Health, Diseases and Conditions
The temperature in the child rises: the reasons for which doctor to go to
Many mothers are familiar with such a situation, when the child changes body temperature within 24 hours. Jumps can be within one, two, or even three degrees. It is very easy to notice changes in the child's body. Since morning the kid is active and cheerful, and after only a few hours it becomes listless and apathetic. Why does the temperature of the baby jump?
general information
Temperature is a kind of indicator of the work of the body. Normally, its performance should not exceed a mark of 37 degrees. Throughout the day they can deviate more or less. The minimum values usually fall on the early morning, and their peak reaches about 17 hours.
Changes in temperature can be a consequence of both the physiological processes in the body of the child, and pathological. It is these two criteria that determine the causes of sharp jumps. Let's consider each of the cases in more detail.
Physiological conditions
The change in body temperature during the day is most often due to the physiological state of the organs. Activation of their work causes an increase in indicators. During sleep, when the body is at rest, there is a decrease in temperature values. Therefore, jumps from 36 to 37 degrees during the day should be regarded as a variant of the norm.
In addition to sleep and the period of wakefulness, fluctuations in temperature can be caused by other processes. They include experts:
- Active physical activity;
- overheat;
- Active digestion;
- Psychoemotional overexcitation.
In all these cases, the child has a temperature increase to subfebrile markers. Specific treatment or lifestyle changes are not required, since the increase is associated with the physiological state of the body.
One of the most common disorders in preschool children is thermoneurosis. In this state, the child develops a fever, but the temperature does not exceed 37.5 degrees. The results of blood and urine tests do not show serious abnormalities in the functioning of the body.
Among the main causes of thermoneurosis, physicians refer to the child's moral experience. They can be associated with the move, poor relations with children and caregivers in the kindergarten. Negative emotions through the vegetative system provoke a malfunction in the body's thermoregulation. As a result of constriction and a sharp widening of the vessels, a fever appears. If the child's temperature rises, and the doctor confirms the diagnosis of "thermoneurosis", medication is not required. While the parents do not identify the true cause of the disorder and do not liquidate it, the listed symptoms will accompany the baby. In such a situation it is enough to provide the child with a comfortable environment in the garden and at home.
Teenagers also have to face the phenomenon of thermoneurosis. Confirm this pathology can only be by eliminating the more serious causes for temperature fluctuations. In doubtful cases, adolescent children are shown to have an aspirin test. It involves the reception of antipyretic drugs, followed by monitoring the patient's condition. With stable parameters after about 40 minutes, we can speak about the presence of thermoneurosis. Treatment in this case includes the taking of sedatives, the appointment of restorative procedures.
Individual features of the body
Each child can have an "individual" temperature at which he is comfortable. It is easy to determine by measuring for several days in various states (before, during sleep and after waking up). You can even make a temperature graph, which will show all the changes. It is worth noting that the indicators sometimes vary depending on external factors: the baby is wrapped in a blanket, is in an excited state or has recently eaten. For example, in newborns, the norm is 37 or even 38 degrees. If the rest of the baby does not bother, you do not need to panic.
Pathological causes of galloping temperature
If the child's temperature rises during the day, with a maximum mark of 37.5 degrees or more, it is worthwhile to be on the alert. The causes of this disorder can be:
- Inflammatory processes in the body.
- Viral infections. These include bacterial infections, tonsillitis, SARS, etc.
- Diseases of the immune system, as well as violations in the work of the digestive tract.
- Relapses of chronic ailments.
Viral infections are characterized by a specific clinical picture. Therefore, it is very difficult to notice them. Usually, the child has a fever and runny nose, in rare cases, a stool is abnormal. If ARVI and angina quickly heal, then other pathologies from the list above require more serious therapy. In any case, the child should be shown to the pediatrician. After a complete examination of a small patient, the doctor will be able to select the most effective treatment.
Why does the temperature of babies jump?
Approximately six months after the birth of the baby, his teeth begin to be cut. This natural process is usually accompanied by a number of symptoms, including temperature jumps. In some children, it can reach 38.5 degrees, which affects the general state of health and mood. At the time of teething, gums become inflamed, as a result, the temperature rises.
