Food and drink, Cooking tips
Squid: useful properties and popular dishes
It was a long time ago when the squid was known only for its frightening appearance. Today, the popularity of these shellfish is explained by the food and gastronomic value of their delicacies. Kalmar, whose useful properties are highly appreciated by nutritionists around the world, is found everywhere in the salt water of the oceans and seas, and therefore it is not difficult to see it on the shelves of stores. The meat of squid in our country is sold frozen and canned.
So, what is good is the dietary product of squid, the useful properties of which we will consider below.
- Squid meat contains a lot of protein, so it is well digested and absorbed by the body.
- Taurine stabilizes blood pressure by lowering the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood.
- It is an antioxidant selenium, increases immunity, removes harmful substances from the body and protects against cancer.
- Iodine has a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland.
- Sodium, chlorine and potassium regulate such important processes as blood supply and water-salt metabolism.
- Copper prevents the destruction of the pigment of hair and their loss.
Squids contain the necessary vitamins, macro- and microelements, useful for humans. Caloric content of their meat ranges from 80-120 kcal.
There is no difficulty in the question of what to cook from squid: any dish will be tasty, easily digestible and suitable for people who stick to protein and low-calorie diets. In food are used in marinated, stewed, boiled, baked, dried and fried form the body and "wings" of mollusks. By the way, when cooking, the calamari does not lose its useful properties.
Dishes from squid are very diverse. Mistresses like to stuff them, changing and experimenting with fillings. Here is one of the popular recipes with squid. In addition, they will need such products: crushed crab sticks, mayonnaise, canned corn, greens, boiled rice. We connect the above ingredients, stuff the squid carcasses, and, spreading mayonnaise, spread on a baking sheet. We bake. For cooking 20 minutes are enough.
Quickly and quickly prepare the squid in the sauce (you can use sour cream, garlic, onion, tomato). To do this, you need frozen shellfish, a can of sour cream or cream, greens and vegetable oil. It is necessary to cut the thawed squid with rings, fry on high heat for a minute, sprinkle with salt, pepper, add seasoning to taste and pour water. Stew about 5 minutes. Next, put the sour cream and hold on the fire for no more than 2 minutes. Sprinkle with herbs in the end.
A squid, whose useful properties are widely known, is the ingredient of many salads. Here is a recipe for a simple and low-calorie dish.
Ingredients: freshly frozen squid, onions, 2 cucumbers, 3 eggs, greens and sour cream.
Pre-boil the meat of shellfish. Cut all ingredients with straws. Salt, pepper add to taste, season with sour cream and decorate with greens.
They go well with corn meat, corn, eggs, cheese, vegetables and mushrooms.
Kalmar, whose useful properties make it such a popular product, is able to bring variety to the menu of any person.
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