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Copping of copper. Characteristic of copper

Kovkost called the susceptibility of metals and alloys to forging and other types of pressure treatment. This can be drawing, stamping, rolling or pressing. Copping of copper Is characterized not only by the deformation resistance, but also by the plasticity. What is plasticity? This ability of metal to change its contours under pressure without destruction. Forging metals are brass, steel, duralumin and some other copper, magnesium, nickel, aluminum alloys. They have a high level of plasticity combined with low resistance to deformation.


I wonder what the characteristics of copper look like? It is known that this element is group 4 of the period of the chemical element system of DI Mendeleyev. Its atom has a 29 number and is denoted by the symbol Cu. In fact, this transition plastic metal is pinkish-golden in color. By the way, it has a pink color, if the oxide film is missing. For a long time this element is used by people.


One of the first metals that people began to actively use in their farm is copper. Indeed, it is too accessible for production from ore and has a low melting point. For a long time, the human family has known the seven metals, which also includes copper. In nature this element occurs much more often than silver, gold or iron. Ancient objects from copper, slag, are evidence of its smelting from ores. They were discovered during the excavation of the village of Chatal-Hyuk. It is known that in the copper age, copper things have become very popular. In world history, he follows the stone.

SA Semyonov and his co-workers carried out experimental studies in which he found out that copper tools of labor, in comparison with stone tools, win in many respects. They have higher speed planing, drilling, cutting and sawing wood. And the processing of a bone with a copper knife lasts as much as a stone knife. But copper is considered a soft metal.

Very often in ancient times, instead of copper, its alloy was used with tin - bronze. It was necessary for the manufacture of weapons and other things. So, in place of the copper age came bronze. Bronze was first received in the Middle East for 3000 years BC. E .: people liked the strength and excellent malleability of copper. Out of the bronze received, there were magnificent tools of labor and hunting, dishes, ornaments. All these items are found in archaeological excavations. Then the bronze age was replaced by iron.

How to get copper in ancient times? Initially, it was extracted not from sulphide, but from malachite ore. After all, in this case, it was not necessary to pre-firing. For this, a mixture of coal and ore was placed in a clay pot. The vessel was placed in a shallow pit and the mixture was ignited. Then, carbon monoxide began to be released, which helped restore malachite to free copper.

It is known that in Copper as early as the third millennium BC copper mines were built on which it was smelted.

Copper mines appeared on the lands of Russia and neighboring countries two millennia BC. E. Their ruins are found in the Urals, Ukraine, Transcaucasia, Altai, and remote Siberia.

The industrial melting of copper was mastered in the thirteenth century. And in the fifteenth in Moscow the Cannon court was created. It was there that bronze casting tools of various calibers. An incredible amount of copper was spent on making bells. In 1586 the Tsar Cannon was cast from bronze, in 1735 - Tsar Bell, in 1782 the Bronze Horseman was created. In 752, the masters produced a magnificent statue of the Great Buddha in the Todai-ji Temple. In general, the list of works of foundry art can be continued indefinitely.

In the eighteenth century, man discovered electricity. It was then that huge volumes of copper began to go into the manufacture of wires and similar products. In the twentieth century, the wires learned to make aluminum, but copper in electrical engineering was still of great importance.

origin of name

And do you know that Cuprum is the Latin name of copper, derived from the name of the island of Cyprus? By the way, in Strabo copper is called chalcos - the city of Chalcis on Euboea is guilty of the origin of this name. Most of the ancient Greek names for copper and bronze objects originated from this word. They found wide application in the blacksmith's craft, and among forging and casting. Sometimes copper is called Aes, which means ore or mine.

The Slavonic word "copper" does not have a pronounced etymology. Perhaps it's old. But it is very often found in the oldest literary monuments of Russia. VI Abayev suggested that this word originated from the name of the country of Midia. Alchemists nicknamed copper "Venus". In more ancient times it was called "Mars".

Where is copper found in nature?

The earth's crust contains (4.7-5.5) x 10 -3 % copper (by weight). In river and sea water it is much less: 10 -7 % and 3 x 10 -7 % (by weight), respectively.

