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When does toxicosis end during pregnancy?

Pregnancy is a very joyful news for almost every woman. Nevertheless, with her offensive with many of them, strange things begin to happen. Pregnant young women begin to look with disgust at those products that used to be very fond of. They can be irritated by any smell, even quite pleasant, and being in a stuffy room can lead to fainting. A similar incident is called toxicosis during pregnancy. When it ends and why this state begins, not every future mother knows. Let's understand.

Toxicosis - what is it?

If you are constantly sick in the morning and not only, you feel a general weakness and inadequately react to the usual smells, then, most likely, you are pregnant. Of course, to confirm this condition, it is worth to visit a doctor or buy a special test, but these signs are quite true. The main signs of toxicosis look like this:

  • drowsiness;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • Increased salivation;
  • Increased irritability;
  • Depressed state;
  • Persistent weight loss;
  • Sharpened sense of smell.

Also, sometimes itchy skin and various dermatoses can manifest. The most severe forms lead to osteomalacia, bronchial asthma of pregnant women, tetany and acute yellow hepatic atrophy.

Almost every woman experiencing this condition is very interested in the question of whether toxicosis can end on its own or it needs to be treated. Before discussing the methods of treatment and treatment, it is worthwhile to dwell in more detail on the causes and timing of toxicosis.

When there is such state of health

Many women, planning a pregnancy, begin to be interested in all the intricacies of this condition. First of all, of course, they are interested in what month the toxicosis ends, but it is more important to be ready for the beginning of a bad state of health.

Deterioration of well-being in pregnant women is early and late. Early toxicosis is most often manifested at 4-6 weeks of pregnancy, and in special cases and at all on the first week of conception. However, such an overly early toxicosis of the physician is not associated with the physiological state of the woman. Most often the reasons are psychological: the girl is too worried about unprotected sexual intercourse, her blood pressure jumps, and as a result, nervous nausea appears.

The present toxicosis most often manifests itself in the first trimester of pregnancy. At a later date, women can survive this condition again. In recent months, this condition doctors often call not toxicosis, and gestosis of pregnant women.

It is a mistake to think that if a girl is pregnant, she will necessarily get sick sooner or later. Such a statement is fundamentally wrong. Absence of toxicosis is the same physiological norm as its presence. There is a significant percentage of women who generally do not experience any negative feelings. Unfortunately, the percentage of lucky ones is rather small, so let's talk about when and when the toxicosis of the first and last trimester ends.

How much to suffer?

In principle, it is difficult to determine exact dates. Here everything is very individual. Some ladies can observe only mild nausea and dizziness, others are forced to ask about placement in a hospital. The same picture with terms. The onset of discomfort usually occurs in the fifth week and ends in the 12-13th.

When the toxicosis of the first trimester ends, pregnant women have a rather pleasant period in terms of their well-being. This is such a natural respite, allowing you to fill your strengths and feel the joy of future motherhood. But after three months everything can change. Toxicosis on the latest terms often occurs much heavier, and the consequences of it are more dangerous for both mother and child.

In addition to all the previously mentioned symptoms, swelling, increased blood pressure and painful heartburn are also added. Such a condition can continue until the very birth, so when the toxicosis ends this time, the young mother feels happy twice: the kid is already with her and all these terrible conditions are behind.


Why and why toxemia manifests, is still unknown. It is logical to assume that this condition is generated by a hormonal change in the body of a future mother, which is simply necessary for the proper development of the fetus. Of course, when the toxicosis ends, it's a great relief, but probably if the reasons for its appearance, the unpleasant sensations were known for certain, it could be avoided altogether.

Today it is reliably established that toxicosis most often affects young ladies who have GI, thyroid or liver diseases. Also suffer, most likely, will have to smokers, as well as those who work a lot and often experience nervous overstrain. There are several other factors that contribute to the manifestation of toxicosis:

  • Presence of chronic diseases of any kind;
  • Hereditary predisposition;
  • Psychological components;
  • Very early pregnancy.

The overwhelming majority of doctors consider toxicosis a normal condition and advises simply to endure this period. Of course, if you just become a little more irritable or you want to sleep all the time, there's nothing dangerous about it. But what if you suffer from uncontrolled debilitating vomiting, or do you lose weight quickly when you need to recruit it?

