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Consolidated brother - who is this?

In the intricacies of family relations it is not easy to understand, therefore it is not surprising that sometimes people misunderstand the meaning of the words "stepbrother", "half sister", confusing them with half-brothers or one-half brothers and sisters.

Relatives or relatives

At the heart of the property is a marriage union between a man and a woman, which leads to the relationship of both spouses with each other's relatives, as well as between the relatives themselves of the spouses. These relations are called property and terminate, as a rule, with the dissolution of the marriage itself.

Remarriage of each of the former spouses generates another wave of inherent relationships. They already have children from their first marriage. That's when they can have stepbrothers and sisters.

So what does "step brother" mean? In the dictionary Ushakov posted an article "Consolidated." According to her, the stepbrother is the son of stepfather or stepmother, the same explanation is given to the expression "half sister". Consolidated children are children from previous marriages of a man and a woman who have entered into a second marriage with each other . They are not native, but only "reduced" to the general family. Otherwise it will be said: the step-sisters and brothers do not have common parents, they are related by relationships in the family, but not by biological affinity.

In a newly formed family, a joint child of the couple may appear, or even a few. With children from previous marriages, the newly born child will have one common parent, such brothers and sisters are called infertile. Among them there is a division: those who have a common father are called half-blooded, and those with a common mother are one-uterine. Infertile brothers and sisters are blood relatives, they are legally equal in rights to full-blooded relatives.

Difficulties in relationships

In the life of the child, who was the only child in the family, suddenly there is a half-sister or half-brother. This fundamentally changes his life and requires changing many habits. First of all, the problem is related to the limitation of personal space. You can now retire only when the door is locked. There may be friction due to the use of the bathroom, if one of the children spends a lot of time there. Now there is nothing that completely belonged to one of the children. We have to share toys, a computer, a phone. Between pivot children there is often a rivalry because of the love and attention of their parents.

Often, the front-line problems close the positive that the step-sister or half-brother brings to the life of the child. This, for example, is an opportunity to have someone with whom you can play with you, which is much more interesting than being alone all the time. Homework is also now divided into more family members. And how many chances to communicate! If the half-brothers or sisters still find a common language, they can talk all night long.

Parents will help

Help parents and sisters find mutual understanding of the parents. Only their correct behavior, inexhaustible patience, ability to foresee and exclude negative moments will help children to move from insults and quarrels to communication and games. After a time, the step-children begin to get along well with each other, the relationship between them becomes friendly. By the way, common childhood more quickly unites stepbrothers, it's much more difficult for adults to become close people. So the stepbrother is not a relative, but an inherent, but he can become a best friend.

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