In nature, copper compounds are often found. The industry uses chalcopyrite CuFeS 2 , called copper pyrite, bornite Cu 5 FeS 4 , chalcocite Cu 2 S. Simultaneously, people find other copper minerals: cuprite Cu 2 O, azurite Cu 3 (CO 3 ) 2 (OH) 2 , malachite Cu 2 CO 3 (OH) 2 and covellite Cus. Very often the mass of individual accumulations of copper reaches 400 tons. Copper sulphides are formed mainly in hydrothermal medium-temperature veins. It is also often possible to find copper deposits in sedimentary rocks - schists and cupric sandstones. The most well-known deposits are in the Trans-Baikal region Udokan, Zhezkazgan in Kazakhstan, Mansfeld in Germany and the median belt of Central Africa. Other richest copper deposits are located in Chile (Kolyausi and Escondida) and the USA (Morensi).

Most of the copper ore is mined by the open method. It contains from 0.3 to 1.0% copper.

Physical properties

Many readers are interested in the description of copper. It is a plastic pinkish-gold metal. In the air, its surface is immediately covered with an oxide film, which gives it an original intense red-yellow shade. Interestingly, thin copper films have a bluish-green color.

Osmium, cesium, copper and gold have the same color, different from gray or silvery other metals. This color shade indicates the presence of electronic transitions between the fourth half-empty and filled third atomic orbitals. Between them there is a certain energy difference, corresponding to the wavelength of the orange color. The same system is responsible for the specific color of gold.

What is still amazing about the characteristics of copper? This metal forms a face-centered cubic lattice, the space group Fm3m, a = 0.36150 nm, Z = 4.

And copper is also famous for its high electrical and thermal conductivity. By conducting the current, it is among the metals in second place. By the way, copper has a giant temperature coefficient of resistance and over a wide range of temperatures is almost independent of its performance. Copper is called a diamagnet.

Copper alloys are diverse. People learned to combine brass and zinc, nickel with nickel silver, lead with babbits, and bronze with tin and other metals.

Isotopes of copper

Copper consists of two stable isotopes - 63 Cu and 65 Cu, which have a prevalence of 69.1 and 30.9 percent atomic, respectively. In general, there are more than two dozen isotopes that do not have stability. The longest-lived isotope is 67 Cu with a half-life of 62 hours.

How to get copper?

Copper making is a very interesting process. This metal is obtained from minerals and copper ores. The basic methods for obtaining copper are hydrometallurgy, pyrometallurgy and electrolysis.

Consider the pyrometallurgical method. Copper from sulphide ores, for example, chalcopyrite CuFeS 2, is obtained by this method. In the chalcopyrite raw material is 0.5-2.0% Cu. First, the initial ore is flotation enriched. Then, its oxidative firing is carried out at a temperature of 1400 degrees. Then the burned concentrate goes into the smelting on matte. Silica is added to the melt to bind the iron oxide to the melt.

The resulting silicate floats up in the form of slag, and it is separated. At the bottom remains matte - an alloy of sulphides CU 2 S and FeS. Further it is melted by the method of Henry Bessemer. For this, molten matte is poured into the converter. Then the vessel is purged with oxygen. A sulphide of iron, which remains, is oxidized to the oxide and is removed from the process by silica in the form of silicate. Oxidized copper sulfide to copper oxide is incomplete, but then is reduced to copper metal.

The resulting blister copper contains 90.95% of the metal. Further, it undergoes electrolytic purification. It is interesting that an acidified solution of copper sulfate is used as an electrolyte .

At the cathode, electrolytic copper is formed, which has a high frequency of about 99.99%. Items made of copper are made of a variety of: wires, electrical equipment, alloys.

The hydrometallurgical method looks somewhat different. Here, copper minerals dissolve in dilute sulfuric acid or in ammonia solution. Of the prepared liquids, copper is replaced by metallic iron.

Chemical properties of copper

In the compounds, copper shows two oxidation states: +1 and +2. The first of them tends to disproportionate and is stable only in insoluble compounds or complexes. By the way, copper compounds are colorless.

The oxidation state of +2 is more stable. It gives the salt blue and blue-green color. In unusual conditions it is possible to prepare compounds with a degree of oxidation +3 and even +5. The latter is usually found in the salts of the cupraboron anion, obtained in 1994.

