Hobby, Crafts
It's very easy to make a ladybird out of a stone!
God's bugs are amazing creatures. Not always they are red, and their back is decorated with black dots. Their color is much more diverse, and specks may not be at all. Even ladybugs of the same species can be very different from each other. These insects are not only beautiful, but also very useful, since they successfully eat aphids in huge quantities, not giving that opportunity to destroy gardens and vegetable gardens. If you turn to the dictionary of Dahl, you can make the assumption that its name is derived from the word "loaf". So they call the head of cheese, and the mushroom with a large round cap.
It turns out that sea pebbles are a very convenient material for making various gizmos. It is also suitable for performing various crafts and decorating the interior. A ladybird made of pebbles will look good. Made with love, it will become a wonderful gift. A ladybird made of stone can be placed on a flower pot or decorated with her garden. According to Eastern philosophy, these insects bring happiness, family well-being and love.
Ladybug of stone (photo)
So, to make this composition, you need to take a pebble 10-15 cm in diameter. The production of several such beetles will take not so much time - no more than two or three hours. Before starting work, wash the pebbles and dry them. To make a ladybug made of stone, use an acrylic primer that dries quickly and perfectly conceals any irregularities. It can be found in a construction or art shop or made independently. To do this, you will need to mix water and PVA glue in a one-to-one ratio. Depending on the material selected, one or two primer coats are required. When it dries, it is necessary to paint the ladybird of stone with acrylic paint of white color, diluting it with a small amount of water. The next step will be drawing the contour of the future drawing. For this purpose a simple pencil is suitable. Now you can go to the most interesting - the painting.
Painting is best done with acrylic paints. Brushes will suit both natural and synthetic. To draw wings, you will need a red paint. When they dry, we paint them a second time. This is necessary to make the picture look more vivid. Black paint paint the head and that part of the body, which is hidden by the wings. Then draw her points and contour lines between the wings. To make the ladybird of stone even closer to the original, we apply on the white paint veins of blue color, which can be obtained by mixing white and blue. Then draw a muzzle. For the design of the eyes choose green or blue, for the mouth - white, and do not forget about the cilia! Now the ladybird looked like a funny cartoon character. The work will retain its original form for a longer time, and the paint will not fade and fade if a furniture or parquet varnish is applied over the pattern .
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