HealthDiseases and Conditions

Dysbacteriosis in children: symptoms, consequences and treatment

Each parent in his life at least once heard the word "dysbiosis". But what kind of disease is this, in what way is it manifested and how dangerous is it for small children? About this and talk.

Let's start with how dysbiosis manifests in children. Symptoms of the disease are as follows:

- the first, easy stage - a bad appetite, irritability of the baby,

- the second - restless sleep, frequent crying from colic, regurgitation, vomiting, weight loss, bloating,

- at the third stage, the liver increases in size, constipation begins, or the stool becomes liquid, acquires a rotten smell and a green tint,

The last stage is chronic diarrhea.

Very often with dysbiosis, skin rashes appear, and immunity decreases. Such children are more likely to suffer from colds and suffer from chronic diseases.

Let's find out what is dysbiosis in children under one year old. Normally in healthy children, the amount of normal intestinal microflora always prevails over the pathogen. With a sharp change in diet, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as a result of the weakening of the whole organism due to illness, after treatment with antibiotics that suppress pathogens, and with them beneficial bacteria in the intestines of the baby, the pathogenic microflora begins to predominate over the normal, and as a result There is a dysbacteriosis in the baby.

What is dangerous dysbiosis in children? Symptoms, if you do not pay attention to them, eventually develop into a real problem, so treatment must begin in a timely manner. The digestive system of the baby, if not treated with dysbacteriosis, can not absorb the necessary vitamins - iron, calcium, etc., along with food. The intestine due to dysbacteriosis is constantly irritated by remnants of food, not digested until the end. For this reason, the baby is tortured by colic and bloating. If the dysbacteriosis is not treated, then it can develop into colitis or inflammation of the small intestine, which is terrifying by the non-digestion of food and the violation of its absorption.

How to treat a dysbacteriosis? If the child is breastfeeding, the mother needs to revise her diet and exclude products that promote fermentation. Sharply limit yourself is not necessary, you need to ensure that the food was balanced. If the baby eats the mixture, you need to switch to sour-milk or containing prebiotics or probiotics, which contribute to the formation of the correct intestinal microflora. In general, the treatment scheme is individually composed by a pediatrician, he will select the appropriate drugs. Children are usually prescribed drugs containing probiotics, since they are now designed specifically for babies from birth, sometimes special enzymes are added to the treatment complex to digest food.

If you want your child to grow up healthy and happy, you need to follow certain rules to reduce the risk of such a dangerous ailment as a dysbacteriosis in children. Symptoms can not appear immediately, so you can skip the initial stage of the disease, when it can be easily eliminated without special consequences for the fragile organism. So, to preventive maintenance concerns:

- early application to the breast, because the body of the newborn is able to digest only the mother's breast milk, besides applying to the breast immediately after birth contributes to the formation of the right amount of beneficial bacteria in the intestines of the baby,

- thorough hygiene of the breast and nipples - before applying, it is necessary to wipe with a sterile napkin napkin and areola,

- after feeding it is necessary to hold the child upright so that he will regurgitate excess.

Be sure to contact a specialist if you suspect a dysbiosis in children, you may not notice symptoms, but if the child is weak, poorly eating and having digestive problems, this is an alarm. Do not experiment and do self-medication at home, because it is unknown how a fragile organism will react to drugs.

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