Food and drinkRecipes

How to prepare canned crawfish

Cancers can be found in any water bodies with fresh water all over the world. They are close relatives of shrimp and lobsters and, like their relatives, are distinguished by sweet and juicy meat. Despite the fact that some specimens can reach huge sizes, as a rule, these are small inhabitants of reservoirs.

The most famous and common way of eating is to cook them and eat them fresh. However, frozen or canned crayfish can be prepared. This will help keep the tender meat for a long time.

What is needed for canning

  • A large saucepan.
  • Salt.
  • Vinegar.

The recipe for cooking crayfish at home

Wash live crayfish well in cold water. Bring the water in a large saucepan to a boil. Add the vinegar and large salt in the following proportion - one glass of salt and vinegar per 4.5 liters of water. Put the crawfish in boiling water, wait for the water to boil again. It usually takes less than 10 minutes, depending on the size of your pan and the number of crayfish.

Remove the pan from the stove, as soon as the water boils, drain it. Once the crayfish are sufficiently cool to be picked up, separate the heads and tails. Remove the shell from the tails and fold the meat into a bowl or colander.

Prepare in a separate saucepan saline, using 2 to 3 glasses of large salt for every 4.5 liters of water. Fold the cleaned crayfish meat in sterilized jars and pour them with boiling saline. Leave 1 centimeter of space at the top of each jar. Cover the jars with metal covers. Canned cancers are almost ready, it remains to sterilize them.


Pour 10 cm of water into a large saucepan or broil and place the grill on the bottom. On the grate, put cans of crayfish meat, and the pan itself - on the included burner plate. Cover with a lid. Continue to boil strongly until a large amount of steam begins to emanate from the pan, then reduce the heat. Canned crayfish should be treated with high temperature for 60-90 minutes.

Then remove the pan from the plate. Cool it and take out the canned food, tighten the lids, let the banks cool down in the draft until they reach room temperature.

How to store

Check how well the cans are sealed by pressing the center of each lid with your finger. If the lid swings or bends, the bank is not closed properly. Canned crayfish should be stored in the refrigerator and be eaten after opening the cans for three days, more can not open canned food. In turn, correctly sealed cans can be stored in a cool dark place for one year.

This is not the only way to prepare crayfish. In addition, you can cook and pickled their meat, using any recipe intended for marinating shrimp. However, one should take into account the different size of seafood and the specifics of their preparation. In particular, when used for shrimp shrimp crayfish, you should increase cooking time at each stage by 50 percent.

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