Health, Preparations
Drops "Bayu-bai" - an excellent remedy for childhood insomnia!
It happens that your baby's day is very full of various events, the impressions of which prevent him from falling asleep or are often forced to wake up at night. Every parent knows that if a child does not sleep well, then he becomes moody and irritable. In this state, he can not lead a full life and develop well. How to help the baby? Many experts recommend using "Baiu-bai" drops in such cases. It is about this drug that will be further discussed.
What is Bayu-bai?
Drops for children of this brand are not considered a medicinal product, but are a biologically active additive. The drug is a hypnotic, with a general tonic and soothing effect. As a result, the child falls asleep well and sleeps soundly, and wakes up cheerful and cheerful in the morning.
In addition, the drops "Bayu-bai" contribute to the strengthening of the nervous system, relieve the nervous tension and irritation accumulated during the day, and also increase the efficiency and improve the work of the brain. This drug, as a rule, is prescribed for children from three years.
Composition of drops "Bayu-bai"
Often the composition of such drugs includes such components as barbiturates and valerian, which in some cases produce the opposite effect, provoking irritability and aggressiveness in the child. The drops of "Bayu-bai" do not contain such elements. They include extracts of the following plants: motherwort (contributes to the intensification of sleeping pills), hawthorn (calms the child's nervous system and lowers blood pressure), oregano (helps to relax the baby's nervous system), peony (has anti-inflammatory effect) and peppermint (has anti-inflammatory and Analgesic properties).
The drug "Bayu-bai" (drops): instructions for use
To resort to the help of this drug, doctors are recommended in the following situations:
- At the beginning and end of the school year, when many children experience an increased strain on the nervous system;
- As one of the means of complex therapy for neurotic conditions, dermatitis, alopecia or vegetovascular dystonia;
- With regular insomnia and various sleep disorders;
- With the goal of normalizing the phases of sleep.
If the doctor did not prescribe the frequency of admission and the amount of the drug, children from five years should be given 5-10 drops three times a day. If you only want to calm down your child a little before going to bed, 10-15 drops will suffice.
As for newborn babies, as a rule, this drug is not assigned to them. This is due to the fact that the drops of "Bayu-bai", like many other homeopathic remedies, are made on an alcohol basis. Therefore, only a doctor can prescribe such a drug in case of emergency.
If, after a long period of storage, you notice that the liquid in the jar with the medicine has clouded, there is a sediment, but the expiration date has not expired, do not worry. This in no way affects the effect of droplets. Just shake the vial well before use.
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