Computers, Computer games
What are tutorials? Detailed analysis
The article tells about what tutorials are, why they are needed, in what form they are, and in particular about game tutorials.
The Digital Age
Nowadays, no one is surprised by the presence of a computer and high-speed unlimited access to the network. Although even some 15 years ago even the simplest mobile phones were far from everyone. Gradually, all organizations and other institutions also switched to electronic document management, and even the most conservative people recognized the convenience of computer technology, be it work, communication or entertainment.
Naturally, this state of things inevitably began to introduce something new into people's life: words, concepts and even whole professions.
But sometimes it happens that with the abundance of some information, material, programs or services is difficult to understand, and long self-reading books are not always convenient and practical. In this case, to help users come tutorials. So what are tutorials? In this we will understand.
First, let's define the terminology. The word "tutorial" came to us from the English language, in the original it sounds "tutorial", which in literal translation means "learning".
Simply put, this is a teaching material that is presented to a person in a simple form, with step-by-step instructions for ease of perception. Now we know what a tutorial is. But how does it happen?
Most often this word can be found in thematic communities and on sites devoted to computer games. But what kind of games are these, for the development of which you need to purposefully study something? The fact is that most modern computer games set a goal as long as possible to delay the attention of the target audience, many experts are attracted to their development, and their budgets are not much inferior in size to modern Hollywood films. But of course, not everyone can boast of such things. So what are tutorials?
Most often, the need for tutorials arises when a person begins to play a complex, multi-faceted online game, where there are many different professions, skills and abilities. Of course, all of them are designed to be understood without additional help, but nevertheless for the most comfortable and efficient gameplay you need tutorials.
For example, when pumping a character in an online game, the proper distribution of skills is very important, because often they can not be changed afterwards. In this case, to help players come tutorials and other recommendations of experienced gamers who describe the process in detail and all the nuances. So we figured out what tutorials are. But do they only need online games? Not necessary.
For example, take such a popular "sandbox", as "Meincraft." This simple and exciting game draws in by allowing you to build buildings and create objects of almost any complexity. With each new update, developers add more and more different capabilities, and it is sometimes difficult to understand how to create a particular object, for example, an atomic reactor. But, it is for the versatility and love of "Meincraft." The tutorial for this game is useful both for beginners and experienced gamers.
Such training materials have many kinds, and there is no single "correct" one. But there are two most simple and convenient forms - this is text and video.
With the text everything is clear - this is an article that details all the nuances on the right issue and provides advice. Also, for clarity, they are almost always supplied with images and screenshots of the game.
Well, the videos are suitable for those who are easier to perceive information through the video, listening to the "lively" voice of the author and his comments.
So we sorted out the question, what is tutorial.
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