Pure copper in the air does not change. It is a weak reducing agent that does not react with dilute hydrochloric acid and water. Oxidized by concentrated nitric and sulfuric acids, halogens, oxygen, "royal vodka", nonmetallic oxides, chalcogenes. When heated, it reacts with hydrogen halides.

If the air is moist, copper oxidizes, forming the basic copper carbonate (II). It perfectly reacts with cold and hot saturated sulfuric acid, hot anhydrous sulfuric acid.

With dilute hydrochloric acid, copper reacts in the presence of oxygen.

Analytical chemistry of copper

Everyone knows what chemistry is. Copper in the solution is easy to detect. For this, it is necessary to moisten the platinum wire with the test solution, and then add it to the flame of the Bunsen burner. If copper is present in the solution, the flame will be colored green-blue. It is necessary to know that:

  • Usually the amount of copper in weakly acidic solutions is measured with the help of hydrogen sulphide: it is mixed with the substance. As a rule, in this case, copper sulphide precipitates.
  • In those solutions where there are no interfering ions, copper is determined complexometrically, ionometrically or potentiometrically.
  • Small amounts of copper in solutions are measured by spectral and kinetic methods.

Application of copper

Agree, study Copper is a very entertaining thing. So, this metal has a low specific resistance. Due to this quality, copper is used in electrical engineering for the production of power and other cables, wires and other conductors. Copper wires are used in windings of power transformers and electric drives. To create the above products, the metal is selected very clean, since the impurities instantly reduce the electrical conductivity. And if in copper is present 0.02% aluminum, its electrical conductivity will decrease by 10%.

The second useful quality of copper is excellent thermal conductivity. Due to this property, it is used in various heat exchangers, heat pipes, heat sinks and computer coolers.

And where is the hardness of copper used? It is known that seamless copper pipes of circular cross-section have remarkable mechanical strength. They perfectly withstand mechanical treatment and are used to move gases and liquids. Usually they can be found in internal systems of gas supply, water supply, heating. They are widely used in refrigeration units and conditioning systems.

The excellent hardness of copper is known to many countries. For example, in France, the United Kingdom and Australia, copper pipes are used for gas supply of buildings, in Sweden - for heating, in the United States, Britain and Hong Kong - this is the main material for water supply.

In Russia, the production of water and gas copper pipes is standardized by the standard GOST R 52318-2005, and the federal Code of Regulations SP 40-108-2004 regulates their use. Pipes made of copper and its alloys are actively used in power engineering and shipbuilding to move steam and liquids.

Do you know that copper alloys are used in a variety of technical fields? The most famous of them are bronze and brass. Both alloys include a colossal family of materials, which, in addition to zinc and tin, can include bismuth, nickel and other metals. For example, cannon-made bronze, used before the nineteenth century for making artillery pieces, consisted of copper, tin and zinc. Its formulation varied depending on the place and time of making the gun.

Everyone knows excellent workability and high plasticity of copper. Thanks to these properties, an incredible amount of brass is spent on the production of cartridge cases for weapons and artillery ammunition. It is noteworthy that auto parts are made of copper alloys with silicon, zinc, tin, aluminum and other materials. Copper alloys are highly resistant and retain their mechanical properties during heat treatment . Their resistance to wear and tear is determined only by the chemical composition and its effect on the structure. It should be noted that this rule does not apply to beryllium bronze and some aluminum bronzes.

Copper alloys have a modulus of elasticity lower than that of steel. Their main advantage can be called a small coefficient of friction, which is combined for most alloys with high plasticity, excellent electrical conductivity and excellent resistance to corrosion in an aggressive environment. As a rule, these are bronze aluminum and copper-nickel alloys. By the way, they found their application in sliding pairs.

Virtually all copper alloys have the same value of the coefficient of friction. At the same time, wear resistance and mechanical properties, behavior in an aggressive environment directly depend on the composition of the alloys. The ductility of copper is used In single-phase alloys, and strength in two-phase alloys. Melchior (copper-nickel alloy) is used for coinage of coins. Copper-nickel alloys, including "Admiralty", are used in shipbuilding. Of these, tubes are made for condensers that purify the turbine exhaust steam. It is noteworthy that the turbines are cooled by seawater. Copper-nickel alloys have amazing corrosion resistance, so they try to use them in areas related to the corrosive effects of sea water.