Consequences of Toxicosis

So, we with you have found out, when the bad state of health at pregnant women begins and when the toxicosis ends. Now let's talk about why you should not wait and wait, but you must tell the doctor about your feelings.

The consequence of severe toxicosis can become liver or kidney damage. Because of frequent vomiting in the body of a future mother, electrolyte-water metabolism is disrupted, toxicant pregnancies often smell of acetone from the mouth. For the same reason, the body of a woman loses the right amount of vitamins and minerals, which is why the development of osteoporosis is likely, convulsions are often observed. Because of the brittleness of bones, fractures increase, even at low loads. The lack of calcium and other minerals also leads to the destruction and loss of hair and teeth.

Toxicosis in a double

Multiple pregnancy often delivers to the expectant mother much more problems and discomfort. This is due to the fact that a woman who has a twin, and even more triplets, the concentration of hormones in the blood is even higher. Therefore, when the toxicosis ends (and it happens usually at week 16), the expectant mother is waiting for double (or triple) relief. However, there are such exceptions, when a woman who carries more than one fruit does not experience any unpleasant sensations at all.

What Do Doctors Advise?

All doctors treat toxicosis in different ways. In general, the methods of treatment are divided into four groups:

  • Medicamentous;
  • Homeopathic;
  • Aromatherapy;
  • Immunocytotherapy.

The first option is most popular in especially severe cases. It is worthwhile to understand that all medications, except, perhaps, vitamin complexes and "No-shpy", are toxic and dangerous. But sometimes you can not do without them. In especially severe cases, the pregnant woman is invariably placed in a hospital and carries out all the activities under the strict supervision of the attending physician. In this article I would like to avoid the specific names of the drugs used for treatment, because they can be prescribed only by a doctor. In 99% of cases, medical treatment is quite successful, completely or partially clearing the symptoms of toxicosis.

The second option is homeopathy. This method is most harmless for both the mother and the child, because the drugs are selected individually, taking into account all the features. With this treatment, virtually no side effects or accidental overdose.

Aromatherapy. Widely used for the treatment of toxicosis peppermint oil. It is enough to place a handkerchief with a pair of drops of this oil near the bed for several nights in a row - and the painful morning bouts of vomiting will become weaker. Ginger oil also works well. If you feel a sharp discomfort, drip the palm of the ginger oil, rub it and slowly and deeply inhale several times. Dizziness will recede.

The most progressive treatment of toxicosis is immunocytotherapy. This is a procedure where a woman under the skin on her forearm is injected with purified lymphocytes from her husband (sexual partner). The effect occurs most often in a day. Such treatment is carried out only in a hospital after a thorough examination of the partner for various infections: HIV, syphilis, hepatitis C and B. It should be noted that the method is quite dangerous, despite the studies, there is still a risk of infection of the mother and / or the child by one of these Diseases.

In addition to these methods, some doctors also use acupuncture, hypnosis and other non-traditional methods.

How can you relieve the symptoms at home

As you have already understood, it is not necessary to wait, when the toxicosis should end, with it it is possible and it is necessary to struggle. First of all, you can try to help yourself:

  • Walk more often and ventilate the rooms;
  • Before getting up in the morning from bed, eat a few nuts, a breadcrumb of gray bread or a small biscuit;
  • Eat half-lying or lie down for a short while and immediately after eating;
  • Exclude from the menu fried, salty, fatty and fast food;
  • Eat more foods containing vitamin B6, - fish, legumes, eggs, avocados, chicken;
  • If you feel sick, chew more (cumin seeds, cud, mint leaves), it is proved that chewing movements reduce vomiting;
  • Eat every 2 hours, but a little, snack a slice of lemon, nuts, dried fruits, etc .;
  • Food should be cool or slightly warmed;
  • Accustom yourself every morning to drink a glass of warm alkaline mineral water without gas;
  • Drink often, but little by little, come up with fruit drinks, chamomile tea, rosehip extract, apple juice, boiled water with honey and lemon, green tea;
  • You can use infusions of peppermint, chamomile, sage, calendula, valerian and yarrow, these herbs are good for saliva saliva.

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