Arts & Entertainment, Literature
Vladimir Kiselev "Girl and Poultry": a summary of the chapters
Ukrainian Soviet writer Vladimir Kiselev was a veteran. After graduating from the Grozny Military School, he commanded a mortar battery on the Stalingrad Front. After receiving a serious wound, he left a memory of the battles forever - a splinter stuck in his chest.
The Book for Young People
Was he a talented person? The novel "The Girl and the Poultryletter" that read him for affirmation will answer affirmatively.
The author of the novel "The Girl and the Poultry" writes about the uneasy youthful age of the heroine. The summary can not fully reflect the masterfully portrayed purely youthful mood swings of Olga, her frustrations, disappointments, consolation, complicated relationships with parents, in which love and mutual understanding win.
Comparison of the book with the American novel "The Catcher in the Rye"
By immersing the author in the world of youthful psyche is analogous to Fitzgerald's masterpiece "The Catcher in the Rye" by Vladimir Kiselyov's book "The Girl and the Poultry". The summary of this work, however, distinguishes it from the American classic.
This is noticeable when reading. And Olga and her friends Vitya Serdyuk, Zhenya Ivanov, Kolya Galega are somehow more social, more friendly than their American peers in the novel of the American classic. Our teenagers are more spontaneous. They are fond of science, they carry out serious investigations together. And with all this they have something that Fitzgerald heroes do not have: friendship. It is she who motivates Olya Alekseeva in carrying out her good deeds.
The beginning of the novel. Family incident
The novel begins with the emotional crisis of a teenage girl, who locked herself in her room and, feeling sorry for herself. She is upset: her stepfather (whom she loves and calls dad) could not restrain herself and slapped her after Olga announced that she would not tell who she had sold her home camera for. With such a psychologically difficult situation, the novel "Girl and Poultry" begins. The summary of the episode with the loss of the camera requires further explanation. The conversation with the parents took place on the girl's birthday, when the guests were already separated.
And this was not the only disappointment that Olga delivered to her parents that day. After all, my stepfather invited guests to be photographed after they could not eat pie cooked by mom. After all, he got carbide (a reagent girl, which she kept in the kitchen in a bottle). About how my mother, having no idea about the presence of this substance in the kitchen, accidentally shaking the bottle, initiated a reaction near the test. About this misunderstanding tells us writer Kiselev ("The Girl and the Poultry"). The brief content of the book introduces us to the psychology of the child.
She was already crying that day, feeling at the lesson of Russian literature from the story of teacher Elizabeth Karlovna about the biography of Mikhail Lermontov.
Why did Olya decide to sell the camera and what did it come about
Olya sold her home camera not because of mercenary motives. Her intention was to get money for the purchase of chemical reagents by the boys. On the scientific research of children wrote in the book Kiselev "Girl and Poultry". The brief content of the book certainly contains a description of this episode. After all, he gives the key to understanding by readers, for which the girl is respected by classmates. She sacrificed this thing in order to make experiments with chemists in chemistry in a joint amateur laboratory.
Money for the reagents was not enough, but they were earned slowly. Although the guys together tried, the amount was scanty.
Vitya Serdyuk contributed a total of 2.18 rubles to the fund, and the other guys stuck together and sold paper bags for 1 ruble.
About the story of Olga becoming a victim of fraud, tells the book "Girl and a birdie". A brief summary of the incident with her is that a short, yellow-toothed elderly alcoholic crook has just snatched a camera from the girl from her hands, thrusting into her hand a three-kopeck coin wrapped in a ruble. But, before jumping into the tram and disappearing, he fooled the girl and her friend, accusing them of stealing and threatening to "surrender to the police" where they would certainly be punished under article 179 (A).
Olya did not tell her parents about this, as she, together with the guys, vowed to keep these joint investigations secret.
However, soon the tactfulness of the parents and especially the benevolence of the stepfather, in the manner of a father-loving girl, lead the family to reconciliation.
The leitmotif of the book of dreams
After such emotional complication of the plot, Vladimir Kiselev sets out to us its main idea, the leitmotif, which determined the romantic and memorable title of the work. The captivating fantastic scene of vehicles hovering over the city displays our brief content. "Girl and Poultry" by chapters, as on the steps, introduces the reader into the world of youthful maximalism and the desire for self-realization.
Let's talk about the leitmotiv of the work. One day, my classmates went home to Vita Serdyuk. His father, the professor, interested the children with chemistry. At first he suggested that they set fire to sugar.
The guys did not work. Then the scientist showed them how, in the presence of a catalyst (such as cigarettes for the sake of sugar), combustion takes place. Then the professor told the children about the promising research: polymer films that are compressed and stretched due to the catalyst. His original idea enthralled the guys: to make of ultra-strong elastic polymer films a kind of muscles that control the wings of bird's wings. Under the influence of catalysts, the film-muscles will begin to contract and stretch, realizing the ancient dream of people. They can fly like birds. Impressive Olya immediately imagined the picture, like huge bird-cars, birds fly gracefully, waving their wings over the Monument of Glory and the Mariinsky Park. It was then that the children present there had a dream to create their own laboratory in order to find the necessary catalyst for the flights of a mechanical miracle bird.
