HealthDiseases and Conditions

Bronchial asthma: causes and methods of treatment

The organs of the respiratory system are primarily exposed to attacks of foreign agents, whether they be viruses or bacteria. Therefore, almost everyone has their diseases. But some of them are quite harmless and with timely treatment quickly pass and do not cause complications, but there are quite serious ones with which a person has to live his whole life. This includes bronchial asthma. The causes and methods of treatment of this ailment will be considered further.

What is this pathology?

Asthma refers to serious diseases of the respiratory system. Recently, such a diagnosis is found more often - affects bad ecology, lifestyle and many more reasons.

This disease belongs to the group of pathologies of immunoallergic origin, which develops as a result of noninfectious inflammatory process in the respiratory system. Asthma has distinctive signs, among which the main place is occupied by attacks of suffocation. It is characterized by a chronic course, progressively progressing with the development of periodic seizures.

This pathology develops as a result of a combination of many factors, so it can be noted that the causes of asthma are quite diverse.

What factors trigger the development of the disease

Among all the factors that can be noted are those that are provocateurs of an attack, and some are able to constantly support the inflammatory process in the bronchi. In all patients this is purely individual, but we can distinguish the following causes of asthma in adults:

  1. Genetic predisposition. If there are relatives in the family, and even more so, the parents suffering from this disease, the risk of developing it in the child is significantly increased. This kind of pathology is atopic in nature, it is rather difficult to trace provoking factors.
  2. The impact of harmful production factors, which include: hot or cold air, chemicals, dust and many others.
  3. The presence of bronchitis in a chronic form can also provoke the development of asthma.
  4. Frequent viral and bacterial infections of the respiratory tract.
  5. Unfavorable ecological situation. It is noted that the inhabitants of villages and villages suffer this pathology much less often.
  6. The presence of bad habits and, in the first place, smoking.
  7. Dust mites, which are present in huge quantities in house dust. Where you can also find many allergens in the form of animal hair, chemicals. On the street is added pollen of plants.
  8. Medications, which also can easily become provocateurs of the development of the disease.

Not all patients have the same causes of bronchial asthma. They are established as a result of the examination, and only after that therapy is prescribed.

The causes of bronchial asthma in children

The child's organism is even more vulnerable to various external and internal factors, therefore asthma can develop for many reasons:

  1. Hereditary predisposition to allergic manifestations. If one of the parents has such a pathology, then the health of the baby should be treated more closely. It is better to immediately discuss everything with a doctor to prevent the development of the disease.
  2. Quite often, children with asthma triggers infectious diseases of the respiratory tract, frequent acute respiratory infections, colds, bronchitis. Pathogens easily change the bronchial mucosa, so it becomes easily susceptible to various allergens.
  3. Children often cause the development of asthma are various allergens that enter the body. First of all, these are dust mites from house dust, plant pollen, animal hair, medicines. Babies can begin with everything from food allergies.
  4. If there is already a predisposition to the disease, then an attack can have a physical effect on the body: hypothermia, sudden temperature changes, increased physical stress. The disease is a tricky asthma. The reasons for the occurrence of psychological can be, when a child develops an attack on the background of stress, fright or excitement.
  5. Often doctors recommend that parents with asthma change the baby's place of residence, because the polluted city air constantly provokes new attacks.
  6. Smoking parents, especially in the presence of a child, may also be responsible for the development of this pathology.
  7. Doctors have such a notion as "aspirin asthma", which occurs on "Aspirin". The drug itself does not belong to allergens, but provokes the release of substances that cause spasm of the bronchi.
  8. Some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract can also cause asthma. This includes: dysbacteriosis, gastritis, stool disorders.

At the first suspicions on the development of the disease, it is necessary to show the child to the doctor.

The first harbingers of bronchial asthma

This insidious disease can torment a person all his life. The success of therapy depends entirely on the timely detection of the disease. Therefore, it is very important to be able to distinguish the first bells that may indicate an approaching pathology.

