Sports and FitnessFitness

On the Path to the Ideal Figure: Exercises for Thoracic Muscles

Beauty of the body

Physical beauty from fashion will never come out. It can be natural or created in the gym. The latter option deserves special respect.

In professional bodybuilding development of pectoral muscles is attached almost paramount importance. Although at first glance it may seem that the business card of handsome men is from the biceps, on closer examination it becomes clear that the most striking impression is produced by the developed chest.

Superficial digression to the anatomy

The musculature of the breast consists of a large pectoral muscle and small. The large muscle of the chest originates from the collarbone to the sternum and is attached to the humerus. It is responsible for the flexion of the shoulder and its internal rotation. The small pectoral muscle has a triangular shape and is located directly under the large one. Its functions are essentially reduced to dubbing large actions.

On the basis of anatomical features, professional methods of training of the pectoral muscles were developed, which ensure the beauty of the breast, forming its relief.

Thoracic muscles can be stimulated to growth. For this, exercises for pectoral muscles have been developed. However, it is necessary to approach the process "savvy". Because the wrong training, even a very long and tedious, to the result will not.

You need to start breast training two times a week. Not more often. Perform exercises for pectoral muscles should be in several approaches (4-8 times). Beginners will only have two or three approaches at first.

The best exercises for pectoral muscles are basic horizontal push-ups (or presses). Exercises for pectoral muscles for men, of course, differ from what exercises for pectoral muscles for girls are. The difference is due to different goals pursued by men and women, performing exercises, and of course, different physical abilities.

The goal of men - a powerful pumped up chest, the girls basically do not tend to become like bodybuilders. Their aspirations are reduced to making the breast elastic and, if necessary, to add to it a certain volume.

Exercises for pectoral muscles for men

These exercises are aimed at inflating the muscles of the chest to create a relief powerful torso.

· Bench Press

· Push-ups on the uneven bars

· Pushups

· Breeding of hands with dumbbells

· Crossovers - blending hands on blocks, performed on simulators

· Pullovers with straight arms

· Army bench press ( standing press ), can be performed using barbells or dumbbells

· Selective training of the chest (for this, exercises are selected for individual sections of pectoral muscles with the help of a trainer)

All these exercises almost completely involve the pectoral muscles. In this case, individual exercises are directed to your site of a certain area of the muscle.

Exercises for pectoral muscles for the girl to

This complex is designed to stimulate the growth of the muscles of the chest in order to increase the bust and give the chest tone. For all the apparent ease of exercise, in order for them to have the desired effect, they must be performed by straining the muscles of the chest. This feeling should not be lost not for the whole complex of actions performed.

· Pressure with the force connected before the chest by the palms of each other

· Smooth flies with dumbbells, imitating the repulsion of skiers

· Pressure by the palms on the wall (the body should be slightly tilted to the wall to increase the load on the pectoral muscles and remove it from the back)

· Pushups

· Push-ups from the chair (standing with your back to the chair and stretching your legs forward at an angle of 30-45 degrees, you need to lower and lift the body above the chair, leaning against it with your hands)

· Bench press (using dumbbells)

· Dilution at the hands with dumbbells (perform sitting on a chair, elbows during exercises are pressed to the sides, then repeats the same, but withdrawing the elbows slightly to the sides)

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