HealthDiseases and Conditions

Seborrhea. Treatment

Everyone understands that the most important thing in life is the preservation of one's health, which will make it look attractive and feel good. Many diseases we can provoke on our own, if we disregard the advice of dieticians, expose the body to excessive stress. One of these diseases is considered seborrhea, treatment should be carried out under the close attention of dermatologists and trichologists. Carefully refer to the first manifestations of the disease, immediately consult a specialist.

What is seborrhea? This condition of the body, characterized by a violation of the hormonal balance, in which the functioning of the sebaceous glands changes: an increased amount of sebaceous secret is produced, which contains the content of a large number of free fatty acids. Thus, the effectiveness of protective barriers is reduced, favorable conditions for the introduction of pathogenic agents are created. Violation of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine apparatus, nervous system - because of all this, seborrhea occurs, but treatment must be carried out taking into account the etiology.

Most often, seborrhea proceeds cyclically, but sometimes, having appeared in adolescence, already by the age of 27 disappears without a trace. If the process is chrono, then seborrheic dermatitis occurs . The disease affects those areas of the skin on which large amounts of sebaceous glands are located : the T-shaped face area, the scalp, the upper back and the decollete area.

There are three forms of seborrhea, which flow differently.

Oily seborrhea is caused by a decrease in the elasticity of the skin, as well as the expansion of the mouth of the sebaceous glands. The skin is glossy due to the release of a large amount of sebum, while the pores expand, which often turn out to be filled with dark-colored stoppers-gums or black acne. Hair quickly zhirneyut. This state is characterized by an abundant content of yellowish skin scales. If you have such a seborrhea, treatment should be started when the first symptoms appear , as it is possible to develop purulent inflammations, which spread very quickly.

Dry seborrhea is characterized by a decrease in sebum with a large number of dandruff flakes, which covers the hair and scalp. The reason is that due to a decrease in immunity, the skin fungus -Malassezia Furfur is activated. This leads to a disruption of the natural sloughing of epithelial cells, which causes a large amount of dandruff, and the hair becomes thin and dry in structure, and their fragility increases. Often, hair loss occurs. One of the symptoms characteristic of dry seborrhea is the split ends.

For mixed seborrhea is characterized by a combination of symptoms of dry and fatty forms in different areas of the skin.

A fairly common skin disease is seborrheic keratoma. More often it occurs in people aged 40 years and older. Seborrheic keratoma is a benign tumor. Her appearance is associated with heredity. The number and location of keratomas are different, but more often they are located on the hands, face and trunk. In men, the risk of seborrheic keratosis is significantly higher than that of women.

If you have seborrhea, treatment should include a set of measures aimed at normalizing the functioning of the digestive tract, the nervous system. For this, such medicines are used: preparations of bromine, calcium, vitamins of group A and B, neuroleptics. In addition, it is necessary to treat affected areas of the skin (solutions of soda, salicylic or boric acids, sulfur powders or mixtures with ichthyol). It is recommended to carry out ultraviolet therapy and stimulating treatment.

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