Friendship with Kolya Galego
Stories about how the guys are learning, are friends and are trying to find the catalyst needed for flights, contains a brief summary of "The Girl and the Poultry". 1 chapter of the mission - to introduce the reader to the bright and interesting life of the youth company. The subsequent chapters increase the overall dynamics of the narrative. The plot of the children's novel captures the reader with new twists and turns. Any incidents occur in the school. Children grow ... Teachers try to act adequately the situation. One of the teachers saw how they kissed Tanka Nechaeva with a student of 8-B Borka Safronov. Immediately the teacher of Russian literature Elizaveta Karlovna conducted a conversation with the children about the girlish and male pride, referring to the works of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov and Nikolai Ostrovsky. The reader of Kiselev's book constantly feels the pulse of a living school life.
Meanwhile, Olga Alekseeva among the classmates had a new friend. For some reason, the long and ungainly Kolya Galega approached her. In the class he was considered an outcast. His father Bogdan Iosifovich worked as a policeman, and Elena Evdokimovna's mother stayed on disability. Her health was undermined by the grave trials of the Great Patriotic War. As a nurse on the battlefield, she saved more than 70 wounded. Long stayed in a stressful condition, Elena Evdokimovna began to suffer heart failure. An episode telling how Olga came to the house to Galeg, contains a brief summary of "The Girl and the Poultry". According to the chapters of the work, the theme of the development of friendship between Nikolai and Olya in the romantic youthful love will develop in the future.
How Olya helped Nicholas
Elena Evdokimovna greeted the girl warmly. Olya tasted a delicious borscht. Kolina's mother complained that her son did not get along well with his studies, and his father asked "to take him into tow," as they used to call tuition aid. While visiting Kolya's parents, the girl noticed in what tiny and uncomfortable house they live. She later told her parents about her impressions of this visit.
Not for nothing did Galega come to Olya. A kind and sympathetic girl was the first in the class to notice that Nikolai, who is avoiding the company of his classmates, actually suffers from his loneliness and would like to establish relations with fellow practitioners. The fact that Kolya soon experienced dramatic changes, says Vladimir Kiselev in his novel "The Girl and the Poultry". The summary tells that Olga's friends soon took Galley to their company. The insulting nickname of Samshit Nicholas has ceased to be called. His business improved with him. The guy began to regularly do homework. He had excellent marks. These changes are noticed and teachers. They finally realized that the quiet modest girl Olya Alekseeva is the leader in the class.
In addition to school life, another event is told in the book by Vladimir Kiselev "Girl and Poultry". The summary will tell about the wonderful deed of Nikolai Alekseyevich's stepfather. He, working as a journalist, learned from the story of his adopted daughter, in what poor housing conditions the family of a heroic nurse lives, managed to raise the issue of providing housing for the Galeg family. Soon, Kolya, his father and mother were going to move to a new house.
Tragic event
However, Kolya's father Bogdan Iosifovich was not destined to enjoy new housing. About the tragic event we are told the book "Girl and Birdwatch" Kiselev. Father Olin's school friend was killed, hitting a train. The chronology of that tragic day began in the afternoon. Bogdan Iosifovich went on business, but had to return home by 19-00, because by that time neighbor Yuri Mitrofanovich had to come to him. But by the appointed time, Colin Papa did not return. At 23:00 Elena Evdokimovna reported this to the duty department of the police station, where her husband served. And at night they were woken up by the father's colleagues, reporting terrible news.
Olya and her father went to express sympathy to Kolya and Elena Evdokimovna. The mutual misunderstanding between Olya and Nikolai was discarded. Nicholas again trusted her more than anyone else. Perhaps that's why he shared his doubts about the official version of his father's death. About his firm decision to start his own investigation narrates "Kiselev's Girl and Birdwatcher."
Nicholas's decision
Kolya believed that the pope was killed. It seemed to him that the official version that his father had drunk fell under the train was unacceptable. Moreover, in his pockets investigators found a pack of cigarettes. My father did not drink or smoke from the front.
Kiselev's novel "The Girl and the Poultry" further tells us about the modest and brave person that Colin's father was.
In the Great Patriotic War Bogdan Iosifovich commanded regimental reconnaissance. As you know, at the front, the soldiers were given daily "100 grams of drug". Once Bogdan Iosifovich, having drunk vodka, lost his usual vigilance. Scouts almost died. Fortunately, everyone managed to return alive, but since that time Colin's father has not drunk a gram.
Funeral of a policeman
At the funeral of Bogdan Iosifovich, a police orchestra played. The colleagues said heartfelt speeches. A large bald man named Sokolov told how, together with Bogdan Iosifovich, he went to reconnaissance. A young woman cried. Only the widow of Elena Evdokimovna did not fall from her eyes or tears. It was hard for her to endure the death of her beloved husband. Even begin to start talking. Kolya worried about his mother.
