
Gangut sea battle (1714): description, causes, history and consequences

One of the most dramatic episodes of the Northern War, as a result of which Russia cut through its famous "window to Europe", was the Gangut naval battle. It was Russia's first victory over the invincible Swedish fleet. In memory of him, a holiday was instituted - the Day of Russia's Military Glory, which is celebrated annually on August 9, the anniversary of the battle.

Confrontation between the fleets of the two powers

By the spring of 1714, Russia had seized the entire southern part of Finland and a significant part of its central territory. But land conquests alone were not enough. To reach the Baltic Sea, it was necessary to win over the Swedish fleet, which unchecked its water area. It was this task that was set by Peter I before the command of the Russian squadron.

In June, there was a need to strengthen the garrison forces guarding the seized Abu port by Russian troops, which was an important strategic object. To this end, a flotilla of ninety-nine rowing ships was sent to the shores of Gangut under the command of FM Apraksin. It consisted of sixty-seven galleys and thirty-two scampaways (small ships for carrying airborne troops). The Swedes were expecting the appearance of Russian ships in this area, and their entire navy, led by Vice-Admiral Gustav Vatrang, an experienced naval commander, who had learned the details of warfare, moved ahead of them.

Gangut battle - duel fighting and sailing fleet

Unlike the Russian rowing fleet, the Swedes were mainly armed with sailing vessels, which created significant advantages, but at the same time made it dependent on weather conditions. Among the ships of the enemy were three frigates, fifteen battleships, two bombardirskih galliot and nine large galleys. Thus, on the side of the Swedes there was a clear superiority of forces, which led F. M. Apraksin to retreat to Tverminna Bay and spend almost a month under the cover of her islands.

Having received news of the trap in which the Russian flotilla fell, Peter I hastened to help them. The squadron headed by him left Revel and on July 20 came to Gangut. Wanting to remain incognito, the emperor concealed his real name under the pseudonym of Peter Mikhailov. Here, in the face of the enemy, he showed himself as an outstanding naval commander. The Gangut naval battle was the triumph of the Russian fleet thanks to the daring and original plan that he had drawn up.

The tactical move of Peter I

Taking advantage of the geographical features of the peninsula, Peter I was able to tactically beat the Swedish Vice Admiral. He initiated the construction in the narrowest part of it, located opposite the harbor, in which the Apraksin flotilla, the so-called transhipment, was locked. It was a two-kilometer log, stretching from one bank to another and allowing it to be dragged along it by blocked ships to the other side of the peninsula to the Rilakfjord gulf. The implementation of such a plan would allow the flotilla to be freed from the blockade.

Having obtained this information from the scouts, Gustav Vatrang immediately divided his forces into two parts and sent a military flotilla commanded by Rear Admiral N. Ehrenchold to the Rilaksfjord water area. His task was to destroy by fire the artillery of the Russian flotilla during its passage through the isthmus. The second group of ships, which was commanded by Vice-Admiral Lillieu, was, according to his plan, to attack the main forces of the Russians. This decision was entirely logical, but nevertheless contained a mistake that became fatal for the Swedish fleet.

Breakthrough of the Russian squadron

This division of enemy forces and used the Russian emperor. The weather that day - August 6 - was windless, and calm, as is known, deprives sailing ships of their main advantage - maneuverability. Thanks to this gift of destiny, a squadron of Russian ships, commanded by M. Kh. Zmaevich, began a breakthrough, and Swedish ships skirted around the oars with helplessly dangling sails. The Swedes could only look in silent fury at the elusive enemy, since a considerable distance between them and the Russian ships did not allow the use of artillery.

After the first detachment broke and the second, consisting of 15 ships. Having completed this maneuver, Zmayevich's detachment rounded the peninsula and, to the complete surprise of the Swedes, surrounded their ships, awaiting the overland crossing of the Russian fleet. Then Vatrang clearly panicked. He very recklessly recalled a detachment of ships blocking Apraksin's fleet, which was still in Tverminskaya Bay. Thus, he opened the coastal fairway and gave the blocked ships the opportunity, having connected with the main forces of the rowing fleet, to break through to the vanguard of the fleet.

As the Gangut battle unfolded

The history of naval art will forever preserve in its annals evidence of exceptional tactical skill and personal courage of Russian sailors. From the documents of those years it is known that on the day the ships that were part of the Ehrenkhold detachment and grouped at the northern coast of the peninsula were attacked by the vanguard of the Russian fleet.

The Swedish Vice-Admiral built them with a concave line, the edges of which reached the islands. This gave them some advantages for the use of artillery and helped to repel the first two attacks. But the third was fatal for them. It was undertaken against the flanks and thus did not allow the enemy to fully enjoy the advantages of his artillery.

