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Where carbohydrates are contained: finding the right energy source

When choosing their healthy diet, one asks about where carbohydrates are stored, how to choose the useful ones. The questions are by no means rhetorical, because carbohydrates can both bring significant benefits, and cause harm.

The basis of knowledge about carbohydrates

To understand where the carbohydrates are, you need to understand what they are.

It is a complex food structure that provides the body with energy. In chemical terms, this combination of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen - the main elements of life. And, depending on how the processes of their consumption in the body go, scientists distinguish several types of carbohydrates: monosaccharides, oligosaccharides and polysaccharides.

On the benefits and harms

Regardless of the type of carbohydrates, all of them in the final treatment lead to the formation of monosaccharides, which are delivered to the whole organism with the help of the circulatory system. However, it is worth remembering that during hydrolysis (splitting of carbons) energy is expended, and, accordingly, calories, which significantly affects the loss, stabilization or weight gain.

Monosaccharides, and they traditionally include galactose, fructose and sucrose, enter the body without losing its energy value. Sometimes they are even called "empty calories", since they very quickly saturate the body with energy and just as quickly leave it.

So, simple carbohydrates are found in foods with a significant sugar content, for example, in cakes. To the category of dangerous monosaccharides it is necessary to include vegetables that have been thermally treated, breakfast cereals, pasta from non-solid wheat varieties, white bread. But rich in monosaccharides and natural honey, berries and fruits, vegetables, which are indisputably useful for the body.

Polysaccharides are recognized by nutritionists as useful in all respects. Such a categorical statement is based on the fact that the process of their splitting into monosaccharides takes from 4 to 6 hours, due to which the body gets the opportunity to evenly fill with much needed elements. In addition, do not forget that they contain such important fiber, starch and pectins. Therefore, in order to lose weight or stabilize weight, it is necessary to include polysaccharides in the diet.

Where are the carbohydrates of this subgroup? First of all, in coarse bread and pasta from durum wheat. Further on, the list continues with cereals, corn, vegetables (both in raw and processed form, except for roasting).

If you want, then you can

All types of carbohydrates are equally needed by the body, and aesthetic rendition The use of them plays an irrelevant role in their use. Therefore, a special regime for their consumption should be worked out.

So, what are the carbohydrates allowed to consume up to 12 hours? Of course, in all sugar products. And this includes sweets, including chocolate, fructose-rich foods, such as grapes, as well as baked goods made from white flour.

Complex carbohydrates are allowed to eat up to 16 hours. Therefore, you can enjoy dishes from potatoes, cereals, spaghetti and fruits, but only on condition that there is at least 6 hours left before sleep. After this time, dishes containing carbohydrates should be made up exclusively of raw vegetables.

Observing the presented rules, you can easily make a diet and with the help of carbohydrates regulate your weight.

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