
"Ural-377": history, features, technical characteristics

In 1958, the Miass Automobile Plant began work on a car project that was to take its place among vehicles intended for the national economy. And the basic model for the new truck was "Ural-375" - a cargo SUV, which was only planned to be launched in the series.

The new car received the marking "Ural-377", the photo of the car is shown below.

The reasons for the creation of the 377th

It is believed that the main reason for the release of the new truck was the desire to expand the model range and release a car that would find application not only in the armed forces, but also in the citizenry. In addition, in the Soviet Union, a niche that could be occupied by a three-axle truck with two leading bridges (6x4) and increased payload was free.

Also during this period of time, the construction of entire networks of highways, the covering of which could withstand a load of up to 6,000 kg per vehicle bridge, was at a rapid pace in the country. And for such tracks, off-road vehicles were not needed.

However, creating a model from scratch was expensive. Therefore, following the concept of unification that developed among automakers in the USSR, it was decided to unify the new car with the all-wheel drive Ural-375, which was already preparing for serial production.

Differences 377th from the 375th

The car "Ural-377" in the experimental version appeared in 1961, and, at first glance, it differed little from its prototype. Nevertheless, it was already another machine. The main differences between the new truck and its "brother" were the following:

  • The engine of the new machine has lost the shielding of the electrical wiring.
  • The front axle has ceased to be leading, it was replaced by a tubular beam, and in connection with this, one drive was removed from the transfer case. And the very design of the "distribution" due to the requirements of unification remained unchanged.
  • The reserve holder, which was located vertically on the 375th, was placed horizontally on the Ural-377 on the starboard side, directly below the freight wooden platform. The platform itself also changed and became larger in volume than an all-terrain vehicle.
  • The new "Ural" was first installed entirely metal, heated, two-door cab, designed for three people (the driver + 2 passengers). This cabin was later installed on all subsequent models of off-road trucks.

Ural-377: the beginning of the road

After a series of factory tests, during which the identified shortcomings were eliminated, by the autumn of 1962 the factory workers had prepared two machines for the state inspection.

After successfully passing first state, and then interdepartmental tests in March 1966, "Ural-377" was recommended for serial production. And in the report of the last inspection it was noted that the new 6x4 Ural meets the requirements, is a model with a high degree of unification with Ural-375 (serial model), and the new truck can be used as a tractor, dumper and chassis for a variety of Modification.

Ural-377: specifications

  • Dimensions in dimensions - 7 m 60 cm x 2 m 50 cm x 2 m 62 cm (L x W x H).
  • Carrying capacity - 7 t 500 kg.
  • The total weight is 15 tons.
  • The base is 4 m 20 cm.
  • Clearance - 40 cm.
  • The maximum speed is 75 km / h.
  • The consumption of gasoline - 48 liters per 100 km.
  • Power unit - ZIL-375, gasoline, 8-cylinder.
  • The volume of the power unit is 7 liters.
  • The engine output is 175 l / s.
  • CAT - five-step.
  • Clutch - dry type, two-disk.

Weak location of a new truck

It was the pursuit of the maximum possible unification with the serial "Ural" that caused the new model to lose its competitors, MAZ-500 and ZIL-133, which was being developed at that time. The ratio of the carrying capacity of the machine to its own weight was lower than that of MAZ and ZIL. The length of the cargo platform was insufficient, and it had too high loading height - 1 m 60 cm. Despite the fact that the platform was relatively small, it had a critical amount of displacement to the rear of the machine. This location at full load, as well as for the carriage of goods outside the body (long), led to a partial hanging of the front wheels, which significantly reduced the handling of the truck. In addition, the "Ural-377" was equipped with an engine running on gasoline. This is despite the fact that other truck manufacturers in the country have sought to install on their models more economical and practical diesel power units.

Trying to remedy this situation, the factory workers started the development under the name "Ural-377M", in which they tried to eliminate all these shortcomings, but nothing good came of it. The modification of the "Ural" "stalled" and stopped on two experienced machines, and did not reach the mass release.

But in spite of the fact that the new off-road truck was not very successful, the car factory produced 71 thousand cars in various modifications:

  • Ural-377H. From the basic model was a wide-profile rubber.
  • Ural-377K. The model is specially designed for operation in low-temperature regions of the country.
  • "Ural-377S" and modification of SN - truck tractors for semitrailers with permissible weight of 18.5 tons.

Moreover, the 377th found its application not only on the citizen, but also in the armed forces. It was widely used both as a tractor and as a chassis for the installation of special equipment.

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