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How to lose weight with hormonal failure in women: features, practical recommendations and feedback

The number of hormones produced by the female body is about seventy. Their task is to ensure the proper functioning of any organ and tissue of the body. Their level may decrease or increase as a result of the influence of various external factors. There are many reasons that cause the so-called hormonal failure. A sad consequence of the imbalance, in addition to a complex of clinical signs, is a set of excess weight right up to serious obesity. And whether it is possible to grow thin at hormonal failure? After all, extra pounds are dialed very quickly, and the process of this correction lends itself with great difficulty. That is why the question of how to lose weight with hormonal failure (and preferably quickly), worries almost every one of us women.

Where to begin

The first thing you need to do if you have signs of such a disorder is to visit a specialist. The doctor must prescribe to pass the necessary tests to identify the level of hormones in the body. The information obtained will help determine the cause of the failure. And only after the statement of the correct diagnosis is possible purposeful treatment.

Sometimes an experienced specialist can out of the blue to determine the possible cause of obesity, depending on which of the zones are located fat deposits, and, accordingly, appoint recommendations for the discharge of hated kilograms.

What will tell folds on the body

Excess fat on the upper back and in the chest area indicates an excess of prolactin. This is the name of the hormone, the function of which is to prepare the female body during the gestation period to the process of breastfeeding. The manifestation of imbalance in this case is the presence of edema, a violation of the menstrual cycle, a high level of appetite.

Appointing certain drugs such as "Dostinex", the doctor will help the patient lose weight with hormonal failure. Feedback from the host community suggests stable results already observed during the first two months of use.

If fat is actively deposited in the waist area, one can assume an imbalance of hormones produced by the thyroid gland. Subjective signs of it - increased fatigue and lethargy. In case of disruptions in the thyroid gland, the patient suffers from a decreased capacity for work. Externally, this disorder is characterized by the puffiness of the cheeks. The most popular medicines that can be advised in this case are Propicil or Tiamazol.

If the zone of the most significant fat stores - buttocks and thighs, the reason is most likely in the lack of the hormone estrogen. In the mood of the patient there are strong changes, the character becomes irritable, memory decreases. There are serious manifestations of forgetfulness. All this can talk about the serious problems of the female reproductive system, the malfunctioning of the ovaries. The doctor adjusts the hormonal level in this case by the appointment of "Tocopherol" and other similar drugs.

But it is wrong to base a diagnosis only on the location of fat deposits. Pathology can be detected only after careful examination by a competent specialist after the delivery of all necessary tests.

What degrees of obesity exist?

There are four in all, and they are divided according to the percentage of excess weight to the ideal. If the fat excess exceeds the normal weight by 29% or more, you can talk about obesity of the 1 st degree. The next stage (2nd degree) is characterized by figures of 30-49%. When the excess mass fluctuates between 50 and 99% relative to the norm, we can talk about obesity of the third degree. Well, the most dangerous (fourth) degree of it is characterized by an excess of this level of 100%.

How to lose weight with hormonal failure?

The main principle of the diet in this case is a different balance of fat, carbohydrates and proteins taken with food. The rules to be followed in this period are:

1. Nutrition must be reviewed in the direction of a literate balanced diet with the optimal content of essential nutrients. At the same time, the consumption of sugars is minimized or completely eliminated.

2. You should proceed to a gradual increase in the percentage of fruits, mushrooms, legumes and berries in the diet. These products contribute to the process of restoring the normal hormone level in the human body.

3. Do not forget about taking iodine-containing drugs and complexes of minerals and vitamins.

4. A natural filter, by means of which the excess fat is burnt, - we all know fiber.

The initial composition of the menu in case of hormonal failure will be picked up by a dietitian. Having convinced of the correctness of the diagnosis, the endocrinologist will recommend a suitable list of the second and the first dishes, you will be able to supplement with your preferred vegetables and fruits yourself.

The top 15 products that can improve your metabolism consist of green tea, grapefruit, almonds, yogurt, coffee, turkey meat, spinach, apples, beans, broccoli, jalapenos, oatmeal, soy milk, cinnamon and curry. If the diet does not help well, the doctor will offer you hormone therapy. But very much in the process of treatment depends on the patient herself. As a rule, as a result of a competently conducted course, the weight will begin to decrease.

Is it worth worrying about pregnancy?

Those who gained excess weight during pregnancy are not particularly worried. A lot of freshly baked mothers are worried about the question of how to lose weight with hormonal failure after childbirth. But in the vast majority of cases, extra kilograms go away in such a situation gradually, by themselves. Under the influence of the strongest stress experienced by the body, there is a natural hormonal failure, but then usually everything comes back to normal, and the body is recovered almost completely. It is necessary to remain calm during this difficult period of life, not to deny yourself fresh air, proper nutrition and observe the necessary postulates of a healthy lifestyle.

Hormonal failure: how to lose weight faster?

Unfortunately, a week or two here you can not do. Therapy of this physical disorder assumes in addition to systematic and strict control the gradual and uniform rate of transition to normal nutrition and lifestyle.

Will hormonal help in getting rid of physical signs of obesity - flabby skin, stretch marks and the like?

