
Erbium laser: reviews, prices. Erbium Fractional Laser

Science does not stand still, and every day there are new means that help to preserve, improve the beauty of a woman, to spare the appearance of such defects as scars, wrinkles and many other skin defects. The erbium laser belongs exactly to such methods.

What is the procedure

Erbium laser - is a universal device for grinding the skin, removing scars, post-acne, deep wrinkles, tattoos, scars and benign small formations.

The principle of its work is to remove the old cells from the skin surface by evaporation of moisture from them (vaporization). Fabric as a result of this event is revitalized and updated. Regeneration processes work more intensively, skin nutrition improves, blood circulation normalizes. New elastic and elastic fibrous fibers are formed. Old dead particles are destroyed and removed.

Erbium laser, reviews about which the most different, does not penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, but works only on the surface. In the treated zone, changes in the structure of the dermis are immediately observed for the better. There is a powerful activation of the synthesis of collagen, up to the complete restoration of the collagen skeleton of the skin.

This process smooths the skin, increases its turgor, reduces the number of wrinkles and most positively affects the appearance of the skin.

Indications for the procedure

Like all similar procedures, laser abrasion also has certain indications. Erbium laser is especially good for:

  • Aging face skin, highly prone to age-related changes (removes wrinkles);
  • Removal of scarring and post-acne;
  • Tattoo and pigmented spots;
  • Removal of small benign neoplasms (atheroma, nevus, etc.).


Before you go through the procedure, you need to pay attention to the contraindications. It is not recommended for people with delayed regeneration of the epidermis, if there are inflammatory processes and various rashes. It is contraindicated in violation of skin pigmentation, erythema, keloids, herpes, exacerbation of chronic and infectious diseases.

Preparatory stage

Erbium laser is performed without special preparation. In some cases, the skin is treated with ultrasonic peelings, subjected to apparatus humidification. Patients who have a dark skin color, it is advisable to use means containing 2-4% hydroquinone 14 days before the procedure.

Erbium fractional laser for the purpose of rejuvenation is used in the absence of excess skin. Before the procedure, a facelift is done, and after three months, perform a grinding, which smooths the surface of the epidermis, effectively removing the formed wrinkles, scars.

Before the elimination of post-infection for the prevention of antiseptic drugs. This approach is especially effective if the face has fresh acne craters. In inflammatory processes, a course of antibiotics is prescribed 3-5 days before laser resurfacing. Before the procedure, a local anesthetic is done.

Erbium laser after a course of treatment with drugs containing retinoids, apply no earlier than 6-8 months.

An important role is played by the patient's psychological attitude. It is important to understand that after the cosmetic session, not all wrinkles may disappear. Also, after scars and post-acne, white traces on the skin may form. The procedure does not guarantee in the future the absence of acne and does not prevent the formation of new postgreous scars.

Erbium laser in cosmetology

Elimination of minor skin defects is carried out in a short time and does not cause difficulties. It is carried out according to the standard procedure. The number of approaches depends on the problem, the area of treatment of the epidermis, the pigmentation of the site, the depth of cicatricial formation. Depending on the complexity of the work is divided into several stages.

Grinding of large surfaces, especially the face and neck, is performed under intravenous anesthesia. During the operation, blood pressure, heart work is monitored. During the session, the doctor wears special glasses and uses the necessary accessories. The patient is wearing special glasses to protect the eyes from the laser, and during the blepharoplasty of the eyelids, plates placed between the eyelids after preliminary treatment with local anesthesia.

The technique of using an erbium laser to eliminate wrinkles and post-acne is different. In the first case, the number of approaches is regulated regardless of the outcome. For each zone, the laser pulse strength is individually selected. An additional passage along the deep wrinkle is allowed. The yellow color of the skin indicates the denaturation of collagen.

Elimination of the podakne produce in two approaches. The process maximizes the opening of the acne craters and polishes the skin around each scar or scar to level the slightly elevating hill. This is done by a passage that captures a quarter of the crater and three quarters of its surrounding skin. All the acne scars are leveled to the level of the underlying skin.

Skin Rehabilitation

After laser polishing, a moistened gauze cloth is applied to the treated skin. Bleeding is treated with a 0.1% solution of adrenaline or dicinone. On small defects put a collagen mask and a compress with methyluracil, gentamicin or erythromycin ointment. Change them as necessary and completely remove for 4-7 days. During this period, patients are prescribed drugs that stimulate epithelization ("Actovegin", "Solcoseryl").

Large parts of the skin in the postoperative period are treated with foam "Panthenol", and after a while they are overlaid with a collagen film with an absorbent surface and methyluracil ointment. The compress is changing daily. If there is a threat of infection, then prescribe antibiotics inside ("Macropen") and externally ("Bactroban").

After the effect of the erbium laser (reviews about it, by the way, very different), there is an itch and a slight burning sensation, in some places, puffiness. Discomfortable postoperative manifestations are on the fourth day.

The surgeon removes the bandage for 5-9 days. All patients without exception at any time of the year should use sunscreen with SPF 30 or more. Persons prone to hyperpigmentation should provide 100% protection of the skin. To quickly remove erythema, you can use cosmeceutical drugs.


Erbium laser, like any other operation, can cause complications. It:

  • Sensation of itching and burning;
  • Hyperpigmentation;
  • Repeated herpetic fever;
  • Infection;
  • Edema of the treated surface;
  • Scars.

Hyperpigmentation comes through time. To facilitate the process, it is recommended to use a bleaching cream. Repeated herpetic fever is manifested when the laser polishes the oral zone. To prevent it, as well as to prevent another bacterial infection, antiviral drugs are prescribed . They are taken within 7 days before and after the procedure. Prescribe and antibacterial drugs for oral administration and for topical application. When swelling is necessary during sleep, use an extra pillow. In the first day after laser treatment of the skin, doctors recommend applying ice to the problem site. Deep scars and scars usually occur when the erbium laser is deeply exposed, if the skin is prone to keloids.

Erbium laser: price

Laser skin resurfacing is not for everyone. In salons, the cost of processing the entire surface of the skin of the face is 30-65 thousand rubles. The price varies depending on the complexity of the procedure.

With stretch marks on the abdomen, grinding with an erbium laser costs about 27-45 thousand rubles. Anesthesia, ointments, antibiotics, creams and other necessary funds for the procedure are paid separately. It is also necessary to pay an additional fee for the patient's maintenance in the hospital and for rehabilitation procedures.

Reviews about erbium laser

Laser skin resurfacing is becoming increasingly popular. Eliminates the erbium laser from scars (reviews say that it does not remove post-acne the first time), wrinkles, small benign lesions. In order to be noticeable effect, it is necessary to do at least 3-4 procedures with a break of 1.5 months. The result is not immediately apparent, but a month later. The rehabilitation process lasts for a week. The skin after the procedure resembles a burnt crust, which begins to fall off for 3-4 days. In its place a smoother surface of the epidermis is formed. Less noticeable are deep wrinkles and practically disappear small ones. The skin is tightened and rejuvenated. This result impresses many women. Many to maintain a blossoming skin look to the laser skin polishing again and again.

There are ladies who have not approached this procedure. They did not get the expected effect. It is believed that the erbium laser is too traumatic for the skin and is expensive. Some showed side effects in the form of acne, scars and white spots. Many cosmeticians do not recommend this procedure to women up to forty years, as it too thinens the skin.

From all of the above, it can be concluded that the result obtained from laser skin resurfacing impressed many. The procedure is traumatic. Before doing it, a woman should get acquainted with contraindications, consult a specialist and carefully weigh the pros and cons.

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