Food and drinkRecipes

Carrot filling for pies. Recipe. Patties with carrot stuffing

One of the favorite dishes of our housewives are pies and patties with a wide variety of fillings. Especially the preparation of such food was preferred by our grandmothers. Cooked and sweet products, and unsweetened. Many of them could fry / bake delicious carrot pies. Such delicious that they were eaten with pleasure even by those who could not tolerate this root in fried or cooked. So we will remember a couple of such recipes, including how the carrot stuffing for pies is prepared .

The recipe for a pie with carrots

For its baking, we need the following ingredients: half a kilogram of carrots, two chicken eggs, one onion, two tablespoons of butter, 100 ml of fatty sour cream, one-third teaspoon of lemon peel, yeast dough, black pepper. First, of course, the carrot stuffing for pies will be prepared. All the vegetables are cleaned and mine. Then we pass in a small amount of vegetable oil finely chopped onions, add to it carrots, grated, and butter. After a couple of minutes we put eggs, sour cream and stew into the skillet until the excess liquid evaporates, pepper, salt. In the prepared stuffing, add a little grated zest and stir well. After that, we form pie or patties, what we prefer this time. The process of kneading the dough is a separate story, we will not tell it now, especially since we can take the finished one. Fry the products and serve them hot on the table, along with kefir, cold milk or tea.

Another recipe for carrot pie

Why are pies and carrots all the same popular? Because this vegetable is a very useful product, but it's almost cooked or raw, almost nobody likes it. And pies with carrots - quite another matter. Presenting the next recipe. To carry it out you will need: carrots, grated in a meat grinder or on a grater - two glasses, sugar sand - one glass, margarine - 200 grams, two eggs, flour - one glass, half a lemon, soda - half a teaspoon, One sachet. We spread eggs together, margarine and sugar. Then add to this mixture a lemon scrolled in a meat grinder and a carrot. Thoroughly mix everything, add vanillin and soda. Now stir again and slowly add flour until the dough looks like thick sour cream. Spread on a baking sheet and sent to the oven, heated to 180 degrees. Bake for about 30 minutes until the product becomes a golden hue. With the pies finished, now consider the recipe for pies with carrots .

Quick recipe for making pirozhki with carrots

Ingredients will use the following. For the test: flour - 0.6 kg, milk or water - one and a half cups, fresh yeast - 25 grams, or fast - one teaspoon, salt - two teaspoons, sugar sand - one teaspoon. Carrot stuffing for pies requires such products: three root vegetables, four eggs, vegetable oil, pepper, salt. The dough is prepared according to a standard recipe, in which we shall not dwell in this article. To make a filling, on a large grater three carrots and pass it on vegetable oil in a pan. Add the eggs, boiling them and chopping, pepper, salt and mix thoroughly. Everything, the filling is ready. Divide the dough into balls the size of a chicken egg. Roll each in a flat cake, put the filling and form a patty. Fry until cooked in vegetable oil in a frying pan.

Recipe for pies with sweet carrots

Necessary products for the test: 0.5 kg of flour, 125 ml of milk, as much - water, one egg, half a teaspoon of salt, a bag of dry yeast. For the filling: 0.5 kg of carrots, 75 grams of sugar sand and vegetable oil for frying. Prepare the dough for us will be your favorite bakery. We put in it all the necessary products, set the desired mode and leave, let it work. And we will be preparing such an important component as a carrot filling for pies. Its sweet variety is done very simply and not very long. Shinkuem carrots in a combine or on an average grater. Pour a little vegetable oil into the pan and lay out our grated vegetable. Minutes 20 stew, add sugar sand and cook for another 10 minutes, until the root becomes soft. Then the stuffing is transferred to the plate for cooling. After one and a half hours the dough will be ready for use. Lubricate the table with butter and spread the dough on it. We pluck out small pieces of it and knead them in lozenges. We lay out all the stuffing on them, try to make sure that it does not stay. We patch the edges of the patties. We put in a skillet with hot oil, first with a seam down, then turn over. On readiness, we put them on a napkin, so that she absorbs excess oil. We are eating hot with cold milk.

A few tips

Carrot filling for pies can be prepared in several ways. In the first method, the vegetables are first boiled, then twisted in a meat grinder and added sugar. But it seems to us that with this variant all the useful carrots will remain in the water, and even it will become very fresh. With the second method, you are already familiar - this is frying in a frying pan. Still it is possible to extinguish in ceramic ware, as in it nothing burns, in a small amount of water, as carrot itself will start up the juice. The choice is yours. Bon Appetit!

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