If you lose weight with the help of medicines, then you can not do without increased physical activity. This will gradually give the cells of the body the right tone. Everyone who could lose weight thanks to the help of an endocrinologist and a dietitian doctor, notes that the results are much better in sports classes.

Councils of dietary character

Which products should you pay special attention to if you lose weight?

1. Turkey meat.

2. Dairy products of low fat content.

3. Sea kale.

4. Cucumbers.

5. Greenery.

Refuse is the following products (or reduce their use to a minimum):

1. Fatty sweets.

2. Beef, veal and pork.

3. All kinds of marinades, fatty dressings and mayonnaise.

4. Ice cream and all kinds of baking.

5. Alcohol.

Failure Failure Strife

What kinds of hormonal disorders can there be? Most often, the sexual hormones "jump" (the progesterone and estrogen already mentioned above). If the latter is not enough in the body, calories are stored in reserve, converted into a layer of fat. The shortage of progesterone provokes swelling due to fluid retention in all tissues and organs.

At different stages of life, women face different options for such a malfunction. Everything begins already during the period of puberty. Another strong surge is in the bearing of a child, childbirth, lactation. And finally, older women are threatened with such troubles in the menopause.

In addition to the natural processes listed above, hormones can be disturbed by stress, infatuation with harmful habits, overloading any plan - both physical and psychological. It is because of such a huge variety of possible causes of this disorder that the question of how to lose weight with hormonal failure, in women is at one of the first places.

Spoil the picture of physiological balance can be thoughtless treatment of some drugs taken without medical appointment, as well as abortions. An important role is played by the issue of heredity. In addition, it should be remembered that in the body everything is interconnected and of great importance is the proper functioning of the most important hormone-forming organs - the thyroid and pancreatic glands, adrenals.

The importance of the thyroid gland

How to lose weight when hormonal failure, if there are problems with thyroid gland? Unfortunately, this is very difficult, almost impossible. Without a good job, you will not have thyroid glands of normal metabolism. With a lowered level of hormones produced by her, the patient's body is not able to process all the food received into energy. That is why unused surpluses are also stored. With artificially created self-restrictions on nutrition, weight, as a rule, only grows. All this is accompanied by the phenomena of drowsiness, apathy and the general sluggish state of the organism.

Pancreas serves as the body that is engaged in the production of insulin. The risk of obesity in the event of a violation of its functions is very, very high. But we can not determine the reasons why our body was hormoneally disrupted. This can only be done by a doctor, having read the results of the necessary tests.

Most often, the appointment of some hormonal drugs specialist will not be limited. The patient will necessarily be given advice on how to lose weight after a hormonal failure through a special diet regime. Additionally, the physician can support the patient's body with neuroleptics, preparations containing potassium and iodine, and the like.

About the role of physical activity

How to lose weight when hormonal failure is even more reliable? You will achieve the desired result much faster and more successfully if you take physical exertion in addition to using the means of pharmacology. At the beginning of treatment, its level should be quite small. The best option here is to start walking. The next step is to record in the yoga section or the swimming pool. With the passage of time, it makes sense to switch to sports that involve increased activity.

But remember: all your classes should be under the supervision of a specialist. Starting to engage in any sport, be sure to consult with the doctor that knows your treatment. Incorrectly selected load can significantly damage the body. Both excess and lack of activity may well provoke the development or relapse of hormonal failure.

It is important not to deny yourself a full rest. If you normally get enough sleep and rest on time, the process of getting rid of excess fat will pass much faster and more successfully. Separate from an unnecessary liquid body will help any of the steam procedures. It's about a sauna, a sauna and the like.

Try not to "buy" on the proposed unapproved advertising means to eliminate hormonal disorders. Remember that treatment should be appointed exclusively by a specialist. The initiative in this matter is very dangerous.

About preventive measures

Prevent most of the major problems associated with excess weight, you can, adhering to a couple of simple rules:

1. Careful tracking of your own menstrual cycle. All delays and failures indirectly indicate a hormonal imbalance in our body.

2. The gynecologist should go in case of a change in the course and nature of the critical days. It is important in time to deal with the causes that caused such changes.

3. Do not forget to check the correctness of your nutrition.

What you can and what you can not

The principles of a competent approach to the food ration are known, perhaps, to all. They coincide with those advocated by virtually every diet or literate nutrition system. It is not enough for anyone who will be surprised by the advice to use the maximum possible amount of fruits and vegetables, steamed or cooked fish and meat non-fat products, sweets only so-called natural - in the form of honey and dried fruits.

Similarly, calls to avoid alcohol, fatty, fried and refined sugars are not unexpected.

About the refusal of smoking and alcohol know, I think, everything. Add to this should be only the need for a prophylactic visit to medical specialists at least once a half-year. Disregarding this rule, you can get a number of additional problems in the form of unnoticed crept in serious diseases - up to infertility or diabetes.

Remember that only by applying systematic, purposeful efforts, you can lose weight with hormonal failure. Your attention to your own women's health will serve as a guarantee of genuine well-being, vigorous health and magnificent appearance.

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