Health, Diseases and Conditions
Hip Osteoarthritis
Osteoarthrosis of the hip joint is a degenerative-dystrophic disease characterized by a primary degeneration of cartilage of the joint with the development of later changes in the surface of the joint and marginal osteophytes, which leads to its deformation.
The disease is classified into primary and secondary. Genuine (primary) osteoarthritis of the hip joint is characterized by the development of a degenerative process on a healthy, normally functioning cartilage before that. This can happen, for example, due to increased functional load. A secondary disease is manifested by the degeneration of the already altered cartilage. Secondary osteoarthritis of the hip joint can result from trauma, osteonecrosis, intraarticular fractures, metabolic disorders of the endocrine, nervous and vascular nature that can affect the physicochemical cartilage properties or congruence of the joint surface.
The main reason for the development of the disease is the inconsistency of the mechanical load directed to the cartilaginous surface, and the possibilities of the cartilage itself to withstand this load. This, in the long run, leads to its destruction and degeneration. Such violations are associated, first of all, with heavy physical labor, including often repeated stereotyped movements.
Osteoarthrosis of the hip joint can also occur due to hypermobility, displacement of the body axis (static disturbances). In addition, the disease can be a consequence of bone ischemia or heredity.
The onset of the disease is accompanied by the appearance of superficial uneven cartilage of the joint. It becomes rough, dry, cloudy, losing its elasticity and elasticity. The development of the disease is characterized by cracking and cartilage expression, accompanied by exposure of the underlying bone. At the same time, fragments that pass into the joint cavity and form free bodies are separated.
Treatment of osteoarthrosis of the hip joint should include not only methods aimed at the local process, revealed in the joint tissues, but also activities that affect the entire body.
It should be noted that in practice there were no cases of reverse course of the disease. However, an important condition for treatment is the diagnosis and correction of the etiological factors leading to its occurrence. For patients who have osteoarthritis of the hip, treatment includes limiting the duration of walking. Patients are also recommended to alternate rest and circulation. Auxiliary therapy is a sanatorium-and-spa treatment.
A common cause of osteoarthritis are diseases of the digestive tract, thyroid gland, diabetes mellitus and others. In these cases, there is a metabolic disorder, as a result of which the supply of cartilaginous tissue is disturbed .
Overweight causes overload of joints. Therefore, patients, for which the completeness is typical, therapeutic measures begin with the observance of the diet. Cartilage tissue is highly sensitive to a lack of trace elements and vitamins in food. In the diet must be present vegetables and fruits, coarse grains containing magnesium and calcium, boiled meat containing iron and copper and, of course, fish dishes containing fluoride and phosphorus.
When inflammatory processes are often prescribed diclofenac and its more modern analogues (naiž, movalis and others). However, long-term use of these drugs can cause serious complications due to their side effects. To minimize the toxic effect of diclofenac is its new drug form - transdermal patch.
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