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Diet "Six petals": reviews, menu and working principle

There are not many girls who have never sat on a diet. If you are reading this article, then for sure this word is familiar to you firsthand. And if there were a lot of diets, then by your experience you can make sure that sooner or later they stop working. Weight rises, and we have to look for new ways to lose weight. That's why it's important to alternate diets until you achieve the ideal weight and size. The next system is designed in this way, and this diet is called "Six petals." Reviews about it are very impressive, so try it!

Who invented a diet of six petals?

The diet is developed by the famous dietician from Sweden - Anna Johansson. That is why you can not worry about its benefits to the body and, of course, efficiency. This is a short-term meal plan designed for 6 days, for which you are promised a weight loss of up to 5 kg. Impressive, right? Every day you will have a new diet, which is built on mono products. There are only six, so the "Six Petals" diet, which inspires reviews , has this name. Let's figure out how this diet works.

The essence of the diet: alternation of protein and carbohydrate monodney

The main principle of a diet is a separate food. That is, during the day you eat only carbohydrate or protein foods. Naturally, in each of them there are all three elements, including fats (although they are not contained in all products), but their number is minimal compared to the main one. Due to this, digestion is easier and faster, and the process of losing weight improves. So, what kind of diet presupposes a six-petal diet? The menu, whose reviews are mostly enthusiastic, include the following products: fish, vegetables, chicken, cereals, cottage cheese and fruit. Agree, all this is very tasty and useful. One food you eat throughout the day, and the next day, go to a new one. And alternate them in exactly the described sequence, due to which the effectiveness of the diet increases. Navrnyaka, you noticed that protein days are replaced by carbohydrates, and this is an ideal situation for burning fat.

The diet of each "petal" diet

So, what allows you to eat and drink the "Six Petals" diet? Reviews of her diet confirm its effectiveness. Clean water and green tea, black coffee are allowed every day (although the author advises against it). In addition, in small quantities, you can use seasonings, salt and greens. The latter, by the way, helps to cleanse the body. The rest of the products depend on the day of the diet. On the first, fish day, you eat fish: baked, boiled or cooked. The second day you eat any vegetables in raw, baked or stewed. The only thing is to exclude potatoes, carrots and beets. On a chicken day, your diet is chicken breast for a couple or in the oven. The fourth day will consist of the most delicious cereals: any porridges boiled on the water, sprouted sprouts, bread and sunflower seeds in small quantities. The fifth and sixth days are very tasty. First it's cottage cheese medium fat and a little milk, and then juicy and sweet fruits, which after almost a week's restriction seem particularly tasty. This ends the diet "Six petals." Reviews about it will now be replenished and your opinion. Are you satisfied with the result?

Motivation for those who go on a diet

During this time, the body will not only lose weight, but the body will also be purified. Such food significantly facilitates the digestive process and does not create difficulties for burning fat stores. The alternation of different products does not allow the body to include an economy-mode, because every day it receives new nutrients and vitamins for its work. And to make the diet easier, you can try the following psychological method. For each day, draw and cut a petal from the paper with the name and number of the day and make a flower out of them. In total there should be six petals. The weight loss testimonies confirm that, tearing off the petal every day, you will feel that you are closer to winning and do not want to drop a diet. Try it, and you will definitely succeed.

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