HealthDiseases and Conditions

Genital endometriosis: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, consequences, treatment

Genital endometriosis is quite common today and is constantly younger. The most terrible consequence of it, and sometimes the only symptom is infertility.

Why does the disease occur? Not completely clear to scientists, but there are a number of theories on this score. So, e ndometrioz. Causes:

  • Immune disorders;
  • Surgical interventions on the uterus;
  • Hormonal imbalance (hyperestrogenia);
  • Inflammation;
  • Stress;
  • Throwing menstrual flow into the tubes and abdominal cavity.

These assumptions are confirmed by research. However, some experts believe that the true reasons have not yet been clarified.

The main symptom of endometriosis is pain, which can be of different intensity. At the initial stages of the disease, they may be absent. The intensity of pain in endometriosis depends on individual susceptibility and does not always reflect the severity of the process. While some patients experience only unpleasant sensations, others lose their ability to work.

The peculiarity of pain in endometriosis is that they have a cyclic character. That is, appear or increase during menstruation. By the nature of the pain, the doctor can assume the place of localization of the process.

In addition, with endometriosis there are long, profuse, painful menstruation. For this disease are characteristic before and after monthly mazhujushchie allocation. At later stages, bleeding may occur. Because of the abundant blood loss in patients often anemia.

In half of the cases, infertility is accompanied by genital endometriosis. It arises from the adhesions in the tubes, the violation of ovulation and the pathology of the endometrium. In addition, with this disease, the number of macrophages and prostaglandins increases, which negatively affect fertility.

With this disease, a tissue similar to the uterine mucosa begins to grow in unintended places. Thus, with internal endometriosis this occurs in myometrium, and in the outer endometrium it occurs in the ovaries, tubes, vagina, and also on these organs and the cervix of the uterus.

Endometrial cells under the influence of hormones undergo cyclic changes and are rejected during menstruation similar to the uterine mucosa. This leads to hemorrhage, inflammation, edema, impaired functioning of the affected organ and the formation of adhesions.

Genital endometriosis is diagnosed on the basis of patient complaints, examination, ultrasound, hysteroscopy, hysterosalpigography and laparoscopy. In the absence of symptoms, this can happen by chance at a scheduled visit to a gynecologist or surgery for another reason.

Ultrasound can diagnose adenomyosis, adhesions and endometrioid cysts. During hysteroscopy, the uterus cavity is examined, it helps to detect internal endometriosis and a number of other pathologies.

Hysterosalpingography is mainly used to check the patency of the fallopian tubes. During it, a special substance is injected into the uterus and X-rays are taken. However, the study helps determine the pathology of the uterus, including adenomyosis.

For diagnosis of the endometriosis of the cervix and vagina, examination and colposcopy are sufficient. During this study, the doctor examines it in a microscope, staining with different solutions.

The most accurate method for detecting endometriosis of the ovaries and tubes is laparoscopy. This study, when pathologies are detected, becomes operational. During it, foci of endometriosis are removed. To access the abdominal cavity, only a few incisions are made, including for an optical device that allows monitoring the course of the operation.

In addition to surgical methods, hormonotherapy is used to treat endometriosis . Drugs are selected by the doctor, taking into account the stage of the process, the age and plans of the patient.

Thus, genital endometriosis is a common disease, which in half the cases leads to infertility and pain. The earlier the therapy is started, the more likely it is that fertility will be restored.

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