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What is the role of spores in the life of bacteria? The mechanism of self-preservation

By creating bacteria, nature has invested in them a huge safety margin, not characteristic of other living organisms inhabiting the Earth. And not surprising! After all, during the existence of these microorganisms (billions of years, according to scientists) on the planet there were numerous cataclysms that these creatures were able to survive. How this happened, and what the role of the dispute in the life of bacteria, we will tell in this article.

Special stage

Simply put, the dispute among microorganisms is a special stage of development, designed exclusively for the preservation of the genus in harmful conditions for life. Unlike mushrooms, for example. They argue for breeding too. What is the role of spores in the life of bacteria? Their occurrence is observed in nature, when the environment ceases to be nutritious, when the culture itself is aging, when the parameters of temperature and humidity change and become unsuitable for life. In the presence of these conditions, microorganisms do not perish, but, as it were, "hibernate" until better times. How does this happen?


It is interesting, that from one bacterium only one dispute is formed. Recall that microorganisms are unicellular creatures. The nucleus (or the similarity of the nucleus) of a bacterial cell seems to be detached from the protoplasmic mass. Then - dresses a special shell, protective character, which strongly refracts the rays. Probably, therefore, under the microscope, the argument seems brilliant. This shell can act as a reliable shell, which protects the "shrunken" bacteria, significantly reduced in size, from temperature changes, from mechanical and chemical effects. The rest of the cell dies and the dispute "hatch" outward. What is the role of spores in the life of bacteria? The answer is simple: this special mechanism, invented by nature, is designed for self-preservation of microorganisms, if the conditions of their existence change in the negative direction.

What happens then?

This particular form of existence is extremely strong. In such a "preserved" form, microorganisms can be for many years, subject to freezing and boiling, shock and chemical attack. Scientists put the spores in a vacuum, frozen in liquid nitrogen, and still - the spores were, afterwards, viable. It is likely that the dispute could have existed for a long time in space. To understand the role of spores in the life of bacteria, one can recall the theory of the colonization of the planet by bacteria that were brought to Earth together with cosmic dust. According to some scientists, the result of the emergence of a dispute in ancient times was the development of life and all its diverse forms.

What is the role of spores in the life of bacteria?

Staying for many years, disputes, having got into suitable conditions, begin their transformation into ordinary cells. They, like seeds, germinate and pass into a state of completely viable bacteria.

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