FinanceThe property

What is rent? And why should she

Each of us once heard something about rent, right? Far from everyone can confidently be able to explain what this term means. Let's find out what rent is. It is voluntary transfer of their property or part of it to another person. At the same time, all transferred property must be preserved in the proper form and paid in time.

The payment can be not only money, but also other types of calculation, which are prescribed in the rent contract. This can be the purchase of medicines, partial or complete housekeeping, care for the ill owner, etc.

When drawing up a contract of rent, all conditions and responsibilities of both parties are indicated. Under the terms of the rent contract, the property becomes the property of the payer, or immediately after signing, or at another time, which was determined by both parties. The contract must necessarily indicate how long the former owner will be registered there, and how long he will stay in the apartment.

What is rent and its types? They can be divided into three groups: lifelong, permanent and lifelong maintenance with dependents. They are different in size and timing of payments, in form. What is a constant rent? It is paid to citizens or non-profit organizations. The receipt of this type of rent passes by heredity, or as a result of succession.

What is rent for life? And how does it differ from a constant? It can be received only by individuals. This kind of rent can not be transferred by inheritance, in connection with the fact that compulsory payments on annuities cease on the day when the death of the rent-seeking party occurs. Damage or destruction of the property transferred under the contract does not release the payer from the obligations undertaken to pay mandatory payments.

Lifetime annuity with dependency implies that the rentee transfers the property belonging to him into the property of the payer, who in turn agrees to carry out lifelong care with ides.

The contract of rent must be certified by a notary and must be registered in accordance with the established procedure.

To date, most often the rent of an apartment. Currently, large cities have agencies that deal with such transactions. Usually such a step is taken by elderly, lonely or forgotten relatives who simply do not have enough money to live.

An unpleasant nuance of such transactions is often the fact that agency employees and payers do not inform the gullible pensioner about the true size of the rent. The expression "Five (and sometimes two) minimum wage" is regarded by an older person as "five times four thousand", although in reality this means five times 100 rubles each.

Despite the fact that this situation is clearly unfair, the Russian lawmaker MROT (4330 rubles) does not allow rents to contracts. Despite the fact that now the bill on the normalization of this situation was adopted in the first reading, it has not passed further. Therefore, the old people who transferred their property to the property, instead of the expected eight thousand rubles, will receive two hundred.

To terminate or revoke such an annuity contract is possible in a court of law, but it is extremely difficult to do so. Qualified and well-paid lawyers will be required to prove the illegality of the transaction.

Now you know what rent is, and it's up to you to decide whether to register it or not.

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