  1. Appearance of shortness of breath or choking, which develops against a background of complete well-being, for example, at night or during rest. This condition can develop after physical exertion, inhalation of tobacco smoke or pollen of plants. Most importantly, the attack always develops suddenly.
  2. The appearance of a dry cough. He often accompanies dyspnoea and is unproductive. The man wants to clear his throat, but he can not.
  3. Superficial breathing, in which it is impossible to make a full exhalation.
  4. When breathing, rattling wheezing appears, which is often audible even to a person standing next to each other.

All these symptoms can appear for a very short time, and then disappear and do not bother for a long time, and it does not matter what causes asthma in adults.

Signs of asthma

It has already been noted that this disease is characterized by its periodic bouts. If the diagnosis is already confirmed asthma, the causes are identified, then every patient should be ready for the periodic manifestation of the disease.

Despite the suddenness of the attack, it is always possible to note some symptoms-precursors:

  • There is some anxiety.
  • Irritability.
  • Weakness.
  • Drowsiness and apathy may occur.
  • Tachycardia.
  • There may be nausea and vomiting.
  • Redness of the face.

All these signs can be observed 2-3 days before the attack.

If harbingers of an attack occur at any time, then the attack itself often begins at night, although not always. In the respiratory act, many muscle groups are involved, you can observe the retraction of supraclavicular and subclavian spaces, which indicates difficulties with breathing.

Breathing is noisy and on exhalation a quiet whistle is heard, the body temperature remains within the norm. The attack can last up to several hours and has its own stages with characteristic symptoms:

  1. At the first stage, the attack proceeds quite easily, many patients do not even turn to the doctor, gradually getting used to discomfort. Breath noisy and weak, rattles are not listened.
  2. In the second stage of the attack, the attack leads to a serious breathing disorder, which can result in respiratory failure. The pulse increases, blood pressure decreases, the general condition of the patient worsens. A hypoxic coma may develop.
  3. The third stage is dangerous full decompensation and a rather high risk of death. For this stage of the attack is characterized by: progressive hypoxia, tachycardia, dyspnea and loss of consciousness.

Post-attack period also has its signs:

  • General weakness.
  • Low blood pressure.
  • Gradual normalization of breathing.
  • At exhalation rattling can still be heard.

If the causes of asthma in adults are identified, then using the instrumental diagnosis it is necessary to establish the stage of the disease in order to select the appropriate treatment.

How to recognize asthma in children

Now doctors note the increase in the number of patients with this pathology, which is a worry, because this is a large number of children among them. Parents with a careful attitude to the health of their baby can suspect the disease at the very beginning of its development by some characteristic signs:

  • Periodically, breathing becomes wheezy and difficult.
  • There is a cough, especially at night.
  • Zalozhennost in the chest after exercise or during colds.
  • After contact with allergens, a cough appears.

In order not to miss the development of a serious pathology with the first symptoms it is necessary to visit a specialist.

Symptoms of asthma in a child

The causes of asthma in children are examined, but are there differences in manifestations? An attack of this disease in a child often has the following symptoms:

  • Feeling of lack of air.
  • In the chest appears heaviness and stuffiness.
  • The baby breathes noisily, breathing can be heard even from a distance. Appear wheezing wheezes in exhalation.
  • An excruciating cough, when sputum is difficult to get off.
  • Often the child sits down and leans on his hands during an attack, with the shoulders raised and the head retracted.

If the baby is diagnosed with asthma, the causes of the occurrence no longer play a role, most importantly, parents should know how to help the child at this moment. If the seizures develop often, the brain may lack oxygen, and this is fraught with a lag in development.

Once, after experiencing this condition, the child begins to fear the threat of a new attack.

Children become vulnerable, emotionally labile, neurosis is formed, and disinhibition appears.

