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Appearance of Bazarov. Description of Bazarov's appearance. Characteristics of Bazarov

Art is a reflection of life. The main subject of study and images in all its spheres is a person, his inner experiences and external features, actions and behavior.

The concept of portrait

The description of the appearance of a person with sufficiently precise details is called a portrait. The word came to us from the Old French language and is translated literally as "reproduction of a feature in the devil." The image can be both real and fictional, as it is now living, and that existed once. In addition, the portrait depicts one person or a group of people. This is done by various artistic means, therefore the portrait genre exists in such kinds of art as painting, graphics, sculpture, engraving, photography, literature, cinema. Each of them has its own set of "working tools". The term "portrait" has a wide and narrow meaning. Narrow refers to the transfer of only the external data of the individual, and the broad includes an image of the character traits, the emotional mood, the social position of the model.

Portrait in literature

Virtually no epic literary work can not do without acting characters - heroes. And even if the writer does not tell us about the color of Onegin's eyes, on other, sufficiently expressive details, we imagine his face in imagination. When creating a portrait in a literary work , the writer's task is to reveal not only individual, but also typical character traits. Another function of the description of appearance is the expression of the author's attitude to the hero, the transfer of the ideological and semantic nuances of the work (for example, Bazarov's appearance from Turgenev's novel). Therefore, the literary portrait consists of such details: figure, face, facial expressions, gestures, clothes, manner of movement, talking, etc. Writers use either static or dynamic portraits. With reference to Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons" static images are Kukshina, Sitnikova, Fenechka. A dynamic, i.e. Developing in time - Bazarov.

Portrait at Turgenev

Turgenev is rightfully considered the master of the psychological portrait. Describing this or that character, he selects such talking details that almost a cinematic effect is achieved. The means of the image is, of course, the word. Vocabulary of different stylistic layers, expressive means (epithets, metaphors, special speech constructions, syntactic models) is such a tool of the writer with whom he is masterfully mastered. Let us prove this by analyzing Bazarov's appearance.

Appearance and origin

Yevgeny Vasilyevich Bazarov - the main character of the novel "Fathers and Sons", works of significant and controversial, which caused the rupture of the writer with the magazine "Contemporary". Serious controversy, unfolding around the figure of a young nihilist, proved how relevant the novel and its characters turned out to be. So, what is remarkable about Bazarov's appearance? First, it directly points to its not a noble origin. The hero's hands are not wearing gloves, but naked, weather-beaten, with red rough skin. It can be seen that he does not avoid physical labor, "dirty" work. Where there is a hero to the esthete of Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov with his snow-white cuffs, pure perfumed hands and polished nails! "Plebeystvo" gives not only the appearance of Bazarov, but his clothes. More precisely, the "clothes", as he calls his summer hoodie. If we take into account the fact that Turgenev's portraits are often given indirectly, it is enough to recall with what disdain his Prokofych, the old servant of the Kirsanovs, takes over their views and ideology. Thus, the appearance of Yevgeny Bazarov once again emphasizes, on the one hand - its raznochinennost, and on the other - the alienity of everything that makes up the daily life of the inhabitants of the "nest of aristocrats".

The hero's uncommon character

Creating a portrait of his hero, Turgenev in every way tries to emphasize its ambiguity, feature. Yevgeny Vasilyevich is ugly, but anyone who sees him can not help paying attention. This and interesting characteristics of Bazarov. Appearance emphasizes his dignity, without hiding, however, shortcomings. So, how does the author draw it? Eugene's high growth is evident in the eye, an obvious physical strength. Long, rarest hair does not hide the unevenness of a large skull. Sandy sideburns emphasize leanness. Greenish eyes are large, expressive. The voice is lazy, but courageous. The face is calm and somewhat gloomy is illuminated by a smile and expresses the mind and self-confidence. As we see, in the portrait characteristic, the writer uses the method of contrast, and before us comes a really extraordinary person, "special", as Arkady Kirsanov speaks about him. Nedvoryanska appearance, the origin of Bazarov - everything is interconnected here. Democratism, strength of character, will and determination, however, well-held - that's what we read between the lines in the portrait characterization of the character.

Movement of the soul

As already mentioned, the portraits in the works of IS Turgenev are psychological, dynamic. The author through changes in appearance transmits the most secret movements of the soul, emotional shades, mood swings. Here are the arguments of the heroes-antagonists in the novel. Evgenia is alien to the Kirsanovs, especially Pavel Petrovich. The aristocratic habits of the latter annoy the young nihilist. But, realizing that no one is sharing his convictions, Yevgeny Bazarov is trying to behave quite restrained. Description of his appearance, mimic movements and changes in the position of the body during conversations reflect a gradual heat of passion, anger and other emotions. Thus, Turgenev often notes that Eugene speaks or answers "boldly," with "special insolence." His face acquires a "copper and coarse color." It often flashes a contemptuous smile. But the movements of the hero's soul are especially strong when the author describes his inner conflict.

Love story and portrait characteristics

Those who carefully read the novel, probably paid attention to this feature. Yevgeny Vasilievich seems to us a rather harsh, harsh, well-hidden person. He laughs at everything that is at least a bit beyond rationalism. Physician, physiologist, chemist, i.e. A follower of natural sciences, a hero and in human relationships sees only physiological processes. He does not recognize love as a manifestation of higher spirituality. Struck by the beauty of Odintsov, he says: "Such a rich body, even in the anatomical theater." However, feeling a sincere and deep passion for Anna Sergeyevna, Evgeny lost weight, his profile sharpened, the movements became restless. Particularly full of emotions was the scene of the explanation of the heroes. And their last meeting, when the Base The ditch says goodbye to Odintsov, is also very touching and picturesque. His face is "dead", "inflamed", eyes "cloudy". They reflect "a shudder of horror."

Comparison of Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov and Yevgeny Bazarov

Readers of the novel will be much clearer Bazarov (appearance, origin, education), if you compare them with the main opponent of the hero - Pavel Petrovich. For the aristocrat Kirsanov, the friend of his nephew - "this hairy," "plebeian and cynic." He is outraged by the manner in which the guest behaves: Pavel Petrovich suspects that Eugene, the "son of a son", does not respect him! The way it is. And at the reception of contrast, the writer shows how different the characters are.

As we have seen, portrait is an important means of characterization.

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