Food and drinkRecipes

Chill in a bottle in the form of a pig. The original design of the familiar dish

Chilled is a favorite dish in many Russian families. But how to cook it and, most importantly, to serve in such a way that it becomes a real decoration of the festive table? Today we will tell you how to make a cold in a bottle in the shape of a piglet. The dish will not only taste good, but also original.

Meat for the cold

Actually, variations on the theme of meat for this dish can be a huge variety: from beef, from a pig's head, only from chicken meat with the addition of gelatin, a chilled pork leg and chicken. It is the latter option that we will reproduce today. Such a jellyfish, which combines several types of meat, is considered the most popular among the hostesses and delicious.

A set of products for making a cold

  • Piggy legs are two pieces.
  • Chicken breast - two pieces.
  • A pair of large bulbs.
  • Four or five cloves of garlic.
  • Pepper with peas.
  • Bay leaf.
  • Salt.
  • 200 grams of boiled sausage (for decoration).
  • Leaves of green salad (for filing).

Meat preparation

To prepare a rich and well-frozen jelly in a bottle, no pig component can not be avoided. In our case, these will be pig legs. Before preparing the feet, it should be soaked in water for five to six hours. Try to change the water more often, at least once every two hours. After the legs are soaked and extra blood drains, you can cook further. They need to be rinsed well, with a knife. The skin on the meat must be perfectly clean.

Then the prepared meat is put in a large saucepan and poured cold water. What should be the water level in the dishes? Here everything will depend on the fact, so dense styling of meat. If the meat is laid tight enough, the water should cover it and rise above it by five to seven centimeters. After the water boils, remove the formed foam and add spices: salt, pepper, bay leaf. Bulbs should be cleaned and dropped into the water entirely. You can cut it into two large parts.

As for the time of cooking meat, then, as in any standard recipe, the cooking process continues until the meat literally lags behind itself. Approximately it takes usually three to four hours. And one moment. Cover or not? The rules and advice of experienced housewives say that you can not cover a cooking cold with a lid. If you do this, the broth will have a strong greasy taste. Although cooking under the lid is much faster and more convenient. So choose the option that you like best.

Now let's talk about the chicken. Our cold in the bottle will consist of two kinds of meat. Pork is already brewed. Now it's time to pay attention to the chicken breasts. They should also be rid of all unnecessary, that is, remove the skin (if it was) and rinse thoroughly under running water. Chicken meat is more tender than pork, so it is not necessary to soak it. We will simply boil it in salted water for half an hour. To the chicken, you can also add half a bulb, a few peas of black pepper and a bay leaf. Of course, we will not use the broth, but the meat, saturated with aromatic spices, will not be superfluous in the recipe.

Prepare the bottle

So, we prepare the cold in the bottle. "Piglet" will not leave anyone indifferent! We need a wide bottle, from which it is necessary to cut off the neck slightly. It can be left, but when there is a meat mass inside, it will be much more difficult to do this without damaging the structure. Therefore, we get rid of unnecessary things in advance. After the bottle is cut in the right way, it should be washed and well dried. In addition, you should find some utensils in which you can put the bottle so that it keeps well horizontal shape during the congealing of the jelly.


After the meat is cooked, it needs to be given some time to cool down. The chill in the bottle, the recipe of which we advise you, is going fast, and you will not need special skills here. Cooked pork meat should be disassembled into small pieces. If you cooked it long enough, then there should be no problems. If from the pork legs we only selectively take meat, then the boiled chicken breast is simply cut into small pieces. You can generally disassemble the chicken on the fibers, thereby visually increasing the mass fraction of meat in the chill.

Mix the meat with the broth in a separate bowl. Add the crushed garlic. Some landladies do not chop garlic, but throw whole slices into the jelly. What to choose, decide for yourself. If you do not like the taste of garlic and only want its flavor in the dish, then add whole slices. If you like to feel not only the aroma, but also the taste, you can grind the garlic with a knife and add to the broth.

After all the manipulations, you can pour the jelly into the bottle and send it to the refrigerator until the final hardening. As a rule, the pork chill freezes very well without additional manipulation - addition of gelatin or evaporation. The setting time is 12 hours. A better day.

After the chill from the pork legs and chicken finally hardens, you can cut the bottle gently and remove it. Several leaves of lettuce are laid out on the dish, on top - the main dish. The chill in the bottle will not be so original if it is not decorated. This is done with the help of ordinary boiled sausage, from which the ears, the spout and the tail of the piglet are formed. Bon Appetit!

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