
What is the skin and its meaning for the human body

What is the skin? This is the natural barrier that lies between the external and internal environment of the body. Human skin performs a number of very important functions and tasks and ensures the smooth operation of the entire human body. In this article we will find out what is the importance of human skin, what it is needed for, what diseases can be exposed.

Skin Functions

  • Thermoregulation is a very important process that should regulate the temperature of a person's body and keep it constant, regardless of environmental conditions. More than 80% of heat transfer occurs through the skin.
  • Receptor . Receptors are organs or cells that are able to translate external effects into nerve impulses and transmit signals of this effect to our nervous system. Here are located painful, tactile receptors. Those that react to cold and heat. At 1 square centimeter there are about 6 million cells, and of them there will be 5 thousand receptors, which are responsible for the perception of certain external signals.
  • Protective is a very important function, since it is the skin of a person whose meaning is revealed in the article that is a kind of barrier for the penetration of various infections through the surface of the body. Therefore, if there are any injuries on the skin, they must necessarily be treated to prevent the penetration of harmful substances into the human body. In addition, on the surface of the skin is allocated sweat, which has an acid reaction and kills the majority of bacteria.
  • Respiratory . Due to the skin in the human body, gas exchange takes place. Scientists are still arguing about the importance of gas exchange for human skin. But it is precisely known that through the skin we get a large amount of oxygen.
  • Exclusive . Together with sweat, all the components that need to be removed from the body for its proper functioning are extracted through the skin.
  • Exchange . Regulation of water-salt and temperature balance. All this is due to the exchange of substances with the environment. As a result, many processes occurring in the human body are regulated.
  • Synthetic . The essence of this function is that a special pigment melanin is synthesized in the human skin, which allows neutralizing the influence of ultraviolet. Melanin is a good antioxidant. In addition, with his help, the human body receives vitamin D, which protects it from bacterial infections and is still considered one of the best ways to combat a disease such as tuberculosis. This vitamin causes the formation of protective peptides in the body, which activate the immune system, and destroys the stick of Koch.
  • Deposition of blood. In the blood vessels of the skin can stay about 1 liter of blood, which is a kind of inviolable stock, necessary for the occurrence of wounds.
  • Self-cleaning . The skin constantly loses its cells due to contact with the environment, but thanks to the regeneration, we practically do not notice it.

All these functions perfectly show the importance of human skin.

Skin Structure

Answering the question, what is the skin, it is necessary to elaborate on its structure. The skin consists of three layers. The outer layer is called the epidermis. He is constantly in contact with the environment. The second layer is actually the skin, or the dermis, or else it is called the dermis. And the deepest layer is the subcutaneous fatty tissue, which in individuals can reach a thickness of several centimeters. Consider all these three layers in more detail.


This layer consists of a multilayered flat epithelium (epithelial tissue lies on the border of almost all organs and the entire human body). These flat cells fit very tightly together to allow the penetration of any parasites into our bodies. The epidermis, in turn, also consists of two layers. The first, horny layer, consists of dead keratinized cells. Every day, a person loses up to several thousand of these cells, which, by the way, are the main constituent of dust around us. The second, the growth layer, deeper. It consists of constantly dividing cells and helps to repair or regenerate damage to the stratum corneum. Between them is the basal membrane, which is a kind of boundary and separates one layer from the other.


The dermis consists of a connective tissue. Its main constituent is halogen and elastic fibers. They give the skin elasticity. Due to this property, we can painlessly move the limbs, stretching the skin at the same time. In addition, the dermis contains receptors, through which we feel the touch, pain, cold and heat. There are also sweat glands and sebaceous glands of external secretion, which will release substances from the human body into the environment. And, finally, in the dermis are the hair follicles and a small number of muscles that affect them.

Let us dwell on glands and follicles. The glands are divided into sebaceous and sweaty. Sebaceous glands secrete a special secret called sebum, which prevents water from entering the human body, as well as loss of moisture from the body. In humans, about 20 g of sebum secreted within 24 hours. Sweat glands have the appearance of swirling tubules with an excretory duct. Depending on the physique, the intensity of physical exertion, a person can have about a half-liter of sweat daily. Sweat plays an important role in the water-salt balance, controlling homeostasis as constancy of the internal environment, and in the heat regulation of the human body, because, evaporating from the surface of the body, it cools it.

Hair follicles are located in the depth of the dermis and lie at the base of hair growth. They are suited to blood vessels that bring oxygen and the necessary nutrients, and nerves.

Subcutaneous fatty tissue

This is the deepest layer, consisting mainly of adipose tissue and fat cells. This fat performs a number of useful functions. First, it is a place of energy conservation and fat-soluble vitamins, thanks to which the human body can for a while do without food. Secondly, fatty tissue is an excellent thermal insulation material that protects the body from hypothermia. Thirdly, this layer of skin in a certain protects the person from injuries and fractures.

We answered in detail the question of what skin is. Now we turn to the diseases that can be affected by skin, as well as to the methods of treatment.

Diseases and skin treatment

What is the skin? This is primarily an organ. And therefore, like any other organ of a person, he can get sick. What are the main problems associated with human skin?


Blisters on the skin, redness, itching - almost every one of us encountered similar problems at least once in our life, and some suffer this constantly. Urticaria, and this is the name of this ailment, can cause many causes. This and the wrong food, and contact with synthetic materials, and, of course, the same allergy. Hives are easy to distinguish from other skin problems. It is characterized by blisters and itching. In addition, urticaria quickly passes (if it is not a chronic disease). Blisters stay on the skin for no more than a day. When hives are usually prescribed various antihistamines.

Fungal diseases. Rubromycosis

Despite the great preventive curative work, fungal diseases are still widespread. The most common is rubromycosis. It affects the skin of the feet and the interdigital folds. With this disease appears mucovidnoe peeling and cracks. In the absence of timely treatment, the disease from the feet can spread further along the entire surface of the skin. With rubromycosis prescribe antifungal ointments and keratolytic drugs.


The most common interdigital form of the disease. There are cracks, loosening, soaking erosion. Most often this disease affects athletes and workers of hot shops. With timely access to a doctor, the disease is easily cured by conventional antifungal drugs.


Another disease of smooth skin and scalp, which are very often affected by children. The fact is that the carriers of this disease are animals. On the skin appear rounded foci with distinct contours. There may be pustules and scaling. When the disease spreads to the scalp, it is possible to break the hair 4-6 mm from the skin surface. If such foci of the disease are found, it is necessary to consult a doctor. As a rule, a dermatologist prescribes antifungal ointments, and if the disease is neglected, the drugs that make up the hormonal component.

Skin, a photo of all its components are presented in the article, suffers from many influences and diseases. We listed only the most basic of them.

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