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The Word of God. The Parable of the Sower

The word of God is called a seed by Jesus and compares it with a candle by affecting the human soul, which serves as a source of light in the darkness and permeates it with its rays. Therefore, a person received the gospel as a candle, and how can you leave it without using it and not gain for yourself? To this great gift one can not be indifferent and indifferent. They need to use, because sin is afraid of light. The devil, the culprit of sin, hides in the dark corners of the soul. Vicious people under his influence do not want anyone to look into their souls. The parable of the sower was told by Jesus Christ and described in the Gospel. And it sheds much light.

The Gospel Parable of the Sower

On that day, Jesus left the house and sat by the sea. Around him immediately gathered a lot of people. Then He went into the boat, and all the people stayed on the shore. He began to teach them in his parables. One of them is a parable about a sower who went out to sow grain. One part of his grain was scattered along a trampled road, and then birds flew in and glued him. The other part fell to the stony terrain, where there was not much land, so the seeds soon rose and immediately withered because of a weak root. Another part of the seeds fell into a thorn bush, which did not allow the growth of the seed and drowned it. Another part of the seeds fell into good soil, which brought multiple fruits (one in thirty, another sixty, a third a hundred times).

The parable of the sower. Interpretation

The meaning of it was explained in great detail by the Lord Himself. His explanation can be added only by the fact that the sower is God, the seed is God's word, the field is the whole people of the world, perceiving miraculous evangelical words that help to know the true God. These words are the seed of salvation and life, thrown into the heart of a man, sprouting under favorable conditions and bearing fruit, consisting in good deeds and a holy life.

The parable of the sower preaches by the mouth of an Orthodox priest. Thus, he teaches and instructs his congregation for good deeds.


The parable of the sower narrates that in our time, like many centuries ago, the word of God bears in itself a living power. It equally pleases, touches, excites, humiliated, judges and comforts, thereby affecting the most subtle strings of the human soul.

The Word of God always acts and is more like a sword. It is alive and penetrating, it is in it that eternal truth is hidden. But as a seed, it does not always germinate and does not always yield the same quality.

The soil

As you know, a good harvest yields fertilized land. The human heart is the soil that is spoken of in the parable. All its power depends on the spiritual state of a person, which influences the germination of the holy seed.

Talking about the fate of the seed, the Lord draws our attention to the four kinds of conditions in which it can grow. This means four types of arrangement of the soul and the psyche of man.

Driving road

Describing the first type, we can say that the heart of such a person is like a roadway. The seed falling on it, can not get through and strengthen, and therefore the birds will quickly destroy it. This is what the parable of the sower means, the interpretation of it has a huge instructive meaning for a person.

To such people it is possible to carry rough nature of an animal warehouse which have exclusively materialistic outlook. They cynically mock at the ideals of truth, kindness, beauty and all those things that from time immemorial worshiped all mankind, which enticed him to exploits and associate life. The benefit for such people is most important. The parable of the sower speaks of the fact that the womb is their God, and therefore the word of God meets a wall of indifference, selfishness, and does not penetrate the depths of the heart.

Rocky terrain

The second type of people is quite common. These people are striving for love and good, they receive a quick and lively response every word of God, but it does not capture them enough to start working on themselves and fight hostile forces.

They will listen and light up from the gospel preaching about truth, love and self-sacrifice. But as a match in a short time will as quickly fade away. Such people will go on a feat, but are not at all ready for a long work, and as a result, in their heart - "stony soil", on which only grass can germinate, as well as those little things that they are capable of. Such people are very proud and not ready for self-sacrifice. In the end, treason and apostasy.


The Gospel parable of the sower gives us a very clear idea of our souls, and what they are different. The third type of people can hear the word of God, but it is drowned in them, because they serve both God and Mammon. Such a person is in the constant whirlpool of worldly cares, he does not struggle with earthly predilections and therefore becomes their prisoner. The seed does not grow into thorns, so all is ineffectual.

Good soil

The fourth type is whole nature with a sincere and responsive heart, their words do not differ from the case. Listening to the word of God, they will try to fulfill it. But obedience to him can not be all equally perfect and complete. One can fulfill only the third part, the other two-thirds, and only a small part of people perform it in perfection and completely. Quite a few such people, but how they shine brightly in the dim background of the attitude of modern people towards the Gospel.

According to biblical parables , the parable of the sower, cartoons and even video films are also removed. They explain very clearly and in detail to us the essence of this wise history.

After all, the parable of the sower (preaching) teaches that when the soil is prepared, the processing of the soul itself will promote the germination of the seed of the word of God. As the old rules of ascetics say: "Fill your heart with prayer, use a plow of repentance, tears of contrition and weed out the grass of evil passions."

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