HealthDiseases and Conditions

Autistic child: signs, symptoms, causes. Features of children with autism

At present, there are a huge number of diseases that are inherited. But it also happens that not the disease itself is transmitted, but a predisposition to it. It's about autism.

The concept of autism

Autism - this is a special disorder of the psyche, which arises, most likely, due to disorders in the brain and is expressed in an acute deficit of attention and communication. Autistic child socially poorly adapted, almost does not go to contact.

This disease is associated with disorders in the genes. In some cases, this condition is associated with one gene or a chromosomal mutation. In any case, the child appears with the already existing pathology in mental development.

Causes of autism

If we consider the genetic aspects of this disease, then they are so complex that sometimes it is not at all clear whether it is caused by the interaction of several genes or is a mutation in one gene.

Still, genetic scientists distinguish some provoking factors that can lead to the appearance of an autistic child:

  1. The elderly father's age.
  2. The country where the baby was born.
  3. Low birth weight.
  4. Lack of oxygen during labor.
  5. Prematurity.
  6. Some parents believe that vaccines can affect the development of the disease, but this fact is not proved. Perhaps just a coincidence of the timing of vaccination and the manifestation of the disease.
  7. It is believed that boys are more likely to suffer from this disease.
  8. The effect of substances that cause congenital pathologies, which are often associated with autism.
  9. Aggravating effects can have: solvents, heavy metals, phenols, pesticides.
  10. The infectious diseases transferred during pregnancy can also provoke the development of autism.
  11. Smoking, use of drugs, alcohol, both during pregnancy and before it, which leads to damage to the sex gametes.

Children of autism are born for various reasons. And, apparently, there are a lot of them. Predicting the birth of a baby with such a deviation in mental development is almost impossible. Moreover, there is a possibility that the predisposition to this disease may not be realized. Only how to guarantee this with 100% certainty, no one knows.

Forms of manifestation of autism

Despite the fact that most children with this diagnosis have much in common, but autism can manifest itself in different ways. These children are in various ways in contact with the outside world. Depending on this, the following forms of autism are distinguished:

  1. Complete renunciation of all that is happening. Such children from the early childhood show activity disorders, they almost completely refuse to contact the outside world. They never ask for anything themselves, but they do not respond to requests. In communication, which is difficult to call it, there is no speech, gestures, facial expressions. This form is considered the most serious and deep.
  2. Active rejection. The behavior of autistic children from this group is more active, but they do not accept much of the outside world. For them, it is important to observe certain rituals, the existence of a familiar environment around, so in such children with age, the manifestations of the disease become more acute, as it is time to go to kindergarten and then to school. They are more developed, but basically all the words they need to communicate with a specific situation, then it's easier for them to remember and understand.
  3. Artistic interests. Such children often go to conflict, do not know how to take into account the interests of other people, are absorbed in the same activities. The speech is well developed, but the sentences are usually long and abstruse, so the impression is made of unnaturally adult utterances. Intellect is more or less developed, but thinking is broken.
  4. Great difficulty in communication and organization of interaction with others. Such children do not know how to organize contact with other people, it is difficult to absorb motor skills. Speech, as a rule, is poor. Usually they are immediately lost even in normal situations. This form of the disease is considered the easiest.

Most doctors believe that the most severe forms of autism are rare, most often we are dealing with autistic manifestations. If you have enough time to deal with these children and give them enough time to work with them, then the development of the autistic child will be as close as possible to the peers.

Manifestations of the disease

Symptoms of the disease manifest themselves when changes begin in the areas of the brain. When and how it happens - it is still not clear, but most parents notice if they have autistic children, the signs are already in their earliest childhood. If they take urgent action, it is possible to instill in the child the skills of communication and self-help.

At the present time, methods for the complete cure of this disease have not yet been found. A small part of children enter adult life independently, although some of them achieve even some success.

Even doctors divided into two categories: some believe that it is necessary to continue searching for adequate and effective treatment, and the second believe that autism is much wider and more than a simple disease.

Polls of parents showed that these children can often be observed:

  • Attacks of aggression.
  • Anger.
  • Violence.

These qualities are most often exhibited by older autistic children. The signs that are still common in such children are certain forms of repetitive behavior that doctors divide into several categories:

  • Stereotyping. It manifests itself in the swinging of the trunk, the rotation of the head, the constant rocking of the whole body.
  • Strong need for monotony. Such children usually begin to protest even when the parents decide to rearrange the furniture in their room.
  • Compulsive behavior. An example is the insertion of objects and objects in a certain way.
  • Autoaggression. Such manifestations are directed at oneself and can lead to various injuries.
  • Ritual behavior. For such children, all actions are like a ritual, permanent and everyday.
  • Limited behavior. The interest of the child, for example, is directed only at one book or one toy, while others do not perceive it.

Another manifestation of autism is the avoidance of eye contact, they never look into the eyes of the interlocutor.

Symptoms of Autism

This disorder affects the nervous system, therefore it is manifested, first of all, by developmental abnormalities. Usually they are noticeable already at an early age. Physiologically, autism can not be manifested in any way; outwardly such babies look quite normal, have the same physique as their peers, but with careful study of them one can see deviations in mental development and behavior.

