
Ampelian petunia - decoration of balconies and flower beds

Petunia in recent years has become one of the most popular plants in the world. Hundreds and thousands of baskets and containers hanging from it from the balconies of buildings can be seen all over Europe. Very often it is planted in cuttings, curbs and flowerbeds. The native land of the plant is South America. In Russia it is grown as an annual, but in the south it is a perennial plant.

Petunia belongs to the family of Solanaceae. Its name is of Portuguese origin: the word petun means tobacco. And in fact, the leaves of tobacco and petunia are similar. They are whole, come in different shapes and sizes, sessile or on short petioles and are located on the stems alternately. The stems of the plant are green, branched and can be erect, creeping or drooping (depending on the variety). Flowers white, pink, blue, reddish or purple, are two-color, single, simple or terry.

All varieties of petunia, cultivated now, are hybrids. There are 4 groups of petunia flowers :

  • Large-flowered flowers (up to 10 cm in diameter);
  • Dwarf, small (height of the plant 15 - 30 cm);
  • Multiflora with small flowers (diameter - from 3 to 5 cm);
  • Ampelnye petunias.

A special interest in flower growers is caused by petulance petunia. The ampel group includes surfins and cascade petunias. A variety of this plant is considered and Calibraroa - a kind of ampel with miniature flowers. Ampelnye petunias are flowers that perfectly feel themselves in the ground, in a garden plot, and on a balcony or loggia in a city apartment. Cascade ampelia petunia is sown, as a rule, at the end of February. Do not sow it before the specified time, because the plant for full development does not have enough light.

Petunias are heat-loving, light-loving and drought-resistant plants. They can grow on any soil, but preferably - on sandy loamy or loamy, fairly fertile soils. The plant, although drought-resistant and can for some time dispense with water, for normal development it should still be watered regularly. In hot weather, it is also nice to spray plants growing on the balcony.

Ampelnaya petunia does not like an excess of moisture in the soil - this can lead to decay of the roots. Rain and strong wind can break its shoots and damage the petals of flowers. It is better to define to it such a place on the balcony, which will be protected from rain and wind. The pledge of abundant and prolonged flowering of petunias is their top dressing for this period by a complex fertilizer intended for flowers. It is necessary to remove faded flowers and ovaries - this contributes to the emergence of new flower buds. To obtain a beautiful plant, you can form a bush, pinching shoots: from this, many new branches are formed, petunia becomes more lush and abundantly blossoms.

A kind of ampelian petunia - petunia Opera, It is perfect for balcony boxes, hanging flower pots and baskets. The plant looks very openwork and beautiful, forming a globular-drop-shaped shape, abundantly covered with large flowers. Coloring the flowers is extremely diverse: it is white, lilac, pink, blue, monochrome or mottled. Propagated by seeds. Resistant to unfavorable conditions.

For a long time, flower growers have dreamed of bringing plants with black flowers. Such attempts were also made with regard to petunia. The British specialists from the city of Banbury managed to achieve success. Derived by them petunia is black, has acquired the name "Black velvet". The botanists received 4 years to receive black, but the result is stunning: the flower is very effective and unusual, it blends well with any other color.

Ampelia petunia is a fairly hardy plant, but under certain unfavorable conditions it can be hurt or damaged by pests. Excessive watering, too dense sowing, improperly selected soil can cause fungal disease. To the same group of diseases is powdery mildew: white coating on flowers and leaves. Of the pests, the plant can be affected: aphids, spider mites and a small white butterfly - whitefly. The lack of iron in the plant is manifested by true chlorosis, characterized by yellowing of the leaves.

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