Health, Medicine
Wrist joint: norm and pathology
The wrist joint is one of the components of a complex hand joint. This is a two-joint joint, the shape of the articular surfaces is ellipsoidal. Movement in it is possible in the sagittal plane, that is, flexion and extension, in the frontal plane - retraction and reduction, circular.
The wrist joint includes a wide and thin capsule, the upper edge of which is attached to the radial bone and the articular disc, and the lower one to the articular surfaces of the first row of wrist bones. The capsule is strengthened on all sides by ligaments.
The projection of the wrist joint gap is an arcuate line connecting the styloid processes of the ulna and radius bone.
On the palmar surface, the wrist joint has two synovial vaginas for the flexor tendons of the fingers, more superficially above them is a flexor retention ligament. On the opposite side are the extensor tendons enclosed in six synovial vaginas, and the extensor retainer is also more superficially present.
The wrist joint has anatomical and topographical landmarks. These include: the head of the ulna, the lobe of the Lister (located on the radius bone), the styloid processes of both bones, the pea bones, the "anatomical" snuffbox, in the proximal part of which is the styloid process of the radial bone, the joint grooves (proximal, distal and posterior).
Different processes can change the normal anatomical relationship of parts of the joint. In the study, it is necessary to pay attention to the skin condition: the color and safety of its pattern, as well as the preservation of the physiological dimensions of the joint, the configuration, and the state of the anatomical and topographical landmarks already indicated. Also much can say the state of the palmar aponeurosis, tendons, muscles of the hand and forearm. It is necessary to examine both joints simultaneously.
Often there is such a pathology as the hygroma of the wrist joint, which is a tumor-like cyst like formation.
How does she look? This formation forms an uneven skin blister, in diameter which can reach very large sizes - a few centimeters. The hygroma is filled with a jelly-like mass, which causes a sharp pain when touching it. The hygroma is formed from the joint itself. Provoking factors can be a variety of reasons: increased physical activity, trauma and so on. Often there is a hygroma on the back side, however, it can occur both on the finger flexor muscles and on the inner surface of the hand joint . The hygroma disrupts the normal functioning of the joint, causes severe pain, so it must be treated. The most effective method is surgical treatment.
Often by carelessness, there is a fracture of the wrist joint. The most common is a fracture of the radius in its distal end, which is also called the Collis fracture. It occurs when you fall on a forward arm with a support on the hand, most often found in women in old age.
Treatment of fractures is carried out in a standard way: either by a conservative method-the imposition of gypsum, or by the operative method-metal-osteosynthesis is used.
If the right and timely help is not provided, contractures of the joint can develop , which cause a subsequent restriction in the joint movements associated with scar changes in the joint capsule, tendons and muscles, and severe pain. Therefore, any injuries must be treated as early as possible. Timely rehabilitation allows avoiding complications.
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