The guy began his search by talking with his father's colleague, Uncle Semyon. Kolya's attention was attracted to a pack of cigarettes that was not owned by her father, but who, along with his belongings, was transferred to the family by law enforcers. Uncle Semyon said that the name of the car driver who made the run was Stetsenko. He was an experienced railroad worker. When he met him, Kolya found out that he had seen three figures in the darkness of the night, slipping through the rails into the darkness. The train descended from the hill, it was impossible to brake. But, according to Stetsenko's observations, the body on the rails was already motionless. And the head of Bogdan Iosifovich was hanging from the rails. That is, the train, hitting, the head itself could not hurt. Nevertheless, it was on his head that severe injuries were found.
The investigation of Nicholas
About how Nicholas, along with Olya went for a consultation with the chief specialist - a commodity merchant of a tobacco factory, is told in the book "Girl and Poultry". Vladimir Kiselev, shows the reader the whole course of the investigation conducted by the guys. The specialist-factory worker managed to identify two circumstances from cigarettes from the pocket of the late Bogdan Iosifovich. First, they were produced this month, and secondly, the tobacco in them was Chernihiv. Kolya went to his father's colleague, a front-line soldier Sokolov, a bald man who had previously delivered a touching speech at a funeral. The guy told the man of doubt that his father had used alcohol, so, most likely, he was still killed.
Suddenly the boy noticed in his hands Sokolov's father's folding knife with a green handle. He asked the interlocutor where he came from. However, Sokolov replied that he and his father had bought the same knives in the same store. He pulled out his and gave it to the boy.
Sokolov expressed the opinion that after all the version of the death of Bogdan Iosifovich under the wheels of the train should not be discarded. As the father could meet the front-line friend, and they could drink together. Kolya asked about their co-workers with their father. Sokolov called Colonel Romanenko, who lives in Cherkassy.
Kolya Galega went to Cherkassy for a one-day investigation. However, Colonel Romanenko did not live there anymore.
As a real investigator, soon Nikolai determined another direction of searches. He obviously has the ability to work efficiently. The summary "Girl and Poultry" by chapters contains evidence of his logical mind and wit. The guy, wearing his father's jacket, found a notebook in his inner pocket. Kolino's attention was drawn to one of the latest entries: "Titan." So the workshops were called, where Uncle Sokolov worked. According to Kolya, the workshops should be organized by external surveillance. He turned to the boys. They approved his plan and agreed to help.
Suddenly, Kiselev's novel "The Girl and the Poultry" ends. The summary of the narrative shows that the criminals were searched not only by Olya's classmates. The guys learned about this after Kolya Galega, who was watching the workshops, suddenly found himself inside a gray "Volga" with tinted windows. He was simply dragged into the car by a dense man with a hat coming out of him. The guys who saw it all from the other side of the intersection rushed to the chase. More precisely, Zhenya persuaded the driver of another "Volga" to catch up with the stolen classmate. He at the intersection blocked the gray "Volga" and ran out to her with a wrench. However, a man in a hat came out to meet him and showed him a certificate. He was an investigator of the prosecutor's office.
The criminals are caught
From the story of the detective, the guys will learn how the investigation was proceeding. On the specifics of the police work tells Kiselev's novel "The Girl and the Poultry". The contents of the investigation was the identification of a whole gang of criminals. The investigation by the prosecutor's office was kept secret. The official version of the accident was a cover, so as not to frighten off the bandits. And the guys themselves, engaged in amateur search, were seen by criminals. Therefore, the investigator dragged Kolya into the car. After all, the boy risked his life, without knowing it himself! He could at any time provoke the bandits.
At the time of the interview with the guys, the bandits were already caught and arrested. The investigator of the prosecutor's office told the real version of the crime to Kolya and his comrades.
Criminals provoked Bogdan Iosifovich. He found that the store near the "Titan" shops does not hand over the proceeds to the bank. Workshops sewed products sold by the store from leather. The bald man Sokolov was in charge of the criminal business. He also invited Kolya to pay a bribe to Papa, so that he did not investigate the activities of the underground shop further. However, the former scout turned out to be honest and principled. He did not go against the criminals. Then the mean Sokolov, inviting Bogdan Iosifovich to his workshop, suddenly hit him on the head with a hammer several times, killing him. Then the vodka was poured into the mouth of the deceased, wishing to imitate death by imprudence.
After a search in the battery of Sokolov's apartment, numerous gold ornaments and ingots were hidden.
Instead of concluding
The adventures of Olya and her friends made them friends. Between her and Kolya Galego a romantic feeling arose, the name of which is youthful love. The son of the murdered militiaman turned out to be a whole man, strong-willed.
By the way, thirteen-year-old experimenters managed to find a catalyst that reduces the film-muscle. But the search and experiments conducted by the guys did not stop. They, as before, continue to work on the practical creation of their dreams.
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