Food and drink, Recipes
How to prepare dishes from zucchini in a multivark
Dishes from courgettes in a multivark can be prepared according to different recipes. However, it should be noted that they all differ in that besides this, the vegetable includes other additional ingredients.
Courgettes "Gentle"
Required products:
- Sour cream fresh dense - 200 g;
- Zucchini young small size - 2 pcs .;
- Olive oil - 3 large spoons;
- Fresh garlic - 3 cloves;
- Salt iodized - at discretion;
- Oregano - 1 dessert spoon ;
- Black pepper - to taste.
The processing of the main ingredients
To dishes from courgettes, in the multivarquet prepared, turned out delicious and tender, it is recommended to buy only young and small vegetables. After all, more mature products have large seeds, loose core and extremely hard skin, and this does not suit us. Thus, you should take 2 squash, wash them thoroughly, remove the stems, and then shred straw. After that, you need to clean fresh cloves of garlic and grind them on a small grater. Then you can safely proceed to fry the product.
Dishes from courgettes in the multivarquet must be prepared in the baking or quenching mode. The first option is suitable for our recipe the most, because the vegetables should be well fried. To do this, you need to pour 3 large spoons of olive oil into the bowl of the device, and then put the squashed zucchini. In this case it is advisable to put the multivark into the baking mode for about 30-33 minutes.
After a quarter of an hour, the vegetables will begin to be slightly roasted. In order that they are not burned, they are recommended to mix with a spoon, and then pepper, add salt, add oregano and 200 g thick sour cream. Next, the dish should be cooked in the same way, but stir occasionally.
Five minutes before the ready for tender toasted courgettes in sour cream, you can add grated garlic and fresh herbs at will.
Courgettes with tomatoes
Required products:
- Sour cream fresh dense (can be mayonnaise) - 100 g;
- Zucchini young small size - 1 pc .;
- Olive oil - 3 large spoons;
- Fresh garlic - 3 cloves;
- Onion - 1.5 pcs .;
- Salt iodized - at discretion;
- Tomatoes - 3 pcs .;
- Parsley fresh - a bunch;
- Black pepper - to taste.
The processing of the main ingredients
All dishes from zucchini in the multivarquet, or rather the process of their preparation, should begin with the processing of vegetables. To do this, you need to wash and peel onions, zucchini and tomatoes. After that, they are recommended to cut into small cubes.
Heat treatment
Processed zucchini should be put in the bowl of the device, and then butter with olive oil and put in baking mode for 15 minutes. After a quarter of an hour to a soft and toasted vegetables, add onions and tomatoes, which must be salted and peppered. It is required to cook this dish for about 15 minutes, after which it is recommended to lay out grated fresh garlic, chopped greens and thick sour cream. Then you need to mix the ingredients, put out everything exactly 5 minutes, and then leave in the heating mode for the same amount of time.
Correct feed to the table
Dishes from young courgettes are recommended to be served to the table in a warm form together with wheat bread and meat.
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