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Diet with acne: menus, reviews

None of the girls are pleased with acne and pimples on the face. But sometimes these problems do arise. Some girls believe that in this case, a very good diet helps with acne on the face. Is this so and what is this food system? Now we will find answers to exciting questions.

Opinion of doctors

The opinion of the doctors divided. Some believe that nutrition affects the skin, others say the opposite. And in practice it happens that a person smokes, eats roast and fat, and his face is all clean.

Others have the opposite, they adhere to proper nutrition, go in for sports, while acne appears on the face. This is easy to explain, because their occurrence does not always depend on nutrition, but it is also important. Acne can appear for various reasons.

We are what we eat

It has long been proven that refined foods and sugar increase the production of sebum, which, in turn, clogs the pores. When bacteria join them, acne appears. Because of violations in the gastrointestinal tract, there is a weakening of the motor function of the intestine. As a result, harmful substances can not be removed without hindrance. If the internal organs can not cope with toxins, then the skin is fighting with them.

Therefore, if you want to cleanse your face, cleanse the intestines. Currently, there are many drugs that allow it to be done. And do not need to conduct grueling manipulations. You can drink a course of the drug "Linex" or "Bifidumbacterin". They help to eliminate toxins.

We clean the bowels ourselves

In the morning, drink water with a pinch of salt (one glass). After thirty minutes, drink a glass of yogurt. Salt removes harmful substances. Kefir also helps saturate the microflora with lactobacilli. Diet in the treatment of acne consists mainly of low-fat varieties of meat, cereals, vegetables and fruits.

Principles of Nutrition

Meals must include fish. If you can not buy it, then pay attention to fish oil. To make up for the lack of omega-acids, use flax seeds. You can add them to salads. Also of particular importance is vitamin A. It is found in orange, green fruits and vegetables. Therefore, more often eat apricots, currants black, cucumbers, spinach. Also an important role in vitamin E. It is also called the vitamin of beauty. It is found in walnuts, pistachios, peanuts and almonds.

Zinc regulates the work of the sebaceous glands. Therefore, if you start eating asparagus, oysters, herring, bran, then the skin will become much faster to clean. An element like zinc slows the process of sebum production.

Vitamin B is responsible for the enzymatic processes. It is found in cabbage, beans, cheese, some cereals (wheat and buckwheat), soy and beans. A good rule of thumb is to eat buckwheat porridge with fruit.

Diet with acne. What you can not eat?

Do not use:

  • chips;
  • sweets;
  • crackers;
  • Fatty foods;
  • A lot of bread.

Do not think that a diet against acne implies a complete rejection of tasty and favorite foods. There are also delicious dishes. Only during cooking, try to add as little salt, spices and fats as possible. It is best to cook for a couple. So you save more vitamins in your food.

It is worth remembering that each person is individual, so the diet for acne is made up personally. In the process it is necessary to take into account the stage of the development of the disease, the characteristics of the organism, the accompanying diseases.

Useful dishes for acne

For example, with such a diet, you can cook beef with vegetables, steamed fish, porridge on water or milk. It is also useful to use a beauty salad, which consists of beans (boiled), tomato, onions. Season the dish with olive oil.


Periodically it is useful to arrange unloading days on vegetables or fruits. After them, it is worth switching to a balanced diet, excluding harmful food and drink (cake, condiments, smoked products, sausages and others).

If you can not completely eliminate the acute food, then try to eat more dishes with garlic, ginger, lemon and parsley. Why is that? Because these are very useful products. Lemon, for example, neutralizes the effect of fats. It is useful to drink sometimes a decoction of parsley. Using it every day, you forget about puffiness. Also, the decoction removes acne, brightens the skin, strengthens the immune system. The usual white bread should be replaced with rye bread. It contains a large number of B6.

Forget about unplanned snacks. Intervals between meals should be three to four hours. Drink more water, it restores cells and removes toxins.

Menu for the first four days

We told you what a diet is for acne. The menu for the next week will be considered. First, let's say that you can eat the first four days.

