Business, Human Resource Management
Drawing up a schedule of shifts: a sample. Order on changing the shift schedule: sample
которого не составит труда найти в любой справочной системе, тем не менее, требует соблюдения определенных нюансов, о которых пойдет речь в данной статье. A schedule of shifts, a sample of which can be easily found in any help system, nevertheless requires compliance with certain nuances, which will be discussed in this article.
The organization of work on shifts is expedient in the following situations:
- The need to organize a continuous production cycle. To meet the demand for products, it is necessary to employ workers for more than 8 hours.
- The need for the provision of services exists around the clock. For example, medical.
In any case, we are talking about situations where the need for a production process is not satisfied with the usual schedule of 5 * 2 with clearly established output. In such situations, work is organized in two or more shifts.
How to switch to the shift schedule
This issue is of concern to many personnel officers who are interested in ensuring that all documents are properly documented. So, if the company came to the fact that it is necessary to organize work in shifts, it is necessary to take care of the following points:
- которого будет приведен ниже. Initially, an order is prepared for the shift schedule, a sample of which will be given below. причину введения сменного режима; It should be noted that it is not compiled according to a unified form, but should only reflect: the reason for the introduction of the replacement regime; The date on which the changes take effect; Who is entrusted to develop a schedule of shifts (usually the responsibility of the head of the structural unit); Who is responsible for making changes in the PVTR, signing of additional agreements, familiarization with the changes. As a rule, the personnel department is responsible for this item. The procedure is carried out no later than two months.
- Further, changes are made to the company's regulatory documents, which clearly indicates for which employees the working schedule is changing, how many shifts will be in the day, from what hour to what time each shift should be present at the workplace, alternating working / non-working days.
- The next step is the development of shift schedules and their approval.
Difficulties in introducing a shift schedule
This procedure, of course, can cause discontent of employees. которого вы планируете довести до сотрудников, рекомендуется все-таки дать устную информацию, чтобы персонал немного привык к мысли о том, что режим работы будет изменен. Before publishing the schedule of shifts, a sample of which you plan to bring to the staff, it is recommended to give all the same oral information so that the staff is a bit used to the idea that the operating mode will be changed. Someone, on the contrary, believes that it is necessary to bring information to the employees in writing at once. The decision of the head is his right.
которого, как мы выяснили, не является чем-то универсальным, в обязательном порядке, тем не менее, доводится до сотрудников и здесь можно встретить негатив, с которым можно бороться вполне законными способами: The order to change the schedule of shifts, a sample of which, as we found out, is not something universal, without fail, is nevertheless brought to the staff and here one can find a negative that can be combated in perfectly legitimate ways:
- In writing, offer the employee another job, while it is important to know that it can not only match the qualifications of the employee, but be lower than it. This also applies to payment.
- If the employer does not have a vacant post that meets the worker's requirements, then the employment relationship loses its validity (the basis is point 7, part one, article 77 of the LC RF).
Important to remember
приказа может иметь произвольную форму. So, to introduce a schedule of shifts, the sample order can have an arbitrary form. The requirements for this document are outlined above. However, difficulties can arise precisely when developing the schedule itself. At the stage of drafting it is important to consider the following points:
- Working hours for the accounting period should not be more than the number of hours specified in the labor law (see articles 91, 104 of the Labor Code of the RF).
- Weekly continuous break in work (weekends) should not be less than 42 hours.
- The work of an employee is inadmissible for 2 consecutive shifts (see Part Five, Article 103 of the TCRF).
- абочая смена перед праздником должна быть меньше стандартной (см. часть первая, ст. 95 ТК РФ). The shift before the holiday should be less than the standard one (see part one, article 95 of the LC RF).
How to draw up a schedule of shifts, you can see on the sample below.
составить сложно (невозможно, например, определить нормальное число часов за учетный период), то необходимо отслеживать переработку, которая будет считаться сверхурочной работой. It is important to note that if the sample of filling the shift schedule is difficult to compile (it is impossible, for example, to determine the normal number of hours for the accounting period), then it is necessary to track the processing that will be considered overtime. It can not exceed four hours for two days, and its maximum duration is 120 hours / year (see part six, article 99 of the TCRF).
Cases from practice
которого многие из нас видели (это обыкновенная таблица, где отмечены рабочие/нерабочие дни), теперь, казалось бы, процесс понятный. Drawing up a schedule of shifts, the pattern of which many of us saw (this is an ordinary table where work / non-working days are marked), now, it would seem, the process is understandable. It is approved by the order of the head, then it is brought to the workers, the specificity of interaction with which is now also disclosed.
However, it is worthwhile to talk about ways of overcoming difficulties in the introduction of a new labor regime.
In particular, we can offer them other vacant positions if the employees refuse, but we should remember that the shift schedule is very often set for the production workers and those who perform complex services. For example, car repair. In such a situation, in order to retain valuable personnel, it is necessary to show employees the benefits of switching to such a regime, and then build the process so that the cycle with alternation of working / non-working days is uninterrupted.
It is worth noting that the combined accounting of working hours helps to exclude recycling.
How to make a schedule of shifts?
The sample was presented just above. We will write down this process according to the points:
- Determine the accounting period. This can be a quarter, a month. The maximum period is a calendar year.
- Calculate the length of time required to maintain each workplace for which a shift work is planned.
- Identify the working hours for each employee.
- Identify the number of employees required to maintain each workplace, determine the required number of staff.
It should be remembered:
- асы работы, которые превышают норму, являются сверхурочными и оплачиваются, согласно действующему законодательству. The hours of work that exceed the norm are overtime and are paid according to the current legislation.
- ак уже говорилось выше, ни для одного сотрудника не может быть установлено более 120 сверхурочных часов за год. As already mentioned above, no more than 120 hours of overtime can be set up for one employee per year.
- абота в праздничный день подлежит оплате в двойном размере, либо сотруднику предоставляется дополнительный день отдыха. The holiday on a public holiday is payable in double amount, or an additional day of rest is given to the employee.
- ни пребывания на больничном не подлежат отработкам, а вычитаются от общей нормы. Either stay on the sick-list are not subject to work-outs, but are deducted from the general norm.
- ерерывы для отдыха и питания не подлежат оплате. Rest breaks for rest and food are not payable.
About sliding mode
которого можно найти без труда, особых сложностей не возникает. When drawing up a schedule of shifts, a sample of which can be found without difficulty, special difficulties do not arise.
I would like to say a few words about the sliding schedule, which marks the beginning of the work day based on the time at which a person went to work. For example, sending a public transport. And also the time of completion of the work task - the transport arrived at the destination.
Then, from the time when the task was completed, the rest period is counted. The advantage of this schedule is that it does not oblige the employee to stay permanently in the workplace.
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