What should parents do? Pediatricians do not recommend to bring down the temperature until it reaches critical levels (more than 38 degrees). To combat the inflammatory reaction, you can lubricate the gums with special soothing and cooling ointments. Also, doctors are advised to apply the crumb to the chest more often.
Low temperature in a child up to a year is the norm, if its parameters vary within 1-1.5 degrees. The organism of the newborn only begins to adapt to the conditions of the external environment, and the mechanisms of thermoregulation have not yet had time to finally gain a foothold. Therefore, they risk getting supercooled at low temperatures on the street, which for adults are not significant.
Other causes of asymptomatic temperature changes
Colds, chicken pox, influenza, pneumonia - all these diseases are characterized by an increase in temperature. Also, their appearance does not go without disturbing the stool, rash, nausea and vomiting.
If a child has a fever without symptoms, it is difficult to determine the cause of the oscillations. In this case, you can not do without the help of a qualified specialist. Consider the most common cases.
- The presence of a foreign body in the body. Most often in his role is an ordinary splinter. The sooner the parents liquidate the problem, the faster the malaise will pass.
- Low temperature in a child often indicates an avitaminosis.
- Allergy. Many have become accustomed to the fact that a unique reaction of the body to a certain product manifests itself in the form of a rash or sneezing. However, this does not always happen. Often with allergies, there is an increase in temperature. In general, this reaction is manifested in medicines. Therefore, before starting to use them, you should read the instructions.
- Scheduled vaccinations. In some children adaptation to injections passes unnoticed, in others - temperature skips. The child should not have any other symptoms of malaise. This example proves once again that there are no absolutely identical organisms.
The listed reasons for sudden temperature changes in children are the most common, but not the only ones. Only the doctor can determine the etiology of the disorder.
How to help crumbs?
First of all, parents should try to understand why the temperature rises in the child. 3 years old or already 13 years old - there is practically no difference. If the reasons are of a physiological nature, it is not necessary to fight them. In rare cases, it is necessary to adjust the child's way of life, change the situation or its surroundings. If the temperature fluctuations are caused by an allergy, it is necessary to exclude the provoking factor.
If a pathological character of the disorder is suspected, qualified care is required. In this case, parents should immediately call a team of medical workers. The doctor came to the house, what next?
Basic principles of treatment
To bring down the heat, children are usually given "Ibuprofen" or "Paracetamol". Breastfeeding babies who do not yet know how to eat themselves are given an injection with febrifuge. It is worth noting that under any circumstances it is impossible to engage in self-medication. Many drugs prescribed for adults are strictly forbidden for children. These include drugs with metamizole sodium, as well as "Aspirin" and "Analgin."
After this, the child is usually hospitalized or given an appointment at the district pediatrician. To determine the cause of sudden temperature changes, you will need to undergo a complete examination. Usually it includes blood and urine tests, ECG, ultrasound of organs. After receiving a complete clinical picture of the condition of a small patient, the pediatrician prescribes therapy and gives recommendations for care. Depending on the situation, the specialist prescribes antibiotics, hormonal drugs, antihistamines or anti-inflammatory drugs.
Doctor Komarovsky's advice
Famous pediatrician Komarovsky, to whose advice many parents listen, does not recommend that children be knocked down early. In his opinion, in this issue should be guided by the condition of a small patient. A normal reaction to temperature jumps indicates that the body crumbs produces immunity. So he tries to fight the viruses. When there are seizures and other symptoms that indicate the pathological course of the process, it is urgent to begin to deal with the problem.
How correctly to knock down the temperature? First of all, it is necessary to reduce heat production in a child's body. Do not give the child hot food and tea. Any fluid that enters the body must be warm or slightly chilled. If the baby shows unprecedented activity, it is important to try to calm him down. By his actions he only aggravates the state.
It is also necessary to increase the heat transfer. To do this, the child's room should be periodically ventilated. If it is very hot, you need to remove all excess clothing. When a child struggles with chills, you can wrap it and give it to the Morse. Warm or cool plentiful drink is the best way to get the temperature down.
Temperature jumps in childhood can be due to physiological and pathological causes. The doctor can determine the etiology of the disorder only on the basis of the results of the tests. Physiological causes usually do not require specific treatment, which can not be said about pathological. In any case, with malaise you need to consult a pediatric doctor. Today, the "doctor at home" service operates in all medical institutions, including free ones.
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