. Scientists have developed a variety of weed control agents to help fight them. Weeds, of course, are removed by mechanical means. This is plowing, harrowing, cultivation and even manual weeding. Also, agronomists apply crop rotation. And these methods for a while help get rid of unnecessary plants, but not for long. However, there are more effective means - herbicides.

And in this area, science has moved far. Take, for example, a remedy for weeds "Tornado". With the help of this herbicide, more than 150 species of perennial and annual weed plants can be successfully combated. And after treatment with the drug "Tornado" many of them do not appear during the whole growing season. And for annual weeds, this herbicide lasts from 20 to 60 days, until they re-grow from the seeds.

There is another means of weeds called Roundup. This is a universal drug that acts on any weeds. It is used almost everywhere. The preparation "Roundup" is used as a systemic herbicide of continuous action. And they process the right area before sowing, or at least until emergence. At the same time, it does not possess soil activity, but only affects young shoots and leaves. In addition, the preparation "Roundup" is considered safe for humans, if it is used strictly according to the instructions.

And if this means of weeds is applied before the sowing, it will ensure the complete destruction of perennial and annual, dicotyledonous and gramineous weeds. And the "Roundup" herbicide will at the same time affect the ground and underground parts of the weeds, not retained in the soil. In the ground, it loses its activity and decomposes into natural substances.

There is also a remedy for weeds with a sonorous name "Agroquiller". With its help destroy the dicotyledonous and cereal, perennial and annual weeds. Also, the drug "Agroquiller" helps to fight weed woody and shrubby vegetation. This herbicide is a common fighter. And now there are no plants (other than transgenic) that are not affected. And if used correctly, this herbicide will not be toxic to the animal kingdom.

Well, the means of weeds "Lazurite" is designed to fight with cereal and dicotyledonous, perennial and annual weeds in the plantings of Solanaceae - tomatoes and potatoes. And this herbicide for potatoes and tomatoes has no negative impact. Using it, you can protect the purity of crops for 1-2 months and even more. The drug "Lazurite" can be used before the weeds appear. Then he destroys them at the stage of growth. Also it can be processed already sprouted weeds. In this case, the tool "Lazurite" will need 10-20 days to destroy them.

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