The first is to have breakfast muesli (without sugar) with medium-fat milk. Then you should drink a cup of herbal tea. Lunch - pea soup on a broth from low-fat beef, two slices of bread of a rough grinding. For a snack, apple juice (about 200 ml) and one pear. For dinner, eat vegetable salad (100 grams), 150 grams of low-fat baked fish and bread. Also drink a cup of green tea. The second dinner is a glass of yogurt and two unsweetened cookies (for example, "Maria" or "Napoleon").

On the second day for breakfast, green tea and cottage cheese with crushed dried fruits and nuts. The main course should not be more than 150 grams. For lunch - light borscht. You can add low-fat sour cream and a slice of grain bread. Supplement the lunch with 200 ml of pomegranate juice and two medium-sized plums. For dinner, buckwheat porridge (100 g) and goulash from low-fat beef (also 100 g). Supplement the dishes one tomato, orange juice and a slice of rye bread. If you are hungry, then you can arrange a second dinner, which will consist of herbal tea and 100 grams of fruit salad from kiwi, bananas (immature) and apples.

Breakfast of the third day consists of two toasts of cereal bread, oatmeal in milk and green tea. The soup of lean fish, a slice of rye bread, cucumber, a glass of tomato juice is your lunch. For dinner, stewed vegetables (gram about 150), herbal tea, one apple, two slices of coarse bread. The second dinner should consist of two hundred milliliters of unsweetened drinking yogurt, two pieces of unsweetened biscuits.

The fourth day also begins with breakfast, which consists of two leaves of lettuce, green tea, two boiled eggs and three toasts. For lunch, eat 150 grams of chicken boiled breast. Supplement meat with vegetable salad (100 grams), with two pieces of rye bread. For a dessert, drink mineral water and eat one peach. For dinner, cook brown rice (serving 100 grams). Add garnish with baked lean fish (100 g), cucumber. For dinner, also drink grapefruit juice (two hundred milliliters). If you get hungry, before going to bed, drink biochefere (200 ml) and eat one toast.

Menu on the fifth-seventh days

When the four days of the diet is behind, you can not stop. It is necessary to sustain at least a week. Menu on the remaining days further.

Breakfast of the fifth day is exactly the same as on the third day. You can replace oatmeal with buckwheat. For dinner, cabbage soup with chicken broth with fresh cabbage, a slice (or two) of rye flour and apple juice. For dinner today, a vegetable stew with beef (lean). The portion should be about two hundred grams. Also for dinner is served tea, a slice (you can two) of grain bread and two tangerines. If you get hungry a few hours before going to bed, then eat one hundred grams of fruit salad from apricot, apples and bananas (unripe) and drink a glass of mineral water.

Breakfast on the sixth day consists of an omelette, two toasted breads and tea. For lunch, chicken soup with vermicelli (a small plate), cucumber, two tomatoes, a glass of orange juice and a couple of slices of rye bread. For dinner, barley porridge (a small portion), plus a steak cutlet from beef and Bulgarian pepper. You can drink it all with a cup of fragrant herbal tea. The second dinner consists of cookies (three pieces) and ryazhenka (one glass).

The seventh day, start with cereal from 5 cereals in milk (a serving should be equal to 150 grams), green tea and toast. For lunch, a slice of bread, ear, 100 grams of vegetable salad. For dessert plum juice (one glass) and medium-sized orange. Dinner is pilaf from brown rice and chicken (150 grams serving), 100 grams of vinaigrette, mineral water and a slice of rye bread. The second dinner consists of an apple, pear and herbal tea.

Diet with acne. Reviews

The girls who tested this diet say that it is effective. After the diet was removed from the diet, noticed improvements. Just a week of eating the girls saw a good change on the skin. They say that acne will disappear completely, certainly not in seven days. It is impossible to name the term exactly, as everyone has his own organism.


Now you know what the diet is for acne, we also reviewed the menu for the week. We hope that this information was useful and interesting for you. We wish you to forget about skin problems and always remain beautiful!

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