Food and drinkRecipes

Picking mushrooms

The season for such a product as mushrooms, quickly passes, so the question is always actual, how to prepare wonderful gifts of the forest for the winter. An old proven way of preserving them is pickling. For this, an effective and affordable preservative is used. All known common or common salt helps to preserve the product, prevents the development of harmful microorganisms and mold. It destroys them, preventing the products of the vital activity of harmful organisms from poisoning and making food inedible.

Mushrooms are widespread in our country, especially in forest areas. They have a specific taste and aroma, so they belong to delicacy products, and every autumn begins pickling mushrooms - mushrooms, redheads, freckles, oily russules or others. This method of processing gives very good quality products and allows them to be stored until the next season, when seasoned and not very experienced mushroom pickers begin to engage in "quiet hunting".

Recipe 1

The cold method is quite suitable for preserving mushrooms that contain lacteal juice and do not require boiling, for example, freckles, jacks or mugs. This salting provides them a long (from 12 to 48 hours) soaking in cold salted water, which helps to eliminate bitterness. You need to change it at least two or three times a day.

You will need products:
1 kg of prepared (purified, washed and soaked) mushrooms;
1 ½ tablespoons of table salt;
7 leaves of blackcurrant;
1 tablespoon horseradish root (should be washed, peeled and finely chopped);
1 leaf of laurel;
5-6 peas of sweet pepper;
3 dried clove buds.

Soaked freckles, paddles or mushrooms are transferred to a colander, washed with running water, set aside for its complete draining. After this begins pickling mushrooms. At the bottom of the prepared ceramic or enamelware (do not use polyethylene or metal!) A thin layer of salt is poured and mushrooms are laid on it (by the top of the hats). Each row is poured with salt and spices. Cover with sterile gauze, put the load over it. Mushrooms must be compacted and isolate the juice. In a cold place it is kept under load for two or three days, packed in dense layers in prepared cans (glass). Mushrooms are pressed so that they are completely covered with juice. Banks are closed with lids made of polyethylene, put in the refrigerator. The food is consumed in a month.

Recipe 2

Usually, pickling mushrooms in a hot way is used for canning chanterelles, frites, mosses, oleores, and white mushrooms for the winter. You will need products:

  • 1 kg of mushrooms, disassembled according to the types and sponge cleaned (in mosses, oily and white are separated and cut into slices of the legs);
  • 1 glass of salt brine (1 liter of boiling water dissolve 1 table spoon of table salt);
  • 5-6 peas of sweet pepper;
  • 1 leaf of laurel;
  • 1 stick of cinnamon (about 5 cm);
  • 3 dried clove buds;
  • 1 teaspoonful of vinegar (7-9%) per liter can of prepared mushrooms.

Salting mushrooms in this way begins with their boiling in hot salt solution. After boiling, chanterelles and mushrooms are boiled for 25 minutes, the legs of oats, mosses and mushrooms boil for 20 minutes, and their caps - 8. Periodically stir, not letting it burn to the bottom of the pan. Foam is removed with a noise. At the end of cooking (mushrooms should begin to settle to the bottom) add spices. Hot packaged in sterilized jars, add vinegar and cover with lids made of polyethylene. After cooling, put in the refrigerator. Use the days after 20.

Recipe 3

Picking mushrooms requires a special approach, if it's red-haired. They are never soaked, washed or boiled. For preserving, no spices are used, otherwise their taste and aroma deteriorates. Proportion of products:

  • 1 kg of prepared rozhikov (clean off all stuck dirt and wipe clean sponge);
  • 50 grams of salt (for the redhead, the optimal amount is 5-6% salt of the weight of the fungi).

At the bottom of a clean enamel cookware lay out the layers. Their hats should be turned down, each layer is sprinkled with salt. When all the mushrooms are laid out, they are pressed down with a load sufficient for the appearance of the juice. After a day, they are transferred to sterilized glass jars, pressed down with two chopsticks (they must rest against the walls of the jar and form a cross). Close with lids made of polyethylene and store in a refrigerator.

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