Food and drinkRecipes

Zrazy potato with minced meat and other fillings

Zrazy potato with minced meat is an original and tasty dish, characteristic for Belarusian and Polish cuisine. It has two options for cooking. In the first case, all the ingredients are mixed and the bits are formed from the resulting mass. The second way is to prepare the potato mass, from which the tortillas are made, in the middle of which the filling is filled, that is, the zrazes turn out to be similar to pies. Both of these ways of cooking have their advantages, so they can alternate, diversifying their menus.

The form of tapes can be any. They are made in the form of rolls, koloboks or oblong cutlets. They differ in variety and fillings, which are made from vegetables, meat, cheese, mushrooms or eggs.

Let's try to prepare zrazy potato with minced meat according to the classic recipe. We need about 800 grams of potatoes, two eggs, 4-6 spoons of flour or potato starch, salt and pepper. From these products we will prepare the basis of our dish.

Potatoes must be pre-cooked in a uniform or baked in the oven, you can use a steamer and cook the potatoes for a couple. Then it must be cleaned (of course, pre-cooling) and grind. Cooled potatoes are difficult to knead with a pestle or "tolkushka", it is easier to use a blender or a meat grinder.

In crushed potatoes, break the eggs, add salt and seasonings, pour in flour or starch. The amount of flour in the recipe is indicated approximately, since it depends on the size of the eggs, the variety of potatoes and the way it is prepared. We need to get a potato dough of this density, so that it does not strongly stick to the hands.

To prepare zrazy, in addition to the potato basis, you need to prepare a meat filling. There are options. You can use ready-made meat minced meat, frying it until ready, along with onions and seasonings. Another option is to prepare a meat filling from boiled meat. For this, cooked and chilled meat should be grinded using a meat grinder, and mixed with fried onions. For juiciness, you can add a little broth to the stuffing.

As already mentioned, zrazy potato with minced meat can have any shape, the taste is not reflected strongly. According to the first variant of preparation, it is necessary to mix the prepared potato mass with the filling and to cut it into cutlets. It will be, so-called, "lazy" variant of sentences. According to the second method, a flat cake is formed from the potato mass, the meat filling is put in its center and the edges are joined, forming an oblong or round patty.

Then each spike is rolled in flour and fried in a pan until a ruddy crust forms. Finished zrazy potato with minced meat can be served with sour cream or any sauce and salad of fresh vegetables.

Since this dish allows a lot of cooking options, you can try experimenting using different fillings. For example, prepare a vegetarian option - zrazy potato with cabbage. In this case, the potato dough is prepared similarly, and for the filling it is necessary to put out fresh or sauerkraut. In the filling you can add a boiled egg or boiled mushrooms.

You can prepare zrazy from potatoes with a mushroom filling, extinguishing fresh or boiled dry mushrooms with onions. Another interesting option is the filling of stewed salted cucumber.

A fairly delicious dish can be obtained by preparing zrazy potato with cheese. There are also options. The easiest way is to use a piece of hard cheese as the filling. But you can go the other way and prepare a mass of grated cheese for the filling of zraz with the addition of garlic and mayonnaise passed through the press. In such a mass, you can add grated eggs or finely chopped ham (sausage).

In short, there are a lot of options for the resistance of such dishes as potato zrazes. You can at least a month every day to prepare this dish for dinner and never again.

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