Homeliness, Gardening
Potatoes Elizabeth: variety description and consumer reviews
Potatoes occupy an honorable place in Russian cuisine. There are hundreds of recipes, where its tubers are used. Today we will consider the mid-day (from 70 to 90 days - the maturity period) potatoes Elizabeth, which is classified as table varieties. It is worth noting that due to its high yield and excellent taste qualities, it is the favorite potato in gardening. Experienced farmers note that Elizabeth is the standard for admirers of "second bread", as it belongs to the category of classical varieties.
Description of potatoes Elizabeth
Tubers have a light yellow color, with small eyes and smooth skin. The weight of one potato varies from 80 to 140 grams. In the cut, the flesh is white and, surprisingly, does not darken when exposed to air. Starch is contained in the volume of 13-18%.
The advantage of potatoes Elizabeth is that the tubers are rich in protein, vitamins and amino acids.
He has a developed root system, from one bush can collect up to 10 tubers of good quality. And from one hectare of land you can get the productivity from 290 000 to 400 000 kg, depending on the state of the soil cover and care of potatoes. This is a high rate. The taste characteristics complement the value of this variety.
Appearance of potatoes Elizabeth
The bushes have good deciduousness, dense green color, but moderately branchy shoots. The compactness of the variety, at a low length, allows potatoes to be planted in large quantities. Leaves are small, with a wavy edge and distinct veins. On the bushes formed a small number of inflorescences, they are weak and fall off quite quickly.
Features of care
Potatoes Elizabeth is very sensitive to soil condition, temperature regime and humidity. Therefore, its landing is carried out in the second half of May, when the earth has warmed up. And the first tubers can already begin to dig in the middle of summer.
Before planting, the soil must be prepared: how to loosen, disinfect, and seedlings also treat against pests and diseases. This is necessary, as potatoes are prone to fungal infections. Despite the fact that Elizabeth's immunity is strong.
The seedlings are planted at a distance of 35 centimeters from each other, and a distance of 70 centimeters should be observed between the rows. This is caused by the developed root system of the potato variety. Deepening for planting is enough in 10 centimeters, it is not necessary to plant deeper. We need moderate watering and regular weeding of high ridges.
Within 1 season potatoes Elizabeth requires fertilizing at least 2-3 times. As mineral fertilizers, magnesium or potassium compounds are excellent. A week before the harvest, it will be useful to make foliar dressing with diluted superphosphate.
Advantages and disadvantages of the variety
The quality of the fruiting of Elizabeth depends on the climatic conditions, where the potatoes grow, and also on the condition of the soil nutrient. That is why it is so important to feed the tops and roots not only with mineral fertilizers, but also with a bird droppings or a dilute mullein (the optimum option will be the alternation of natural and chemical fertilizers).
The merits of the variety include:
- Good taste qualities of root crops (balanced taste, without dryness and wateriness);
- A high rate of fruiting (with due care and climatic features);
- Potato harvest can be stored for several months without losing its presentation;
- Large tubers.
There were no shortcomings in this representative.
Reviews of potatoes Elizabeth
Due to its excellent taste and nutritional qualities, this variety can be used in the preparation of dietary and children's menu dishes. Consumers positively evaluate this potato, as it is suitable for various dishes, its quality is described as "ideal". Potatoes of this variety can be stewed, fried, boiled or stuffed. Get an excellent French fries and mashed potatoes. A commercial kind of tubers favorably differs from other varieties.
Reviews about potatoes of Elizabeth's variety are good, as it demonstrates itself from the positive side. Having planted potatoes Elizabeth on the site, you receive a high-quality product which will please you and your relatives with the good flavoring properties and a high level of productivity.
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