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Jaundice is what? Jaundice: Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment

A person who does not have medical education and understands little in scientific terminology, hardly knows that jaundice is a non-independent disease. It is more correct to say that this is a number of clinical manifestations in Botkin's disease, hepatitis or pathological conditions of internal organs, including the liver. We are faced with an important task - to speak about the varieties, provoking factors, manifestations and therapies of this unpleasant disease with an accessible language.

Introductory part

To begin with, we give a brief description of the syndrome. Jaundice is a change in color (staining) of the eye proteins, skin and mucous membranes in connection with the increased concentration in the blood plasma of a specific pigment - bilirubin. Symptom, flow and severity will directly depend on the true cause that provoked the syndrome. As we found out, the main culprit changing the color of body parts is bilirubin. It is synthesized from the used hemoglobin.

The excess of the indirect pigment (not connected with the acid) is very toxic to the tissues and organs of our body. A lot of trouble and anxiety delivers to newborns and their parents. Physiological jaundice in infants is formed as a result of the breakdown of chemical reactions and erythrocytes, then accumulates in tissues. In some cases, treatment is not required - the symptom complex after a few weeks alone disappears.

Types of jaundice and their features

In the process of careful study of the disturbance of the metabolism of pigment matter, experts decided to classify pathology by species. Each form has individual signs and is treated according to a certain pattern. We will understand all the nuances.

Obstructive, or mechanical

According to medical workers, it appears more often against the background of malignant formations of the biliary tract, also with cholelithiasis, hypernephrosis, helminthic invasion. Almost immediately, the skin and sclera of the eyes are stained with mechanical jaundice. Treatment is carried out by a minimally invasive and medicament method. If you do not take action, then there is a blockage of the biliary tract.

The probability of their rupture is high. If this happens, then all bile will penetrate into the bloodstream. As a result, the liver with a spleen increases, the stool masses become discolored. With prolonged stagnation of bile , liver cells are deformed, their functional activity is disrupted.

Cholestatic jaundice

Develops after a bacterial or infectious disease. Cholestatic jaundice is equally diagnosed in adults and children. The blood test shows a significant increase in bilirubin, while the pigment metabolites are absent in feces and urine. By external changes of the skin (colored yellow), the doctor can determine the disease.

Hemolytic type

The type is caused by the disintegration of red blood cells - erythrocytes. The jaundice of this form develops immediately: the patient is worried about swelling, fainting, anemia. According to statistical data, the hemolytic type is more common in newborns. It is explained by the presence in the body of bilirubin, which poisons the baby. With palpation and ultrasound, the enlarged spleen is noticeably enlarged. This disease is transmitted at the genetic level - from close relatives and ancestors. In the absence of proper therapy and medical supervision, the consequences are extremely unfavorable.

Parenchymal, or hepatic form

Dissociated erythrocytes (free bilirubin) are transported to the blood and bile capillaries due to impaired operation of the liver cells. From a huge dose of pigment, the body experiences tremendous stress and fails. Differentiated by the method of palpation of the spleen and liver, parenchymal jaundice.

This helps doctors in the diagnosis (in addition to blood and urine tests). During palpation, the compaction and enlargement of internal organs are noticeable. The patient experiences pain and malaise. Comprehensive therapy is mandatory. The prognosis is favorable provided that the requirements of the doctor are met.

Carotenic jaundice of food origin

According to the doctors, it is necessary to distinguish such concepts as true and false jaundice. What kind of ailment a patient has, it is possible to find out only at a doctor's appointment. The carotenic form refers to the false. Appears as a result of frequent eating of orange products, for example, carrots or oranges. When a clinical study of blood shows an abundance of beta-carotene (vitamin A), which gives the skin, the eyes and mucous membranes an orange color.

This is not a pathology and does not require medical supervision. To eliminate the unnatural color of the skin, it is sufficient to exclude from the menu products containing enzymes. However, it must be understood that it may take 12 months to completely purify the body of carotene. To prevent such a phenomenon, monitor the food.

Is it possible to pick up jaundice?