The last boarding battle, which became a victory

An interesting fact: The Gangut battle at Peter 1 was the last, the outcome of which was determined by boarding battle. It is known that on that day the Russian emperor himself rushed to the boarding, and, climbing the rope on the side of the enemy ship, was an example of courage and heroism. Soon all enemy ships were captured, and those members of their crew, who were lucky enough to survive, were taken prisoner.

The Gangut naval battle (1714) ended with the seizure of the flagship Swedish ship Elefant. In addition, ten more ships, under the command of Vice-Admiral Ehrenkshold, became trophies of Russians. Some of their ships still managed to escape and go to the Åland Islands. Ehrenscold himself was taken prisoner. Although on this day happiness turned away from the old sea-wolf, he did not tarnish himself with shame and, being seven times wounded, surrendered to Russian sailors, only obeying the inevitability.

Factors that served the Russian victory

Modern researchers call the main factors from which the victorious history of the Gangut battle emerged. Briefly, they can be designated as the ingenuity shown by the command of the Russian fleet, brilliant tactical thinking, which made it possible to take advantage of the light rowing fleet before sailing - more powerful but less mobile, and the personal outstanding naval qualities of Emperor Peter the Great.

Until now, researchers do not agree on the number of attacks undertaken by Russian sailors against the Swedish fleet. The version outlined above is based on the testimony of historians of the defeated party, and raises some doubts. There are reasons to believe that in reality the attack was only one, and the other two are an invention of the Swedes who wanted to somehow support the shaken prestige of their fleet and show that the victory went to the Russian dear price.

The meaning of victory at Gangut

Thus, on that day, only the emerging Russian fleet won its first naval battle. Under Gangut, Russia has shown itself to be the emerging new mighty sea power. This greatly increased her prestige among other European states and allowed to negotiate with monarchs of the world's leading countries on an equal footing. In addition, the Gangut naval battle won in 1714 significantly affected the overall course of the Northern War.

Thanks to this victory, Russian ground forces were able to operate unhindered on the coasts of the Finnish and the Gulf of Bothnia. And although seven years remained until the complete defeat of Sweden, but after the Battle of Poltava, the Gangut sea battle - the first major victory at sea - showed to the whole world the irreversibility of the process of becoming Russia as one of the legislators of world politics.

Triumph of the winners

In September 1714 the winners returned to St. Petersburg. Here they were met by crowds of enthusiastic citizens and marched under the arches of the specially erected Triumphal Arch. It was crowned with the image of a Russian eagle sitting astride an elephant. Elephant - this is how the name of the Swedish flagman ship "Elephant" is translated. The ironic inscription read the allegory: "The Russian eagle does not catch flies."

For the Gangut naval battle, Peter I was awarded the title of Vice Admiral, which was well deserved, given his leading role in command of the fleet and the ability to make competent decisions in a complex tactical situation. Many other participants in this battle received awards.

Immediately after the crews returned to the capital, a thousand sailors' medals "For victory at Gangut" were minted, but according to contemporaries, they were not enough to reward all those who distinguished themselves in battle, and in the next two years this number was tripled. Special awards were issued for the officers. Russia honored the heroes, thanks to which the Gangut battle was won. The naval force of the country was always considered to be the most important component of its defense capability.

Captive Ships

The trophy ships of the Swedes were delivered to St. Petersburg. They were placed for general viewing along the Kronverkskaya channel, from the north separating the Peter and Paul Fortress from the part of the bank where the Artillery Museum is today. Among them was the famous flagship Elefant.

Peter I treasured them as a memory of the glorious victory, and ordered them not to be used for military operations, but, after repairing, to pull them ashore and make of it something like a memorial. And they did. Once a formidable battle ship stood on the shore until 1737, until, finally rotten, was dismantled for firewood.

The Church is a memorial of the glory of sailors

Gangut sea battle claimed the lives of many Russian, but even more Swedish sailors. Among them, 361 people were killed and 350 were injured. Among the Russian sailors, the death of the brave killed 124 people and 342 were wounded. In honor of their victory, won on the day when the Orthodox Church commemorates the memory of St. Panteleimon, a church was built in St. Petersburg. Its facade was strengthened with commemorative marble plaques, where naval and land units were indicated, who took part in the battle.

The church in the period 1735-1739. Was rebuilt under the leadership of the famous Russian architect IK Korobov and came to us in an updated form. Many people know this building, located in the center of the city at the corner of Pestel Street and Solyany Lane. This was how the Gangut battle was immortalized - the first sea victory of Russia.

Marine battles for Grungham and Hankey defense

The same church serves as a monument to another glorious victory of the Russian fleet, won in 1720 in a battle with Swedish ships over the island of Grangam. Gangut witnessed the heroism of Russians during the Great Patriotic War. By the time he began to be called the peninsula of Khanka. Forever went into the history of his defense, which began in the first days after Germany's attack on our country and lasted 164 days. They are reminded of a memorial plaque located opposite the church of St. Panteleimon, on the opposite side of Pestel Street.

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