News and SocietyCulture

Prosperity is happiness?

Prosperity is not the word most used in everyday speech, and therefore many people, when they hear it for the first time, raise the question of its meaning. At first glance, everything is quite simple and clear: welfare is a good days, that is, some very happy, very good period in life, or just happiness. And there is also a society of general prosperity. In general, it is necessary to understand.

Meaning of the word. "Prosperity is ..."

The first source to which you should turn when you understand the meanings of a particular word is an explanatory dictionary. In this Talmud, according to the word "prosperity" (a noun, of a middle genus, only singular, bookish, obsolete), one can meet the following interpretations:

  • Well-being;
  • happy life.

Thus, we can say that it's not just about the good days of a happy life or about happiness in general, but also about the welfare in general, for example, about the well-being of a group of people or an entire country.

Welfare Society

The state of general welfare is the concept of the political system of society. Its other name is a social state or "home for the people", as they say in Scandinavian countries. Such a society implies equal opportunities for all, an equitable distribution of income and wealth, as well as a collective responsibility for those people who, for whatever reason, can not independently secure an acceptable and decent standard of living. Often, such a model of society also implies free education (at least secondary, and often higher), free health care, and all the people in need receive the full necessary social assistance.

And the very expression welfare welfare, or "welfare society" - is borrowing from the book of the English priest William Temple "Christianity and social order."

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