Differential diagnosis of asthma

Sometimes, even the most experienced specialists hardly distinguish bronchitis from asthma. But the correctness of therapy depends on this. Bronchitis and bronchial asthma have characteristic differences, which are presented in the table.


Chronical bronchitis


Course of the disease

The disease is lethargic with periodic exacerbations.

The course is characterized by the appearance of sudden attacks, in which the patient's condition worsens dramatically.

The provoking factors

Viruses and bacteria, hypothermia, coughing can be triggered by physical activity.

The ingestion of allergens in the body can develop a sudden attack after a load.


It happens only in severe conditions.

Each attack is characterized by shortness of breath.


It is a constant symptom, even during remission of the disease. Alternate dry and wet cough.

The cough is always dry and always accompanies the attack.


Periodically it can go up.

Remains within the limits of the norm.

Usually only in the first stages of development of bronchial asthma and chronic bronchitis there are fundamental differences. If pathologies occur for a long time, they are united under the common name "chronic obstructive pulmonary disease."

Therapy of bronchial asthma

We examined what asthma is, the symptoms, the causes of the disease are also studied, but the main question arises, but can you completely cure this ailment? The answer to it will depend on the severity of the illness.

The disease must be treated in stages, and therapy implies:

  1. Drug treatment.
  2. Changing the power mode.
  3. Use of recipes of traditional medicine.

All therapy should be prescribed only by a doctor.

Treatment with medicines

Therapy with medication means the use of tablets and injections, which, with regular use, restore the normal functioning of the respiratory system. The list of drugs usually includes:

  • Glucocorticosteroids, for example, "Acolat".
  • Xanthines, among which often on the table of asthmatics you can see "Theopek" and "Neofillin."
  • Monoclonal antibodies: "Closar".

Tablets and injections are not suitable for emergency care, which is simply necessary during an attack. For this purpose, inhalers are used. They help to ease the attack of suffocation and must always be with you.

Doctors recommend using the following:

  • "Berotek".
  • "Berodual."
  • Atroven.
  • "Symbicort."
  • Intal and others.

These funds are suitable not only for emergency care, but also for regular use.

Diet in bronchial asthma

If there are chronic pathologies, which include asthma, then you need not only to use medicines, but also to revise the lifestyle and diet.

For patients who have asthma, the reasons for its occurrence are no longer so important. The main thing is to reduce the likelihood of an attack. In this regard, you need to adhere to the following recommendations in nutrition:

  • Reduce the consumption of sugar and salt.
  • Reduce the amount of baked goods and sweet confectionery.
  • Eat only one-day dairy products.
  • From the first dishes are recommended vegetable soups, broth on beef.
  • Porridge, better cooked on water.
  • Vegetables and fruits, not capable of provoking an allergic reaction.
  • White bread, but not rich.
  • Boiled potatoes.

Folk recipes for the treatment of asthma

Completely to get rid of such pathology as bronchial asthma, people's treatment can not, but to weaken seizures and their frequency is quite within his power. You can use the following recipes at home:

  1. Use the pollen of rye, which must be collected during flowering. It is necessary to prepare an infusion of a glass of pollen and 0.5 liters of alcohol, insist 3 weeks in a dark place and take before eating a teaspoon.
  2. Ginger powder proved to be good. We need 400 grams to insist on 1 liter of alcohol 2 weeks, strain and take two times a day for 1 tsp.
  3. The propolis also has its effect. It is necessary to take 20 grams of raw material and pour 80 ml of alcohol, insist 7 days and strain. Use 30 minutes before eating 20 drops, previously diluted with water or milk.

It should be understood that the use of traditional methods of treatment should be only after consulting a doctor. Do not engage in self-medication, it is fraught with complications and worsening of the condition.

Bronchial Asthma, the causes of which can be any, is a serious pathology, which should not be taken lightly. If at the appearance of the first harbingers of the disease to visit a doctor, then coping with the disease is much easier.

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