The main symptoms include:

  • Insufficient learning ability, although the intelligence can be quite normal.
  • Seizures that most often begin to appear in adolescence.
  • Inability to concentrate your attention.
  • Hyperactivity, which can occur when a parent or caregiver is trying to give a specific task.
  • Anger, especially in cases where an autistic child can not formulate what he wants, or outsiders interfere with his ritual activities and disrupt the usual routine.
  • In rare cases , the Savant syndrome, when the child has some phenomenal abilities, for example, excellent memory, musical endowments, ability to draw and others. There is a very small percentage of such children.

Portrait of an autistic child

If parents closely monitor their baby, they immediately notice deviations in its development. They may not be able to explain what disturbs them, but they will say with great accuracy that their child is different from other children.

Autistic children differ significantly from normal and healthy children . The photos clearly demonstrate this. Already in infancy, the revitalization syndrome is disturbed, they react weakly to any stimuli, for example, to the sound of a rattle.

Even the most native person - such mothers begin to recognize their children much later than their peers. Even recognizing, they never pull their hands, do not smile and do not react in any way to all of its attempts to communicate with them.

Such children can spend hours looking at a toy or a picture on the wall, or they may suddenly get frightened of their own hands. If you look at how autistic children behave, you can notice their frequent swings in the stroller or crib, monotonous movements with their hands.

Becoming older, these children do not look more alive, they, on the contrary, differ sharply from peers by their detachment, indifference to everything that is happening around. Most often they do not look in the face of communication, and if they look at a person, they look at clothes or facial features.

They can not play collective games and prefer solitude. There may be an interest for a long time with one toy or actions.

Characteristics of the autistic child may look like this:

  1. Closed.
  2. The Abandoned.
  3. Non-intrusive.
  4. Suspended.
  5. Indifferent.
  6. Do not know how to make contact with others.
  7. Constantly performing stereotyped mechanical movements.
  8. Poor vocabulary. In speech, the pronoun "I" is never used. They always speak of themselves in the second or third person.

Children in children from the usual children are very different autistic children, photos are only confirmed.

The world through the eyes of an autistic

If the children with this disease have the skills of speaking and constructing sentences, then they say that the world for them is a continuous chaos of people and events, which is completely incomprehensible to them. This is due not only to mental abnormalities, but also to impaired sensory perception.

Those stimuli of the outside world, which are quite usual for us, the autistic child perceives negatively. Since it is difficult for them to perceive the world around them, to orient themselves in the situation, this causes them increased anxiety.

When should parents be alerted?

By nature, all children are different, even quite healthy, differ in their sociability, pace of development, the ability to perceive new information. But there are some points that should alert you:

  1. You are completely puzzled by the child's behavior. You are alarmed by his sharp changes in mood, inadequate behavior.
  2. The child avoids contact, for example, does not like being taken in his arms.
  3. Excessive sensitivity or vice versa. For example, indifference to pain or intolerance to sharp sounds.
  4. The baby does not speak well or generally prefers to remain silent.
  5. A child autistic in a kindergarten or other institution avoids communicating with peers.
  6. When a child studies new subjects, he prefers to taste them or sniff them.
  7. Obsessive behavior.
  8. Often there is complete detachment from the outside world.
  9. The stop in development, for example, knows the words, but does not go further, they do not add up to the sentences.

If you notice at least some of the signs listed in your child, it is worthwhile to show it to your doctor. The psychologist will give the correct recommendations for communication and lessons with the baby. Will help determine how much the symptoms of autism manifest themselves.

Treatment of Autism

Almost completely get rid of the symptoms of the disease does not work, but if you put maximum effort to parents and psychologists, it is possible that the children will acquire the skills of communication and self-help children autistics. Treatment should be timely and comprehensive.

Its main goal should be:

  • Reduce tension in the family.
  • Increase functional independence.
  • Improve the quality of life.

Any therapy is tailored for each child individually. Those methods that give excellent results with one child may not work at all with the other. After using psychosocial care techniques, there are improvements, which means that any treatment is better than not having it.

There are special programs that help the child learn the skills of communication, self-help, gain working skills, reduce the symptoms of the disease. The following methods can be used in treatment:

  • Occupational therapy.
  • Logopedic therapy.
  • Structured learning.
  • Social skills training.

In addition to such programs, medications are usually used as well . Prescribe drugs that reduce anxiety, such as antidepressants, psychotropics and others. Do not use such medicines without prescribing a doctor.

The child's diet should also change, it is necessary to exclude products that excite the nervous system. The body should receive a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals.

Crib for Autistic parents

When communicating, parents must take into account the characteristics of autistic children. You can give brief recommendations that will help you establish contact with your child:

  1. You must love your baby the way he is.
  2. Always consider the interests of the child.
  3. Strictly observe the regime of the day and the rhythm of life.
  4. Try to work out and observe certain rituals that will be repeated every day.
  5. Visit the group or class where your child is most likely to go.
  6. Talk with the baby, even if he does not answer you.
  7. Try to create a comfortable environment for games and training.
  8. Always patiently explain to the child the stages of activity, preferably reinforcing it with pictures.
  9. Do not overwork.

If your child is diagnosed as autistic, then do not despair. The main thing is to love him and accept him as he is, and also constantly engage in, visit a psychologist. Who knows, maybe you have a future genius growing.

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