
Allergic reactions, the causes of their occurrence and ways of treatment

One of the most common ailments among the population of our planet is today allergic reactions. A sharp hypersensitivity of the body to some external irritant leads to the fact that a person is included immunological mechanisms, as a result of which there may be a rash, redness of skin areas, shortness of breath, coughing and so on. Symptoms of allergies are very many, and at different times they can manifest themselves in different ways.

To determine the propensity of a person for allergic diseases requires a fairly complex complex diagnosis, which includes physical examination, anamnesis, in vitro and in vivo techniques. A protective reaction to an external stimulus can manifest itself in different age and social groups, and allergens (antigens that cause allergies) can be contained in various organs of the human body. Any allergic reactions are a consequence of atypical manifestations, when an antibody of IgE type, including the immunological system, appears in a person. By the way, the allergy as a whole is a consequence of a significant weakening of human immunity, however in the modern world it is impossible to connect these manifestations exclusively with immunity. Due to eating foods that contain preservatives, thickeners, stabilizers and colorants, the human body gradually develops a predisposition to allergies to chemical components, as a result of which one day a person may develop an allergy.

At small children enough allergic rash on the face is often enough, however it is not necessary to be afraid of it. In a small organism, there is still no sustained immunity to a certain category of foods, and therefore foods such as cow milk, honey, cherries, nuts, and others can cause at first a rash allergy. In addition, rejection may also appear in relation to some clothing and hygiene items (diapers). Fortunately, in young children, in most cases, these allergic reactions are temporary and after a while pass.

Despite the high level of medicine development, complex antibody production processes are not fully understood today, as a result not all medications can help in overcoming this or that allergy. This is due to a wide range of possible reactions that can occur on any component of the allergenic product. In the biological study of substances found in various foods, it was found that the allergen-IgE is found in most of them. Due to the different composition of this antibody, the organism in some cases can manifest a reaction to its presence, and in other cases it does not.

It is noteworthy that sometimes allergic reactions can be a consequence of the hypersensitivity of the organism to any drug. And since in this case the immunological mechanisms do not manifest themselves, attributing this to allergies is not entirely true.

In conclusion, we should say a few words about such trouble as allergic eczema, which manifests itself in the hypersensitive reaction of the organism to an external stimulus. As a result, small wounds in the form of a rash may appear on the human body. Some people think that eczema is contagious, but it's completely wrong. Eczema is an acute chronic skin disease, which is of a neuro-allergic nature.

Summing up, it should be emphasized that in case of any allergic reaction it is necessary to immediately carry out a thorough medical examination, according to which the doctor will be able to provide his recommendations regarding the correct complex treatment.

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