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Children's camp "Lazurny" (Vyksa): description, accommodation, treatment, reviews

The children's camp "Lazurny" (Vyksa) is located 200 km southwest of Nizhny Novgorod, on the banks of the Oka River, in the Vyksa District, in a picturesque pine forest. The history of the unique educational and sanatorium-health center began in 1995.

A year-round camp for children from 11 to 16 years old and one of the best health resorts in the Nizhny Novgorod region is the camp "Lazurny". Vyksa is a small town, which became known to many outside the region after the opening of the center.

In 2004, the camp became the winner of the All-Russia competition of the Ministry of Defense and Science of our country in the category "Best Camp in Russia". Each year, fifteen profile shifts are held here for twenty-four days.


For the children's stay, five sleeping, modernly equipped buildings with two, three and four-bed rooms are built. Double and triple rooms have all amenities. In four-bed rooms - conveniences on the block. The place of residence is chosen by the parents who bring their children to the "Azure" camp (Vyksa). Photos of rooms can be found in advertising brochures when purchasing a voucher and in our article.

Sports facilities

For the children in the camp all conditions for sports are created: a beautiful stadium with a modern synthetic coating, playgrounds, combined basketball and volleyball courts, a football field, a sports and gymnasium, an indoor heated swimming pool. With the children are engaged professional coaches in swimming and aqua aerobics, volleyball and badminton, athletic gymnastics and basketball.

Interesting circles

During each shift, the camp "Azure", a photo of which you can see in this article, conducts various sports and recreational activities. Creative workshops and circles work here.

Sanatorium and recreational activities

The camp "Lazurny" (Vyksa) carries out a complex sanatorium-improving activity, in which the emphasis is on the use of physiotherapeutic factors, the organization of the correct diet and rest, education and leisure of holidaymakers.

The medical building of the camp has:

  • Inhalations;
  • Massage rooms;
  • dental office;
  • A speleotherapy room;
  • Light therapy cabinets;
  • Gymnastics hall;
  • Cabinet of vitamin therapy and aromatherapy.

Each child, as prescribed by the doctor who is indicated in the spa card, can undergo a full diagnostic examination. The Center conducts treatment and prevention of diseases:

  • Respiratory organs;
  • Gastrointestinal;
  • Musculoskeletal system;
  • Nervous system (functional);
  • Heart and blood vessels.

"Azure", camp (Vyksa): what to take with you?

If you are going to send a child to Azure, then you need to know what it takes to take a trip. First of all, this is, of course, the necessary documents:

  • A photocopy of the insurance policy;
  • Voucher;
  • Sanatorium and resort card;
  • A photocopy of the birth certificate;
  • Health certificate;
  • Certificate of sanitary and epidemiological welfare.

Personal hygiene items:

  • Toothpaste and brush;
  • Toilet soap and a means for washing things;
  • shower gel,
  • Shampoo, washcloth;
  • comb;
  • A face towel and a bath.

For the autumn-winter period (September-May), the child will need:

  • Closed sports shoes and tracksuit;
  • Swimsuit / swimming trunks;
  • Shales, rubber cap;
  • A bag for visiting the pool;
  • 2 sets of casual clothes;
  • Warm pullover or sweater;
  • elegant clothes;
  • indoor shoes;
  • Nightgown / pajamas.

For the summer season is going to the same set of things, but taking into account the weather conditions.

Writing accessories

If a child goes to the camp "Azure" (Vyksa) during the school year, then he will need written materials:

  • 2 handles with blue paste;
  • Ruler;
  • 2 pencils (simple);
  • 5 notebooks per cell and a ruler;
  • A small notepad.

Camp staff

For every shift to work with 437 children, a large and cohesive team is needed. The current staff of the camp has three hundred and sixty representatives of various professions. And at the origins of the camp was a native of these places, who today holds the post of Minister of Education of the Nizhny Novgorod region - Sergei Naumov.

And now a few words about the people who work with the guys. Probably, it is difficult to overestimate the activity of the teacher-organizer (today they officially call the leader): he meets children and works with them twenty-four hours a day, helps to adapt and reveal all their opportunities and talents, organizes various events and solves a lot of everyday issues that can Arise during the day.

It is noteworthy that more than 20% of today's counselors once rested in the "Lazurny". In the camp there are three pedagogical psychologists and three methodologists. The center organizes training of teachers, studies work experience, publishes modern methodical publications, creates interesting shift programs.

Camp "Azure" (Vyksa): reviews

In the Nizhny Novgorod region, the camp "Azure" is very popular. Vouchers are distributed at enterprises, in medical institutions, they are allocated as incentives for academic success. The guys are happy with the rest. They like the opportunity to play sports, participate in competitions and creative competitions. Many good words children address the leader, who quickly find a common language with their wards.

The quality of sanatorium treatment can be judged by the responses of parents. After the change, held in the camp, the children return freshened and strengthened: the clean air and the correct five meals a day. Chronic diseases (especially the airways) for a long time do not disturb the child.

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