HealthDiseases and Conditions

Dense blood: what to do and what to be afraid of?

Many people in recent years are very concerned about the problem of blood viscosity. If previously there was more frequent bad blood turnover, now the direct opposite of it - dense blood - comes to the fore. What should I do if I detect such a sign, and what is the threat of this seemingly insignificant problem?

Threats of blood thickening

Let's start with the threats that can bring with it the excessive viscosity of this liquid, and in general: what does "thick blood" mean? It flows through the veins and arteries more slowly and lazily, and to push it through the vessels, your heart has to exert much more effort, which contributes to its faster wear. The same applies to the vessels themselves, the walls of which experience excessive pressure, stretch and become less dense and elastic. Outcome: the whole range of diseases of both the heart and blood vessels, which has become much closer to you. And all these troubles are provoked by thick blood. What to do with it, any doctor will tell, and for folk medicine these problems are not a novelty.

Causes - hormonal changes

Determine the causes of thickening of the blood. The most common is hormonal changes. First of all, this is pregnancy or menopause. The blood flow becomes slow - dense blood is formed. What to do, no one can reverse the age changes. With their result it is necessary to struggle, but at least it is not necessary to eliminate the reason.


Further - dehydration. Or a person just does not drink enough, or suffered from vomiting and diarrhea. Here you need to do the water balance of your body, and the blood will return to normal.

Often when the body is infected with parasites, very dense blood is also observed. What to do in this case, it is not difficult to guess - to free yourself from unnecessary "fellow travelers". By the way, the same effect is produced by viral diseases, vitamin deficiency and lack of trace elements.

Of course, heart and vascular diseases are also on the list of possible causes. They are joined by all diseases that lead to increased urination, which again leads to a lack of water in the tissues - diabetes, kidney problems, etc. This includes obesity and even some serious excess weight - they contribute to the appearance of those diseases that cause dehydration and, as a consequence, increased viscosity of your blood.

And the last factor that can lead to the results discussed is drug. In particular, contraceptives and a diuretic are medicines that can slow blood flow. The first change the hormonal background (we have already discussed this), the latter remove water from the body with an uncharacteristic speed (this too was indicated).

What to do?

So what to do when you find out that you have thick blood? What can I do to restore her natural constitution? To begin with, drink the amount of water needed by the body. And it should be cleaned or filtered, and between eating and drinking leave a gap in an hour, not less, so as not to disturb the digestive processes. Do not neglect garlic - it dilutes blood well. If possible, eat artichokes for the same purpose. If the blood viscosity is too high, prefer alkaline foods, that is, potatoes, cereals, vegetables (except eggplants and tomatoes), whey and milk, any vegetable oil.

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