Food and drink, Recipes
New Ukrainian vodka "Celsius"
Ukrainian producers of alcoholic products will never be left without work. The specificity of the national traditions of this country gives an occasion for constant development in this direction. In addition, there is a constant healthy competition, which does not allow specialists to stop at the achieved level. A new interesting product of the last decade is vodka "Celsius".
New Product
In 2006, a new product appeared on the Ukrainian alcohol market , which immediately attracted the attention of both buyers and specialists. On the shelves of stores appeared vodka "Celsius". The product immediately aroused keen interest and ambiguous gossip. First, everyone was interested in the reason for creating a new brand, because the alcohol market is already full of different names. The creators of the drink explain this by the necessity of constant perfection. Secondly, everyone was surprised by the name - vodka "Celsius". It is not entirely clear what made the developers use the name of the famous scientist, not related to alcohol and trade in general. Thirdly, many are interested in what distinguishes the new vodka from the rest. Here manufacturers have something to answer. Their main argument consists in completely new tastes and aromas of the drink. A great variety and rich choice only emphasize the desire to please the buyer. In addition, vodka "Celsius" became the owner of an unusual double cap, which contains a unique protection system.
Customer Reviews
After the appearance of the product on sale, manufacturers immediately began to conduct polls to find out whether the customers liked the new vodka "Celsius". The reviews were mixed, but mostly positive. First of all, the apparent softness of the drink was noted, as well as the complete absence of an unpleasant aftertaste and bitterness in the mouth. In addition, most people drew attention to the fact that after using this vodka the next morning none of them had a hangover. This fact pleasantly surprised and pleased. The design of the bottle itself was not disregarded either. Outwardly, it is a little unusual and even similar to a can with perfume. But this is one of its differences from the rest of the product. Yes, and the new development of the cap was also appreciated. Specialists were also interested in the new vodka "Celsius". Reviews of this group of people differ somewhat from the opinion of the townsfolk. For starters it was noted that it is difficult to pour a drink accurately from an unusual bottle. The content is necessarily partly drained over the outside. The taste of vodka did not impress them either, so the drink as a whole was only rated "good".
Price policy
It is not a secret for anyone that the ordinary buyer is most often determined in his choice, based on the value of the goods. Most people have little opportunity to purchase expensive drinks. This circumstance, if possible, was taken into account by the producers. So how much is "Celsius" vodka? The price, as is customary, depends on several factors:
- Volume of tare (0,5 or 1 liter);
- Composition of the drink (the presence of flavor additives);
- Type of packing (usual or festive);
- Place of bottling.
It is clear that imported goods will always be more expensive than locally produced products. Therefore, the Ukrainian company in 2013 concluded an agreement with Rosspirtprom for bottling new alcoholic products in Russia . The price for 1 bottle in volume of 0,5 liters at a rate of 340 Russian rubles was agreed. Since then, the volume of production has slightly increased, and the price for some types of product has even decreased to 160-189 rubles. The Russian consumer appreciated the new product, and the products are sold well enough in the outlets.
Classic choice
The most popular of the entire line of the proposed drink is "Celsius Classic". This vodka is made according to modern European technology. Only artesian water is used for production , and platinum filters are used for final cleaning. The date of filling is applied with a laser twice (on the cap and the bottle itself). This gives an additional guarantee against possible fakes. The product has a pronounced vodka flavor without any flavors and odors. This is very appreciated by true lovers and admirers of vodka. The quality of the goods is at a high professional level and fully meets the stated requirements. This fact confirms the fact that the "Celsius" production has already received a well-deserved international award "The Arch of Recognition of Europe".
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