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Bacteriuria in pregnancy: symptoms, treatment
During the gestation of the fetus, the future mother is particularly sensitive to her health. However, this can not save the representative of the weaker sex from various pathologies and diseases. Often, future mothers face infections and diseases of the genitourinary system. In this article, we will talk about what bacteriuria is in pregnancy. You will find out the main causes of this pathology, also you can learn about what is asymptomatic bacteriuria in pregnancy and understand whether it is worth treating it. It is necessary to say about the ways of correction of this state.
What is bacteriuria in pregnancy and how dangerous is it?
In a normal state, the human urine is absolutely sterile. Even useful bacteria are not present in it. During the gestation of a child, the body of a woman undergoes very strong changes. The growing uterus presses on neighboring organs and interferes with their normal functioning.
So, during the gestation of the baby, the expectant mother may experience constipation due to bowel displacement, pain in the stomach, liver and gallbladder due to pushing them aside. Also a frequent companion of fetal development is bacteriuria. In pregnancy, this condition can be very dangerous. It develops because of squeezing the kidneys and urinary ducts. The pathology of this system aggravates the situation.
What is the risk of bacteriuria in pregnancy? It is this issue that first of all sets the women who are diagnosed with this diagnosis. Since the bladder and uterus are very close, pathological microorganisms can move from one membrane to another. When the genital organ is infected, an inflammatory process can develop which inevitably will have a negative effect on the fetus.
Diagnosis of pathology
Bacteriuria during pregnancy is quite simple. The doctor may suspect the presence of the disease according to certain signs, which the future mother pays attention to. However, in most cases, bacteriuria does not exhibit symptoms during pregnancy. That's why all women who wait for the baby are often prescribed urine tests.
Identify the bacteria in the waste of life can be through normal analysis. Most often doctors prescribe bacteriological culture.
Signs and symptoms of pathology
As mentioned above, asymptomatic bacteriuria in pregnancy is not unusual. Very often the future mother does not suspect that pathological microorganisms live in her bladder and excretory system. The signs begin to manifest only in particularly neglected situations.
- The most common symptoms of bacteriuria are pain and rubbing with urination. In this case, we can talk about cystitis, which is a consequence of the multiplication of pathogenic microorganisms.
- Also, a woman can mark pain in the lower abdomen. In pregnancy, it extends to the side zones. In this case, there may be a clogging of the urinary canals.
- The formation of stones and sand in the urine can be a consequence of the multiplication of pathogenic microflora. In this case, bacteriuria during pregnancy can cause inflammation of the kidneys and their adnexal zone. In this case, doctors talk about the development of pyelonephritis.
- Pathogenic microorganisms can cause incontinence or false desires. However, most expectant mothers write off this symptom on the growth of the uterus and pressure it on the bladder.
- Often the pathology is manifested by an increase in body temperature, weakness and a general broken state. However, a woman does not even suspect that the reason lies in the multiplication of bacteria.
Bacteriuria in pregnancy: treatment
If a pathology is found, it is worth starting treatment as early as possible. Only in this case there is a probability of a successful outcome. Otherwise, bacteriuria during pregnancy, the effect on the fetus will only be negative.
The method of treatment is always chosen by the doctor. Before beginning correction, a woman needs to pass an analysis to determine the sensitivity of microorganisms to certain antibacterial agents. Without this study, treatment may be useless.
Correction is always done taking into account the symptoms. In some cases, doctors use natural and safe means, which can be taken throughout the entire pregnancy. Most often this method is chosen for asymptomatic bacteriuria. Antimicrobials may also be prescribed for treatment, which can be used only in the second and third trimester of pregnancy. Let's consider some methods of treatment.
Antimicrobial Therapy
Antibacterial drugs are prescribed to women only after the 14-16th week of pregnancy. During this period the fetus is reliably protected by a placental barrier. Most often, doctors prescribe the following funds: Amoxicillin, Cefuroxime, Ceftibuten, Cephalexin, Nitrofurantoin, and the like.
For future mothers, these drugs are usually prescribed for 3-5 days. Such treatment is quite enough. In this case, after the correction, it is necessary to pass a second analysis, which will show the effectiveness of treatment or lack of benefit.
Safe treatment
Bacteriuria during pregnancy can be cured with the help of some safe means. However, this method will be effective only in mild cases or in the absence of symptoms.
Most often, doctors prescribe medicinal and diuretic teas. To such means it is possible to carry «Kidney tea», «Brusniver» and so on. Capsules made of plant components, such as Kanefron, are also used. These drugs can be used throughout the entire period of bearing the child. They do not have a negative impact on the health of the baby, but only facilitate the condition of the mother.
Useful drinking
To treat bacteriuria during pregnancy, drinking is prescribed . In the day the expectant mother should consume at least two liters of pure liquid. Tea, soup, milk and other products are not taken into account.
In addition, it is very useful to drink cranberry and cowberry mors. Prepare such a drink better yourself from frozen or fresh berries. In the absence of the necessary ingredients, you can buy a ready-made product in the supermarket.
Compliance with diet
During the treatment of bacteriuria, you must follow a certain diet. Future mothers should abandon salty and pepper products. Also it is necessary to exclude the use of fatty and fried foods. It is strictly forbidden to drink vitamins that contain calcium. This can provoke the formation of sand and kidney stones, which will aggravate the course of the disease.
Try to give preference to vegetable light dishes that contain a lot of fiber and coarse fibers. Eat boiled, baked food and steamed foods.
Additional measures
To treat bacteriuria, you need to maximally relieve the kidneys and urinary tract. You can do it with simple gymnastics. Accept the knee-elbow position and stand in this position for about five minutes. Repeat gymnastics several times a day.
Give up sleep and rest on your back. In this position the uterus very strongly squeezes the kidneys and promotes stagnation of urine in them. As a result of this process, bacteria multiply actively.
Check urine regularly and monitor the condition of the bladder. This will allow timely treatment if necessary and avoid complications.
Now you know what bacteriuria is in pregnancy. Remember that the treatment of pathology should always be prescribed by a specialist. Independent selection of drugs can be wrong and cause only a negative impact on the fetus. Be healthy!
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