In fact, copper is the most important component of solid solders - alloys having a melting point of 590 to 880 degrees Celsius. It is they who have a remarkable adhesion to most metals, so they are used for the strong connection of various metal parts. This can be pipeline valves or liquid jet engines made of dissimilar metals.

And now we list the alloys, in which the malleability of copper is of great importance. Dural or duralumin is an alloy of aluminum and copper. Here, copper is 4.4%. Alloys of copper and gold are often used in jewelry. They are necessary to improve the strength of products. After all, pure gold is a very soft metal, which can not show resistance to mechanical influences. Products made of pure gold are quickly deformed and abraded.

Interestingly, copper oxides are used to create yttrium-barium-copper oxide. It serves as a basis for manufacturing high-temperature superconductors. Copper is also used for the production of batteries and copper-oxide galvanic cells.

Other areas of application

Do you know that copper is often used as a catalyst for the polymerization of acetylene? Due to this property, copper pipelines used for the movement of acetylene are allowed to be used only when the copper content in them does not exceed 64%.

People have learned to use the malleability of copper in architecture. Facades and roofs, made of the finest sheet copper, serve accident-free for 150 years. This phenomenon is explained simply: in copper sheets there is an auto-extinction of the corrosion process. In Russia, use a copper sheet for facades and roofs in accordance with the norms of the Federal Code of Regulations SP 31-116-2006.

In the near future, people plan to use copper as bactericidal surfaces in clinics to prevent the movement of bacteria in the premises. All surfaces to which the human hand touches - doors, handles, handrails, water stop valves, countertops, beds - specialists will only make of this amazing metal.

Copper Marking

What brands of copper do people use to produce the products they need? Their set: M00, M0, M1, M2, M3. In general, copper grades are identified by the purity of its content.

For example, copper grades M1p, M2p and M3p contain 0.04% phosphorus and 0.01% oxygen, and grades M1, M2 and M3 - 0.05-0.08% oxygen. In the M0b brand, oxygen is absent, and in MO, its percentage is 0.02%.

So, consider in more detail copper. The table below will provide more accurate information:

Mark of copper
























27 grades of copper

There are twenty-seven brands of copper. Where is the amount of copper material a person uses? Consider this nuance in more detail:

  • The material Cu-DPH is used for the manufacture of fittings necessary for joining pipes.
  • AMF is needed to create hot-rolled and cold-rolled anodes.
  • AMFU is used for the production of cold-rolled and hot-rolled anodes.
  • M0 is needed to create current conductors and high-frequency alloys.
  • Material M00 is used for manufacturing high-frequency alloys and current conductors.
  • M001 is used for the manufacture of wire, tires and other electrical products.
  • M001b is required for the manufacture of electrical products.
  • M00b is used to create current conductors, high-frequency alloys and devices of the vacuum industry.
  • M00k is the raw material for creating deformed and cast billets.
  • M0b is used to create alloys with a high frequency.
  • M0k is used for the production of cast and deformed blanks.
  • M1 is needed for the manufacture of wire and products of cryogenic equipment.
  • M16 is used for the production of devices of the vacuum industry.
  • M1E is necessary for the creation of cold-rolled foil and tape.
  • M1k is needed to create semi-finished products.
  • M1or is used for the manufacture of wire and other electrical products.
  • M1p is used for the production of electrodes used for welding cast iron and copper.
  • MIPE is needed for the production of cold-rolled strip and foil.
  • M1u is used to create cold-rolled and hot-rolled anodes.
  • M1f is needed for the creation of tape, foil, hot-rolled and cold-rolled sheets.
  • M2 is used to make good alloys and semi-finished products on a copper basis.
  • M2k is used for the production of semi-finished products.
  • M2p is necessary for making bars.
  • M3 is needed for the manufacture of rolled products, alloys.
  • M3r is used to create rolled products and alloys.
  • MB-1 is necessary for the creation of beryllium-containing bronzes.
  • MCP1 is used for the manufacture of electrical structures.

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