Hepatitis B and C is a danger to humans. The disease is transmitted through sexual contact, through the blood, the placenta (transfusion, medical instruments, a toothbrush, manicure instruments). Another no less threatening disease is viral hepatitis A (Botkin's disease). You can catch a pathological condition through poorly purified water, unwashed foods, contaminated objects, handshake.

There are three stages of the course of the disease: mild, moderate and severe (epidemic). In each case, viral hepatitis A proceeds in different ways. The most dangerous form is epidemic. The patient has CNS disorders, increases the risk of hepatic coma, fever. Hospitalization and constant medical supervision are required.

General clinical manifestations

We found out what kind of jaundice is contagious and a threat to life. Now we describe the manifestations, identical for all types of disease. Knowing the clinical symptoms, a person can timely prevent the disease by applying for help in a medical institution. The main distinctive feature of the pathology is the yellowness of the proteins of the eyes, mucous membranes and skin.

However, with each form the shade is different. With a mechanical appearance, the surface of the skin acquires a yellow-olive color with a brownish tinge. The liver form is characterized by a bright orange color, and the hemolytic form is lemon-yellow. The disease is accompanied by itching, enlargement of the liver, spleen, the emergence of spider veins, fever.

This changes the color of urine - it becomes dark. There are violations of the side of the nervous system: torment apathy, irritability, weakness, insomnia. Presence of similar symptoms should induce to address to the local therapist.

Diagnostic measures

It is not difficult and difficult to accurately establish the pathology. Based on anamnesis, external signs, liver biopsy and clinical studies (blood, feces, urine) it is easy to determine the cause of the syndrome. Mandatory additional diagnostic methods are prescribed: MRI, ultrasound, liver scan, duodenal sounding, tomography.

Methods of therapy

Authorized to appoint treatment infectious disease, hematologists, therapists and surgeons after a full medical examination and the establishment of the correct diagnosis. The main methods of combating the disease: drug and surgical methods, and also conducted phototherapy and endoscopy. Surgical intervention (elimination of adhesions, gall bladder, formations, crushing of concrements) is carried out if mechanical jaundice is put.

Treatment of a disease of an infectious origin is carried out only permanently - maintenance therapy for liver work is prescribed. Blood transfusion is indicated for hemolytic type. Complex therapy helps. Positive dynamics shows phototherapy, which contributes to the processing of pigment and its removal from the body. It is prescribed for both adults and infants. Also, the methods of treatment include the intake of dietary supplements. Additives help to restore liver cells, metabolic processes, carry out detoxification. Patients prescribed drugs-hepatoprotectors (drugs that protect the liver), spasmolytic drugs. There are many treatment options. The choice of therapeutic technique remains with the doctor.

Diet will accelerate recovery

A properly balanced menu is an essential attribute in the treatment of this pathological condition (liver damage). Along with taking medication, the patient should follow a diet (on the recommendation of a specialist). Children under the age of one year receive only breast milk or an adapted mixture.

From the diet, fatty varieties of meat, egg yolk, preserves, seasonings, harmful sweets (baking, chocolate, sweets) are completely excluded. All dishes should be served only in boiled, stewed, steam, baked form. In small dosages, butter, natural pastilles, honey, marshmallows are allowed. You need to add more fresh fruits, vegetables, greens. Requires abundant drinking: mineral water, tea, herbal infusions, compotes, jelly.

Alternative medicine recommends ...

In a complex with traditional treatment it is possible to use the vegetative components promoting bile away. Well-proven decoctions and infusions of dandelions, yarrow, plantain, calendula. Proportions - half a glass three times a day. It will not hurt to consume saltless pickle brine and beetroot syrup - alternate drinks every other day (250 ml twice a day).

Negative consequences

All kinds of jaundice can cause irreparable harm and provoke terrible complications. Do not let go of the pathology. Toxic pigments disastrously affect all internal organs, cause Krigler-Nayyar syndrome, neuropsychiatric disorders, acute pancreatitis, hemolysis, oncology, cirrhosis.

So, we acquainted the readers with a dangerous state that does not know the age limits and causes dangerous consequences. To avoid infection, be careful: avoid fast food points, do not drink tap water, rinse products thoroughly, do not contact street animals. We will not mention safe sexual contact - everyone must know about this. Armed with someone who is aware and takes preventive measures.

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